ProRodeo Sports News - May 26, 2023
PRCA ProRodeo photo by Phil Doyle Riley Webb, shown at the 2022 Wrangler NFR, won $16,479 at last year’s Reno Rodeo on the way to his first NFR qualification.
Reno Rodeo kicks off all-important summer run Summer Success “I’m excited to get out there. . . . The goal for me is just to keep it rolling because there are so many good rodeos during the summer. All of us are waiting on those big rodeos right now.” – RILEY WEBB
BY TANNER BARTH N avigating the ProRodeo road can be tricky. The 365 day season runs fromOct. 1-Sept. 30, making it not a sprint, but a marathon. One of the most important stretches of that race is right around the corner. The all-important summer run kicks off with the Reno (Nev.) Rodeo, June 16-24. From that point on, millions of dollars will be up for grabs as cowboys navigate their way across the country. It’s an experience unlike any other. One that has rookie bull rider Jestyn Woodward licking his chops headed into June. “Last summer was a trial run for me as a permit holder,” said Woodward, who sits fifth in the PRCA | RAMWorld Standings. “I didn’t know how to plan out rodeos. So, I just entered here and there when I could. This year I’m going to have a plan in place to where I can hit as many rodeos and go to as many big rodeos as possible. It’s really exciting to know I’ll be constantly on the road.” It may be a casino town, but there’s not much gambling done by contestants at the Reno Rodeo. The event has been one of the highest paying in ProRodeo for decades, a year ago the rodeo paid out $693,561 to contestants. Tie-down roper Riley Webb was one of the major beneficiaries at the rodeo last season, earning $16,479 on his way to qualifying for his first Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. Webb went on to
ProRodeo Sports News 5/26/2023
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