ProRodeo Sports News - May 28, 2021


Why the late start to your PRCA career? Tuff: My wife and I started a family at an early age. I got them (the kids) where they are big enough to go (to rodeos) and that’s why I decided to do it. I wanted to make sure I was ready to go when I went out there. I rodeoed on my (PRCA) permit for a year and then I bought my PRCA card. What’s this season been like for you? Tuff: I’ve been chipping along here and there. I won money in Liberty Hill (Texas) and Andrews (Texas), and it’s been good. My goal is to win rookie of the year and to obviously make the (NFSR) if everything works out in my favor. That’s my goal every time I nod my head, win enough money to get to the Finals. That would be great. It would mean everything to me if I could win rookie of the year. That’s a lifelong goal I’ve had. I got a little later start, but I wasn’t going to let that slow me down. What horses are you using? Tuff: I’ve got two horses I’ve raised that I’m riding. One is Frank, 7, and my other horse is Tohbi, 6. I’ve been using both of them this year. Finding a horse good enough to win on is the hardest part, for sure. I’m proud of these two horses. When they were young, I knew they would make it. They have tried from Day 1 to do whatever I wanted them to do. I was a poor country kid who didn’t have any money, so I had to come make my own. I ranched on them and started tying steers on them, and they have become two pretty good horses that work for me. Did you do any other rodeo events growing up? Tuff: I did them all. I (tie-down) roped, team roped, bulldogged in college, rode roughstock, did a little bit of it all. What attracted you to steer roping? Steer roper Tuff Hardman, 29, got a late start in his rodeo career after he and his wife, Tori, started a family and had two daughters, Taylee, 7, and TyAnn, 3. The lifelong resident of Atoka, Okla., has raised two horses. Hardman, who bought his PRCA card in September, was leading the PRCA | Resistol Rookie Standings on May 25 with $7,485. His goal is to qualify for the National Finals Steer Roping.


Tuff: I tell you what, I just thought it was more of a cowboy type of (event), and it’s hard to find people to team rope with. I like to rope calves and I like to rope horns, and I just put it all together and roped steers. It’s the most challenging event in rodeo I’ve ever done for sure. You have to put in more work than the next guy and you have to figure out how to keep your horses working when you’re on the road. What’s your home set up like? Tuff: I have a ranch in Atoka. We have a cow-calf (operation), and we also raise Charolais bulls. My daughters go with me every day on the ranch, and they go hunting with me. What’s your favorite restaurant? Tuff: Probably Texas Roadhouse. I get steak and sweet tea. Do you have a favorite candy? Tuff: I’m a Reese’s (Peanut Butter Cup) man. What’s your go-to movie? Tuff: “The Cowboys” with John Wayne. I’ve seen that movie a couple hundred times. What show have you watched way too much with your children? Tuff: I’ve watched “Mulan” with them several hundred times.

Do you have a favorite sports team? Tuff: Oklahoma State University Cowboys. What cowboy would you pay to watch? Tuff: There are so many of them. It’s hard to pick one. I have several I look up to, but I would say Trevor Brazile for sure. He would probably be my No. 1.

What was the make of your first car? Tuff: A 1991 First Gen Dodge. When you’re not rodeoing what do you enjoy doing? Tuff: I hunt hogs. I hunt hogs with dogs quite a bit. I don’t really guide, I just hunt a lot on these ranches right here (in Atoka) for the farmers to keep the hogs out of their hayfields. I do a lot of hunting in the wintertime. We are overrun with hogs around here. They are Russian Wild Boar. What type of music do you like listening to? Tuff: Old country. My favorites are Merle Haggard and George Jones.

ProRodeo Sports News 5/28/2021


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