ProRodeo Sports News - May 31, 2019
Santos on the move Tie-down roper Taylor Santos, the 2016 all-around Rookie of the Year, is in search of his first bid to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. The Cres- ton, Calif., cowboy took another step in reaching that goal by winning the average at the Redding (Calif.) Rodeo with an 18.8-second time on two head. San- tos earned $4,293 at the Redding Rodeo and moved up to 10th in the PRCA | RAM World Standings. 2 Records set at the 2019 Redding Richmond Cham- pion did it with his 88-point ride on Big Stone Rodeo Inc.’s Hombre, surpassing the re- cord of 87 points. Saddle bronc rider Jake Watson also made history with an 88-point ride on Four Star Rodeo’s Wall Street. The previous record was an 87-point ride by Jacobs Crawley in 2018. (Calif.) Rodeo. Bareback rider
Matt Cohen photo
Rudy Switzer, from Morro Bay, Calif., won the two-head average with an 8.8-second time at Redding.
ProRodeo Sports News 5/31/2019
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