ProRodeo Sports News - Nov. 22, 2019
The number of team titles the South- eastern Circuit has won at Finals Ro- deo. That came in 1999 when the RAM NCFR was held at Holt Arena in Pocatel- lo, Idaho. 2 The the RAM National Circuit Finals Ro- deo titles saddle bronc rider Brad- ley Harter has won in a row. Harter also won average titles at the RAM Texas Cir- cuit Finals Rodeo in 2002, 2006 and 2014. number of RAM South- eastern Circuit
Mike Rastelli photo Tie-down roper Andrew Burks competes during the RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals Rodeo. Burks won the three- head average with a 27.2-second time. The $7,556 payday is the biggest of Burks’ PRCA career.
ProRodeo Sports News 11/22/2019
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