ProRodeo Sports News - November 17, 1999

44 o NOVEMBER 17 1



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tIS t OHIHAUSER. 2 circuit finols, '10 yrs. lenure ol severol rodeos. Pleose coll 18001 3 4687 02 ext. 2s 6 / i,303lr 7 5O7 0 1 7 2767 S. Porker rd. #176, Auroro, CO 80014. emoil: Dn LYNN PHilfPS, 3214 N Clevelod, Enid, OK 73703. 1580J2426585 lhomel, 1580)2423003 lofficel BOYD POtHAilUS: Pleose coll 1409)22- 9951 or 160812694138; 8300 Woodlords Rmd, Brenhom, TX 77833 JOHNNY POPE, (334)649.4399, 1601 N. fthillinger Rd., Semmes, A136575. ROD R:IISBURO - You coll, thots oll. Music, sound ond dependoble. 18881 558- l5Z3 or f208) 524.4559. Vidm woiloble. Remember "Rodeo with Rod' ldoho Folls, - 3X DNCFR, 3X CNFR, I lX circuit finols. P.O. Box 247 Srephenville, fi 76401 1254]1 9657998 JOHN SHIPIEY, NFSR, DNCFR, six cncuit finols ond 'the best references in the bosi- nes.' {800)262.5 I 50/1970]' 879-51 51 {office} or {970) 879"4066 {homel PO. Box 74066, Sleomboot Springs, CO 8047. ITRRY SI RNES - "The whole 9 yordsl' Sound, music, humor, excitemenf. The mosl for your money. W[e cmrdinotes opening ond is o PRCA timer 12541 8974171. Glen Roe, TX IANDY TAYIO& Professionol onnouncer PO. Box 241 9, Ropid Ciry S.D. For topes or references, pleose coll 16051923-6520. Thonk you. [et's Rodm! RICHARD TAST - One of the best kept smrets in pro onnouncing. ,,888|1 2268437 {pinlext 3839) 15051 6341321. PO. Box 846 Floro Visto, N.M. 87415 . ilCK WHftHEAD, P.O. Box 585, Seneco, MO 64865. Announcer- Auctioner. {4171 n64600. WAYNE WSE No slogons, No gimmicks, Just dorned good. 1204 3sth St. SW, lovelond, CO 80537. {920) 669-8684 ww.lovelondnet. com/rodm-voice - 1997 SE Circuit Finols Announcer. Pleose coll or FAX: {601)8548534, or wrile lo: 586 Hwy 481, Pelohorchie, Ms 39145 - Thonks. ldoho. RANDY SGHTVIUTZ COTTON YANCEY B.[RREI,MEN. BUI,LFIGETERS& CLOWNS ffi Borrelmon, Cooro light Buckin Truck, mony fillere. Wireless, pre-rodeo promo, 102 Brinkley Cir, Del Rio, TX 78840.1830|1775- I 5r'0 nlCK CHATTIIAN World Chomp on Bullfighter/Clown of the Yeor. High Fllng opening & skirs. coll 1817l'373.2546. CRAIG DAVIS: Premiere cowboy profec- lion willr internolionol experience. Promolion speciolist with closs. "No feon - Nerer quit" 19181 4974766 JEREIIIY DEZOnf - An explosiw & elechi- fyins rodm mobdor Coll {308) 5304083. P.O.Eox27. North Plotte, NE 69101. {3081 5325653. BRANDON DllNN. A rodm is never com- plete until the bullffghbr is DUNN. Cowboy pmtection / octs, bullfighr, promotions. PO. Box 1 12 Byers, 1X76357 1940|1 5294224 (3 r 61 68r"4629 DUS|I.Y ESSICK - Bullfighter/Rodm Clown. For Cowbov sovin' - Bull lumoin' Funl Booking roJeos & Wrongler Builfights for '99.2228 Hwy HH. Highlondville, MO 65669. l41n 4434203.

Mountoin Stotes Circuit Finols Bullfiohter. High energy cowboy protection. Excep:tionol pr+rodeo promo. 307 382-5269 307.356 9835. DONNY GREEN, Clown, Bonelmon, Cor Act, Gold Cord MemberKomloops, B.C. Moil to: PO Box 2263, Bofileground, WA 98604. 1360)687O299. "SHOIGUN" RODNEY GASTON. Speciohy oct/Bonelmon. Feoturing comedy romon riding ponys, trick mule, koined Brohomos ond clown cor, wireless mic. Fomily entertoinment. Coll 19721 5294n0. DWAYNE HAR@, Thre Amozin' Rozin" Prc rodm Clown/ Bullfigher Add o touch of color to your rodeo. {530)62O0321, 7180 ldlewild Rd., Somerret, CA 95684. BARRY "BOO'YI BOOIII" JOHNSON. Your 'Borel of louqhs" clown/bonelmon/bullfighter with ov; 20 ocls. Four circuir finols. {308) 534-4555. HC 35, Box 57. North Ploile, NE 69101. MICHAEL KENNEDY Professionol rodeo clown/ bullfighcn Filler octs & PR woiloble. Let me help your rodm be o success! 29108 Fletcher Ave, Elmwmd, NE 68349 l/021 9942262. ROOSIEn KEnSTEN, Funnymon, Bonelmon. Hilorious milihry ionk, top quolity onimol ocls. Highly professionol. Excellent recommendolions. Pleose coll 1307]'864- 2763. PO Box 407, Thermopolis, WY 82443. TED KIMZEY "Funny is my business" Quolity Acts. Rt2 Box 100 Strong City, OK 23628. (s801 4e7-2802 {H) {s80) 4eZ. 3730 Ronch BUTCH tEHrltKUHl.lR, The PRCAT 'Enterloiner wiilr i{re hompoline'. Tickle your crowd's foncy! Coll (308)5343205. 122 Northridge Cir Dr, North Plote, NE 69101. IlllKE llATT. 2X World Chompion Bullfighter. Coll {406} 8555986 or (6021 684-7263. GlZllO IIICCRACKEN, Comedy Rodeo Siyle - Bonelmon - Microphone plus comedy mixed with comedy to odd comedy, I DO COMEDY!!l Box 492, Wheoion, MO 6487 4. Phone 141V1652-7 51 8. BIII IICENANEY Comedy Speciolty Acts. Feoturing hick roping, minioiure hore & mule oct/lime mochine. Rodeo c'own wilh borel with greot wireless mic. Ro*ville, TN 1901) 853-9688. M Acis, Borrel, Pro Rodm Publ'city ond sdnrcr recruiling. Six-Time Greot lokei Chcuii Finqls Bullfighter. l43O Mqrlon Airport Rood. Morlon, lA 52302 1319]1854-7377. SCOTT "'UNKY KOT" MESSINA, Comedion Clown/Comedy 3orelmonfomily Entertoiner/ Shnd Up Comic with kick. 1423 Som Houston Ave. Hunlsville, IX77340 14091 29 L9064 or 97G3893888 lcelll ROB ltlES - Professionol bullfighting wl$ style.4239 G St, lincoln, NE 68510. (402) 3274820 JERRY NORTON. Promotions speciolist. Filler octs/one of o kind horsel New oge o&onced publicity. Now bmking for 1999- 2000! Mony dotes still open. Pleose coll 160s]|9968727 nm POPE, Clown/ Bonelmon, Bullfighter Gozillion octs lrcks greot, runs fosf, musl se! 246 Hermoso Acres Dr. Durongo, CO 8l 301. l9Z0) 259-2713 or l8l 2| 923- 8821. lor of fun, , 96, SC BRYAN HOPE - Sou*rern style, lots of loughs - P.O. Box 431 29666,1864]' 374757s.

mon. '98 Clom of he Yeor ond Cors Mon in fre Con. 560 Codv Lone, Sevenville, MT s9870.1406]|7V.2/16 DUANE REICHERL High schooled horse, Dr. Ben Krozy, comedy ombulonce, bonel- mon, slqge ond rhol progrom, publicity. HC81, Box 22, New Underwood, SD 57 76 1 . 160 5198 5-557 5 or 160 513 47 -57 9 3. DUSTY RHOADS: Bring Mogic ond loughler lo your oreno. Cowboy Church ser vices woiloble. Praodm publicily ond greot inierpemonol skills. Your compleie enlertoin- ment pockoge. Coll 18881 677-98n. THUNDEN. FN.OTVI DOWN UNDER,. Donell Diefenboch. Two times Austrolion bull- fighcr chompion, bockword bulhiding, bull boxino Bookino rodeos & wronloei bull fishrs:{5301 7i3-0023. r r22sid 2s6 Porteryille, CA 93257 '19ENATOI|,'SilIttE TOTAC - b*"h"o fketruck ocl, remote mic. A closs ocil Si. Anftony, ND l70l) 445-7364 IIARK SWINGIER: "SWING INTO ACTION'with ProRodeo's clown ond borel- mon ddivering pure entertoinment. Fsturing the YMCA ond Gorcie ond other crozy ontics. 5 I 265&9606. DAN IOOIHAKER. Booking rodeo & bullfight for top cowboy protection coll fie cowboy's bodyguord ot 19701 8566937. vm. {316) 681-71 ll or emoil ot dlofioker tllltBlR TUCKNESS All Around Rodeo Clown funnest borrelmon in lhe business. Cmrs mon in fie con. l8 yeors experience. Box 285, Meeteetsee, WY 82433 13071 868.2387 SPECIf,LTY TCTS @ octs, grcol lomily enterioinment. Romon rid- ing brohomos, doncing horses. {918) 629- 4553 nobile, (9181 596-2473 home. BI/AKE AtlEN AND KERRI GOODE. Romon riding horses, Brohmo bull oct. Highrchooled Doncing Horre. PO. Box lZl Stuort, Oklohomo 74570 l9l9l 5462619. Visil html WHY BE NORMAI; Jomes M. Pierce, Bullfighter; 2513 West Comellio Dr. Thibodoux, lA 70301 l504l U62648 JAYE ANDERS - Trick riding, opening presentolions, Whip & Ropes - comedy ocls,Experienced promo. White Creek, (615) 29944r9 flog dog TN STACI ANDERSON, "The Mosnificeni Seven". Driving six white horses in hndem, Romon stylelDoncing horse, "Dokolo Wonior". 18730 Form Rd. 15, Troup, TX 75789 190318424656. Bullwhips gun spinning, shorp shootingl Romon riding/kick roping octs. Mox Reynolds, 75208 Rmd 439, laington, NE 68850. {308)3244608 or 1308)32451 28. w Enlertoinment, Trick Riding, Trick Roping, Foncy Horse Cotches, Comedy Clowning. 33130 W 1 l5lh, Olothe, KS (9131583.1883 TOiltY tUClA, "Super Horse, ln His Glory,' 'Whiplosh" cowboy monkey ond sheep dogs. Nominoted "Act of the Yeor." PO Box 87, Weotherford, TX 76086. {940} 682-2093 {8r4 3041000. JERny W. OISON, Buffolo Act with Chief, Liberty lore Act wilh Dude, olso fick rop ing. Former'Act of the Yeor" recipient. l60sl8e2-48r 8. WIIARD POWElt, presents new ENTER.TAINIIENT TO THE 'VIAX. /THE GNATNYS",

4455 77864

Hwy. Z5 South Modisonville, TX 14091348-2M8.

PO. Box 2 I 6, Bonilq, FL 32425 {850) 547. 4625 D {850) 547.923s N DUANE RErcHEnf, Hish schmled hore, Dr. Ben Krozy, mmxly ombulonce, bonelmon, sloge ond schml progrom, publiciiy. HC8l, Box 27, Nry Underuood, SD 5761. {605)9815575 a l&s13a7.s793. FIANXIE /PUI{KINIOWN" SAIIIH, Borrelmon/Funnynon. Christion. Gospel. Ccredion of tle ydc l99Z-98. $ftrld chomiion dos do* 1984. Osn fun, aigiml mls. Coll 864836%76. M heorts trickriding, openings. 20644 Anne Morie Redding, CA 96003. 1530) 549- 3904. IHE OT{E ARTS BANDIT & CO'VIPAT|IY Weslern Style Fomily Entertoinment. John, lynn or Amondo Poyne. P.O. Box 8Z Shidler, OK76452. Phone {918) 793-7891 FRANCISCO ZAIIORA, lnternotionolly known chorro rope ortist. Beoutiful doncin! ond educoted horses, Mexicon shows. t801]|2ss.7444. ffi "Pro{essionol Rodeo ot its Finest" Woyne Mortin 628 Roule 67, Bollston Spo, NY 12020. 15l8)885-9543. Winter Heodquorters. Greenwmd, FL l850l 592- 6235 B BAR J RODEO GOfrIPANY. Over 20 yrs. ol pro rodm experience. When quolity counhl Big or smoll rodos! Dovid Johnson l,8171 24L9851 Bernis Johnon l8l4 558- 821 9. BAD CO'IIPANY RODEO, INC. '98 Rodeo Compony of the Yeor ond "Pro Rodeot Rakinesl Show" 2 Pepper Lone, Del Rio, TX 78840 or "Expect the Unexpecled" DAVID BAIIEY I 94, Tohlequoh 5076. BOB BARNES - 2202 450th St, Pererson, lA 5 1047 or Cheroke, l 51012 17 12]'295- 7034 or 171212212094. 50lh ymr 'Going down he Rmd" BAn T RODEO lNC. owned & operoted by lBud Kerby) 50 poru of experience in quoli- ty. Professionol Rcdeo's Locoted in Centrol Utqh. Box 3053 Cheser, Utoh 84623. {4351 4368881 14351 4368680 BEARD RODEOS. Ouhhnding stock quoli' ty produced rodeos, Fronk }eord,7490 Ncjneum Rd., Ellensburg, WA 98926. Pot Beord 1509)529O994 oi Coey Bmrd (541) 6769793. BIG STONE RODTO COIIPANY. Bruce Sunskum {4031 5662224 ond Art Klossen 1403]1 5662145. Cessford, AB Conodq TIR 1E2 BROKEN ARROW RODEO [K, Donno Vold Loren. I 1225 W Hollond Rd. Cosper, WY 82604 1307l, 2654141, Dorce'Vold. 605 Downey Ploce Okotoks, Alberto, CN TOL lT2 f403) 938-2654, Thomos Toylor Odeso, TX 19l51 381O895 CHARUE BATTUS RODEO UVESfOCK CO. PRCA Rodm ot its best. 30+ yeors of rcdm experience. Rt. I Box 262, Dehoit, TX 25436, Phone 1903) 982{163. DlArltOND "G" IODEOS, Steve ond Cvndi Gilbert, PO Box 190, Toqueruille, UT 8477 4. 143 sl63 5-7628. FAX {43s1635. 0511. FOR THE ABSOIUTE besr in fomily enlerloinment STO CK C ONTRf,CTORS RODCO CO. Rr. oK 74464. 191 3 Box 81456-

trNN OUNC ERS ffi Emce, Horsebock/ Troditionol. Block tie or Wronglers. Experienced, professionol, humorous. Guoronteed to pleose. 3450 [oSolle Ave., St. Cloud, FL 34772. (4021891 4544, onyiime. ED BINGHAil, The right choice lor your rodm voice. Pleose coll for ovoiloble dotes {8011 280-8031 or fox me ot l80ll 28G BUt-t. IIIKE BOND6, "God is the enemy of he be$.' I l5l7 W lourclwood [n., Avondole, AZ 85323. phone:1602) 877-5873, w.rodml. com/mikebonds/ Emoil: mike bonds@ n BROOKS - Plmp conlocl me or, 1520)421-1986 or PO 8ox 10680. Coso Gronde, AZ 85230 References ovoiloble upon request. Bllf CAIN, Ressononl voice + smoltr delir ery + 24 yeors experience = hoppy crowds. Sound system ovoiloble, 8965 Limonile, Riverside, CA 92509. 19091685-2223 or {eoe)68s-5607. DR. Bllt CtYrllE& Announcer, ouclioner, promolion ond monogemenl, music ond sound syslem ovoiloble. PO Box 751 3, Amorillo, TX 791 14. office 18061622.1866, fu 1806)622-3295, {home) 1806)6224057. Experience counts "ZOOP DOVE", 3501 E. Moin Formington, N.M 87402 1505) 3223481 W N.C. 27006. Sound woiloble. Horebock or troditionol. Pleoe coll {3361998"3304. JAY l{ARl,l,OOD - P.O. Box 265. Chinok, MT 59523 Phone: {406) 357-2102. Fox: 14061 352-241 6 lslx NFR Announcer NICK HUDSON - PO. Box 2 loromie, Wyo., 82073. 307-745-8841 . moil: nhud WAYNE COY D. HUFFTIIAN - Eilher you ore o greot rodeo with o good onnouncer or you ore oboul lo become on owesome rodeo wilh the bestl Which one ore you? Coll: 15201682-827 l, moil CoyD@ool. com. DON JESSE& Siero, Wilderness Circuit. 2X senior pro NFR onnouncer. Besl Sound system wilfi Jockie Bornes os tech. Coll {2081 735i462. 3 I Z5 E. Twin Folh, lD, 83301 . DAVID IICIIAHON, pleose coll 1409| 291-6844.240 Poole Rd. Richords, TX 77873 CrEll ,IiCSPADDEN, PO Box 312, Chelseo, OK 7 401 64317, 191 81789-3237 (ofrce) {91 8)289-2408 lhome}. ROOER IIIOONEY, Troditionol ond Horsebock Announcing. Sound syslem ovoil- oble. References upon request. Plme wite or cqll. Rt. #5, Box 166-F, Elliioy, Go. 30 s 40. 17 0 6127 67 t t 0 / 17 06127 3 -3 t83. ED IIORAVA - Professionol Rodeo Announcer. 765 River Rood, Morslond, Nebrcsko 69354. (3081 6651 i 26. Website @ ww.cowboystyle. com "The Voice of Rodeo." AIAN ilOOnEHEAD, Exciting southern hospitoliry with crisp, cleor delivery Coll or wrire 495 Cory Dr Bsh lslond S.C. 29842 {hml {8031 827.0834 / {mbll (2061 83r- 248 l. Emoil: mbrmform@gol€ nOD NICHOLAS,'Good os ony beter thon mosf 201 W 9th Dewey, OK74029. Coll (91 8)5341809 FA\ (91 81335-2058. CH D NICHOISON, Siero Ckcuit Finols Announcer, Turquoise Circuit Finoh, I 608 Cecil Dr Conollton, TX 75006. 1972) 242- 5653, cell 1214) 914{732 Emoil: prorodm in@ool-com

HARPER AND iION.GAN RODEO COIIPANY. Nolion's mosl complete rodeo compony. Jomes Horper, 104 Hwy. 165, lowo, LA 70647 . Phone: 13 I 8)582-2444. Emoil: hmrc@iomerico-net HONEYCUTT RODEO, Portoble oreno, chuies ond mnels ovoiloble on muest. "A tomily hwin! fun, bringing you fom'ily enter loinment." PO Box 480, Woddell, AZ 85355. {602}535-1 949. J BAR J RAMH - When onlv fie best will dol Jin Zinrer 6731 E. Colemin Rd. Clore, Ml 48617 (slZl 386-3149. ww.ibor irodm. com E-moil oddresss ibori@glccom- pulers. com. KORKOW RODEOS - Jim Korkow We produce PRCA, college ond youth rodeos. Hwe porioble chutes 30543 206 Sl. Piere, s.D. 52501 1605122L5607 Fu l&51 224- Z1 57 T.J. Korkow {6051 2244929. ilJil RODEO GO. John Bornes Box 452 Sutherlond, lA 51058. l.7121446- 2656/Morry Bqnes, 4420 Mortin Access Rd., Petereon, l 51047. 17121137-2406. IUTVIFORD RODEO €OiIPANY - Quolitv rodeo entertoinmenl ot its finest. '9S WPRA sbck conhoctor of fie yeor. {316128653 I 9. 19201 W Blonchord Ave. Abbyville, KS 67510 RUSSELL RODEO CO. P.O. Box 5l 1 Folsom, CA 95263. Our ihird generotion of Greot Rodm Stock. Donny J Rusell. 15301 6761152ollice,15301 6761 140 fox. SANKEY RODEO GOIIPANY, Hove o rodeo or improve lhe one you hove wilh Sonkey Probssionol Rodm. lke Sonkey, 220 Rood 3CXS, Cody, WY 82414.1307]1527- 6365. SAIIIIY CATAIENA RODEO COTIIPANY. We of'br the very best in Pro Rodeo plus pogeonlry, excilemenl, ond enteF toinmenl oi its highest |evel. 203 N. Moin, Bryon, Texos 77 803, 1409]1 822-4423, {409) 26&5400 SOUIHERN RODEOS - The new genere tion of pro rodm & X-Treme bull riding. We do it oll. Full- service rodeo compony. lzl 31464453 r, FAX (7 1 3]'467.87 44. IHRTE Hlll PRCA RODEO, lNC. Quolity fomily enterfoinment. Produclion ot ib finest, feotJring, NFR stock. Creotive openings, rund ond sequins. 13191 6523326. 13841 l50th St. Moquoketo, lA52060 HARIY VOID RODEO COTIIPANY Red Top Ronch Rd., Avondole, CO 81022. Phone 1719]'948.2163. ITRRY WAIIS RODFO GOIIPANY lmot- ed in "Cowbov Cooilol'- Rt.4 Box 103-A Stephenville, lX lOtOl lZStleOe-Ul O 1 968-UW|N. Entertoining ond professionol rodm produclion for 28 ymrs WAYNE VO[D, PO Box 5888, High River, AB, CN, TrV 1P6 1 031652-7792. WESIERN RODEO, lNC. P.O. Box 1100, Folsom, CA 95763. Don M Rusell. (530) 6761152 oflice,15301 6Z61 140 fox. ffi 19Z6 til now. Light system ovoiloble. 395 Eqst Pqrk St., Stephenville, IX 76401 12541968-3433. Fox (254)96&5 I I 8 PEOTOGRTPHERS ROBERTA J. BANKIY, PRCA er since '94. Columbio River Northwest Rodeo oction. lO. Box 468

rrick GUIDRY RODEO GOiIPANY, lNC. Top horse ocl wi6 Ghost Doncer Romon Riding, quolity in livestdk, formot ond productions. hickriding, ocls wiih color,/closs guoronteed. Portoble focilities ovoiloble. Vernon Guidry

PRlllE TlllE COLBY GINES. 1998-99 FIINT RASIIUSSEN, clown ond bonel

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