ProRodeo Sports News - November 19, 2021


How did you get your start in rodeo? Lukasey: My dad rode bulls for several years professionally. I was just automatically born around the rodeo lifestyle. My family has had cattle for a lot of years, and it was just always something I was raised around my whole life. I guess you could say it’s in my blood. When did you know you could make a career out of rodeo? Lukasey: I’ve always felt like this was something I really wanted to do for a living. I would rather rodeo than have to go out and find a job at least right now that’s how I feel. I think there was a couple times last season when it hit me that I have a legitimate shot at doing this rodeo thing for a living. Why did you decide bull riding would be your event? Lukasey: I started out riding sheep when I was probably four years old. It seemed like bull riding just came natural to me, I guess. You can’t beat the feeling of riding a bull, there’s nothing in the world that feels better than making the whistle on a rank bull. Have you tried any other rodeo events? Lukasey: I tried saddle bronc, I tried bareback riding, and I can team rope a little bit. I think I tried just about all of them at one time or another, but it was always bull riding that stuck with me. Is there someone in the sport that you look up to? Bull rider Lukasey Morris rode on his permit last season and had a year to remember earning $25,046. The Union City, Okla., cowboy, has nearly matched that number already during his 2022 rookie season. He has rodeo wins in Kissimmee, Fla., and Jackson, Miss., under his belt. His father Jimmy is a former bull rider in the PRCA.


Lukasey: Cody Custer is someone that I really look up to. I’ve known him since I was a little kid. He’s one of those people who always helped me growing up in my bull riding. There’d be times I’d stay at his house for a few days and all we would do is get on bulls. He really helped me figure some things out. What’s this season been like for you? Lukasey: It’s obviously still really early in the new season but honestly, I can’t believe how good it’s going for me so far. I’ve had a ton of success and I can’t wait to see how the rest of the season goes for me. What’s one rodeo you want to win during your career? Lukasey: My dad (Jimmy) actually won the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo in 1993. So, that’s definitely one I want to win, and I’d like to win Pendleton (Ore.) and Calgary as well at some point in my career. What’s your favorite TV show? Lukasey: It would probably have to be The Office . I don’t really watch much TV, but when I do, I’m probably watching The Office . What’s your favorite candy? Lukasey: If I had to choose a favorite candy it would have to be Sour Patch Kids. What’s your go-to meal when you’re out on the road? Lukasey: That’s a close one, it’s between either Panda Express or Subway. Those are definitely the top two. What’s your favorite restaurant? Lukasey: I’d say the Santa Fe Steakhouse or any steakhouse for that matter. You can’t go wrong with a good steak. What was the first vehicle you drove? Lukasey: The first vehicle I drove was a 2002 Dodge 3500. Now, I actually drive a 2001 Dodge 3500, they look exactly the same just a year apart. What do you like to do when you’re not rodeoing? Lukasey: I really like to golf when I can. During the summer I golf a lot, but when it starts getting colder, we head to Top Golf. What’s your favorite holiday? Lukasey: I would have to say Christmas is my favorite holiday. I just like being around all my family and it seems like everyone is in a good mood around Christmas. What was your favorite cartoon growing up? Lukasey: Growing up my favorite cartoon was probably Tom & Jerry.

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