ProRodeo Sports News - November 19, 2021

Bareback rider Lewis Feild com- petes during the 1985 Na- tional Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. That year he won the bareback riding and all-around gold buckle. PRCA ProRodeo file photo

FIRST VEGAS CHAMPS PRCA world champions in 1985 at the Thomas & Mack Center were: All-around cowboy Lewis Feild Bareback riding Lewis Feild Steer wrestling Ote Berry Team ropers Jake Barnes & Clay O’Brien Cooper Saddle bronc riding Brad Gjermundson Tie-down roping

Joe Beaver Bull riding Ted Nuce

Of those winners, Feild, Berry, Barnes, Cooper, Gjermundson and Beaver are all in the ProRodeo Hall of Fame in Colorado Springs, Colo.

In the mid-1980s, the National Finals Rodeo shared the Thomas & Mack Center with world-renowned acts like the Rat Pack. At right, a 1985 PRCA world championship buckle and that year’s program.

DEC. 2-11, 2021

ProRodeo Sports News 11/19/2021


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