ProRodeo Sports News - November 19, 2021

Those pressure packed moments lead to situations where it’s not uncommon to see a cowboy enter five rodeos in a matter of days in the waning moments of the season. That was the case for tie- down roper Taylor Santos in 2021. In three sleepless nights he went from San Bernardino, Calif., to Cumberland, Maine. “It was kind of a quick decision, we didn’t have a whole lot of time to make the decision,” said Santos, a two-time NFR qualifier. “But it was absolutely worth it, I would do it again tomorrow. “We hit the road at about 11 o’clock Sunday night in California and the three of us pulled into Cumberland, Maine at about 9:30Wednesday morning and I was up at six o’clock that night to rope. Luckily, I was able to get the job done and then I bought those two calves that I ran there, loaded them up in the trailer and headed back home with a NFR qualification under my belt.” Santos won both tie-down roping performances in Cumberland and earned $1,098. He finished ahead of Andrew Burks by $823, who wrapped up the season in the No. 16 spot. The cowboys say while they would’ve loved to have the NFR locked up earlier in the season being in this position pushed them to perform even better. “Don’t get me wrong I’d prefer it when you can go out and have a good summer and have the Finals made come September,” Cassidy said. “In my case, basically you have to run every steer like it’s your last steer. “I went through this with my dad when he was older and still rodeoing in Canada. I would always give him crap and say ‘dad why can’t you just win more at the start of the season, so you don’t have to be in a knife fight at the end. Now, that I’m older and in his shoes it’s almost like you feed off of it.” Even though every single season brings new challenges, Santos says this was a moment he’s experienced and played out in his mind a thousand times leading up to that final run. “Growing up for me the last rodeo of the year used to be the Cow Palace in San Francisco,” Santos said. “My mom would take us, and we’d go watch my uncles and grandpa rope there. Growing up you visualize last calf of the year at the Cow Palace, having to win first or second to make the Finals. “I was in the same situation it was just in Cumberland, Maine, instead of the Cow Palace. But I felt like I had run that calf over the years many times roping the dummy growing up because we would go and get to witness that situation as kids.” And even with all the long road trips, sleepless nights, and tired bodies they wouldn’t have had it any other way on their way to the sport’s greatest event. “It’s a hundred percent worth it and I don’t think I would’ve had it any other way to be honest with you,” Hibler said. “Being able to experience the NFR for the first time it’s going to be the most excited I’ve ever been riding bareback horses.”

Curtis Cassidy punched his ticket to his eighth NFR in 2021. He finished the season 15th in the PRCA | RAM World Standings. PRCA ProRodeo photo by Steve Gray

A second-place finish at the ProRodeo Tour Finale in Salinas, Calif. helped Taylor Santos jump inside the Top 15 at the end of the season. Click Thompson photo

DEC. 2-11, 2021

ProRodeo Sports News 11/19/2021


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