ProRodeo Sports News - November 2, 2018
The following were approved Aug 2018 by the PRCA BOD: 2019 Rule Proposals
Change R11.6.5 No Jerk Down. For the 2018 Rodeo Year only: 1. In the tie-down roping event a contestant will receive no- time for that run if he brings the animal over backwards between 10 and 2 with the animal landing on his back or head with all four feet in the air. 2.The Tie-Down Roping Event Representative or his appointee must approve the length of the score. 3. At a two judge rodeo if the field flagger is in doubt he may confer with the line judge and if the line judge is not definitive there is not a jerk down violation. 4. At a rodeo that has three judges, the third judge is responsible for calling the jerk down. If the judge is in doubt he may confer with the field flagger and if the field flagger is not definitive there is not a jerk down violation. Change R10.6.7 Disqualification of Rider [in Bull Riding]: Any one of the following shall disqualify a rider: A) Being bucked off. B) Touching animal, equipment, ground or person with free hand. C) Using sharp spurs, or placing spurs or chaps under the rope when rope is being tightened. D) Not having a bell on bull rope. E) When a bull rider who has been advised he is next to go is not above the animal with his glove on when previous bull leaves the arena. F) Intentionally leaving the chute with spurs hooked or lodged in the bull rope loop(s). (C. Corey submitted 4/16) Change R10.6.3.2 Use of Horse Flanks in Bull Riding. Horse flanks and/or draw flanks will not be allowed in the bull riding. provided that the tail of the flank strap is not long enough to touch the ground once pulled. (C. Whitney submitted 7/16) Change R7.3.1 Procedure. A contestant may doctor release, thus waiving all obligations for entry fees, turn-out fines, and mount monies, provided: A) Contestant has an injury or illness which prevents him from competing in one or more events for which he is entered at a rodeo; B) Contestant notifies the Central Entry Office of the intended doctor releases no later than three hours prior to the performance for which the contestant’s first go-round competition is scheduled (with contestant responsible for listing all rodeos in which he is scheduled to compete within the 4, 10- or 30-day ineligibility time period described below); and C) A medical doctor verification can only be submitted by a licensed medical doctor, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner or any member of the Sports Medicine Team at a rodeo. The doctor’s verification must be on the attending medical practitioner’s on doctor’s letterhead bearing the doctor’s attending practitioner’s name, address and phone number, signed by a the attending licensed medical doctor, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner or any member of the Sports Medicine Team at a rodeo. This release is to be is received by the PRCA National Office within seven days of the date of the last performance of the first rodeo for which the contestant doctor released. Failure to submit such a doctor’s verification will result in a fine equal to the entry fees for the event in question plus an additional $50. (PRCA Staff submitted 2/17) Change R1.3 Setting Up the Rodeo. Generally, a rodeo shall be set up by that rodeo’s Primary Stock Contractor. A representative of the rodeo committee may set up the rodeo only if specifically, authorized, in writing, by the Primary Stock Contractor, and if such authorization is forwarded to the Central Entry Office prior to the scheduled time for setting up the rodeo. However, if the Primary Stock Contractor/rodeo committee representative has not contacted the Central Entry Office within one hour 30 minutes after entry closing time, the Central Entry Office will be allowed to set up the rodeo and draw positions, using the Central Entry Office’s discretion. Exceptions will be made only if the Primary Stock Contractor/rodeo committee representative has made arrangements with the Central Entry Office prior to entry opening time or if the rodeo has never before been sanctioned by the PRCA. The Director of Rodeo Administration shall have the authority to levy fines if a Primary Stock Contractor/rodeo committee representative fails to return a call at a mutually agreed time. (D. Petry submitted 2/17) 2019 Bylaw Proposals Change B16.1.4.1 Adoption or Amendment of an Existing Rodeo Rule on Initiative of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may, without prior action by the Competition Committee in accordance with Bylaw B16.1.2 (including with respect to proposals which have not been published in accordance with Bylaw B16.1.1), amend an existing Official Rodeo Rule or adopt a new Official Rodeo Rule, in the manner stated below. The Board may take such action by the affirmative vote or concurrence of at least seven Directors, provided that a quorum of at least five Contestant Representatives to the Competition Committee is present during the meeting of the Board of Directors where such proposal was adopted and that at least four such Contestant Representatives approve or concur in such proposal in a vote separate from that of the Board of Directors. For the 2018 rodeo year only, for any Official Rodeo Rule related in any manner to R.11.6.5 No Jerk Down, the board shall not be required to have a quorum of nor the approval or concurrence of any Contestant Representatives to the Competition Committee. For purposes of determining whether a quorum of Contestant Representatives is present, once five Contestant Representatives
ProRodeo Sports News 11/2/2018
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