ProRodeo Sports News - November 2, 2018
among the candidates for the office in question. Such notifications shall be sent by email or mail to the addresees (as shown by the current records of the PRCA) of such candidates no later than January 15 of the election year. Each of the candidates so notified of his candidacy for office must expressly respond in writing on or before February 15 of the election year 10 business days indicating whether he is willing to serve, if elected, in the office for which he is a listed candidate. Once a candidate’s response is received, it shall be irrevocable. Any candidate to whom notice is sent who fails to respond in writing by February 15 10 business days as provided above shall be deemed to have declined said nomination for candidacy for the office in question. (PRCA Staff submitted 10/2017) Change B7.4 Election Procedure. After the nominees for each office for which an election is to be held in the current election year have been determined, the names of those nominees shall be published once in the “PRCA Business Section.” A notification to cast an online vote shall be sent to each Member entitled to vote by February 25 of the election year, online voting must be completed no later than 5 p.m. MT March 25 of the election year. The results shall be tabulated no later than March 30, and reported to the PRCA Commissioner, who shall cause the results to be printed in the “PRCA Business Section.” The nominee for each office receiving the greater number of the votes cast for the particular office shall be elected to the office. Candidates who have not been nominated through the nomination process shall not be eligible to run and may not be elected for office. In the event of a tie for any office, the Commissioner shall promptly conduct another online vote of all Members eligible to vote for such office to resolve the tie. The Commissioner shall announce the result when the voting is completed. Newly elected officers shall take their respective offices on April 1 or as soon thereafter as the election results reported on by the PRCA independent accountants, as defined in section B7.4.1. (PRCA Staff submitted 10/2017) Change B15.1.16 New Rodeo in Same Marketing Area as Existing Rodeo. A rodeo committee which is applying for approval as a PRCA–sanctioned event for the first time and whose rodeo is in the same marketing area as an existing PRCA- approved rodeo (established for at least two years) will not may be approved by the Director of Rodeo Administration over the objection if of any of the Rodeo Committees whose rodeos are in the marketing area object to such approval; however, if a Rodeo Committee so objects, if said approval is denied by the Director of Rodeo Administration, the application may be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval along with supporting documents allowing for BOD discretion. For purposes of this Bylaw only, the Rodeo Committee of an existing PRCA–sanctioned event which applies to change the date of its event by more than two weeks from the corresponding date of the previous year shall be treated as a Rodeo Committee applying for approval for the first time. The Board may review the consequences of approving the rodeo after 1 or 2 years and may withdraw approval of the application at that time. (D. Davis submitted 3/2018) Change B15.10.3.3 Monies due the PRCA. Should the “For Secretary Use” sheet indicate that the Arena Secretary owes money to the PRCA, that money must be submitted to the PRCA postmarked no later than the first business day following the completion of the rodeo. (D. Davis submitted 3/2018) Change B15. Prize Money. All prize money shall be paid in checks. Arena secretary shall send all prize money checks not claimed at the rodeo and a copy of the check distribution sheet to the PRCA National Office, postmarked no later than two days from the last performance, not including date of last performance. Contestant’s membership number must be on each prize money check sent to the PRCA National Office. Arena secretary shall be fined $50 for failure to comply with this Bylaw. However, if a contestant has specified where he wants his money sent, arena secretary shall send the corresponding prize money to that address . (D. Davis submitted 3/2018) Change B15. Steer Wrestling . At rodeos where there are two or more go-rounds, and the stock contractor/rodeo committee provides one head of livestock for each contestant and the competition has more than 15 entries, there will be a stock charge in the steer wrestling of $5 per go-round, per entry. The stock charge will only be paid if the steer wrestling event representative, a circuit contestant at the rodeo and the judge who is assigned as the crew chief of the rodeo collectively validate that the entire steer wrestling herd must meet all the following requirements (R8.3.2 brands on left side or left horn, R8.9.2 horn length of 9” minimum, R8.12.2 certified corriente with “m” brand weighing between 450 – 600 lbs). For purposes of calculating the stock charge, no stock charge will be assessed for progressive go-rounds or finals/short go-rounds. This stock charge will be assessed equally for Contestant Card Members and Permit Members. (D. Melvin submitted 3/18) New Bylaw B1.3.1.1 Applicant must submit a print quality headshot within 30 days of payment of member dues. Photo must be electronically uploaded through the member portal. Applicant must be in western attire and wearing a cowboy hat. Patches Anyone seeking to achieve non-contestant Membership status in the PRCA in the category of Photographer must satisfy the following: Submit photo portfolio as per PRCAMedia guidelines as outlined in the PRCA Rulebook. This will be reviewed by the Photographer Coordinator and/or their designates for initial acceptance. If initial acceptance is granted, then the steps below must be completed. Submit a completed PRCA application form accompanied by two (2) letters of recommendation (one (1) letter from a qualified person in each category below); Accepted signors for letters of recommendation for prospective Photographer applicants: 1) Former (cardholding) PRCA Photographer of the Year. Former (cardholding) PRCA Photographer of the Year OR a finalist in the Photographer of the Year voting within the past three years. 2) Cardholding PRCA photographer with at least 10 years as a PRCA Photographer in good standing. Applicant will be responsible for the $300.00 non-contestant PRCA permit dues (or the current dues amount). This fee includes insurance or sponsor endorsements are not permitted in photo. (PRCA staff submitted 3/18) Change B1.5.8.3 PRCA Photographer Membership Application Process
ProRodeo Sports News 11/2/2018
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