ProRodeo Sports News - October 15, 2021


PRCA ProRodeo photo by Rod Connor Cole Patterson enters the NFSR No. 1 in the PRCA | RAM World Standings. He has a $39,415 lead over second-place Vin Fisher Jr.

Cole Patterson comes to NFSR again as world standings leader Back Again

BY TRACY RENCK A fter a record-setting regular season, steer roper Cole Patterson has a goal left to

record of $89,427 set by Tuf Cooper in 2018. This is Patterson’s

third trip to the NFSR. He finished 15th in the 2019 world standings and was fourth in 2020 after going in as the leader. He earned $32,807 at the 2020 NFSR. This year, Patterson has a $39,415 over second-place Vin Fisher Jr. “The first year I went in there (to the NFSR) and I didn’t really know what to expect,” Patterson said. “I had some horse trouble and didn’t draw very good, and everything fell apart. Last year, I thought I roped good. There were a couple of opportunities that got away. Everything went decent and Trevor (Brazile) and Scott (Snedecor) got on heaters that they both can get on and they ran away from everybody else.” The legendary Brazile, who has won a PRCA-record 26 world championships, won the last two steer roping world titles. Brazile has won eight steer roping gold buckles, second only to Guy Allen’s 18. Brazile essentially retired after the 2020 season.

accomplish – win a gold buckle. Patterson will take aim at the gold buckle when he competes at the National Finals Steer Roping, Nov. 12-13 in Mulvane, Kan. “Same as always,” said Patterson, 26, about his approach. “I want to have my horses in good shape and get some good practices leading up to the NFSR. There are quite a few rodeos we can go to in October, so I should be able to stay sharp.” Patterson is taking his main horse, Tigger, 16, the 2021 Horse of teh Year, to Mulvane. He rode Tigger at the 2020 NFSR. He also will have his back-up horse Marty, 17, there as well. Patterson earned $104,516 in the PRCA regular season, which ended Sept. 30. That left him first in the PRCA | RAMWorld Standings. That total also was a steer roping regular season earnings mark, which broke the

ProRodeo Sports News 10/15/2021


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