ProRodeo Sports News - October 15, 2021

together,” Benton said. “It helps to have someone on the same plan as you. He’s younger than me too so he helps keep me motivated to work out.” Benton rides his bike on a two-and-half-mile hilly road at his home in Richards, Texas, and has built a home gym in the barn. “It’s right there with two horses in the stalls. They’re the only ones I like to watch me working out,” he joked. Canadian saddle bronc rider Ben Andersen just earned his first trip to the NFR, finishing the regular season 10th in the world standings with $84,287. Like Benton, Andersen took a little time off after the regular season, but he has plans to compete before the Finals. “We just spent a week in California for Dawson (Hay’s) wedding,” said Andersen, 22, in early October. “Then I got back to work.” Hay also is a 2021 NFR qualifier and Andersen’s cousin. Andersen keeps a set of practice horses at his home in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, to keep him rodeo ready. “I have five head of my own horses, so I’ll get back on them and we’ll go to the Veater Ranch Bronc match Oct. 30, and to Billings (for the NILE PRCA Rodeo).” Andersen also has a home gym and bucking machine. He concentrates more on cardio exercises than strength building. “Bronc riders need to be agile and fast, not big,” he said. In addition to workouts and practice, Andersen has a ranch with 200 head of Black Angus cows to tend to, which can amount to more than enough workout for anyone. “We’ll be shipping yearlings, so I’ll be riding horses every day,” he said. “Shoot, fencing is basically a workout.” Cowboying is exactly how 2020Wrangler NFR bareback riding average winner Jess Pope plans to stay fit for his second Finals run. “I consider myself a true cowboy. I work at the feed yard and I day work,” he said. “It’s my second favorite time of the year.” Pope, 23, also picks up for the Missouri Valley College rodeo team practices in Marshall, Mo. Pope finished sixth in the standings with $110,024 won. “I basically put the gear bag away and forget everything for about 30 days,” he said. “I love rodeoing, but this is the time to get away from it for a while.” Working out is necessary but not something Pope craves like some guys. “I have a wrestling coach who designs my workouts for me – I don’t know a darn thing about it,” he joked. “I don’t get on practice horses but around Nov. 1, I will start getting on the spur board every day and the bucking machine.” Pope’s only scheduled competition is the RAM Great Lakes Circuit Finals Rodeo in Louisville, Ky., in mid-November. He plans to follow the same routine he did in 2020 prior to his first Finals where he walked away $170,000 richer. “That’s my goal,” he said. “I’m not going to change a whole lot.”

PRCA ProRodeo photo by Alaina Stangle Bareback rider Jess Pope tips his cowboy hat after winning Round 8 of the 2020 Wrangler NFR. Pope is working with a wrestling coach to get fit for the 2021 NFR.

Natalie McFarland photo Saddle bronc rider Ben Andersen plans to get ready for his NFR debut in December by concentrating on cardio exercises and getting on horses in the practice pen.

ProRodeo Sports News 10/15/2021


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