2018 PRCA Media Guide

PRCA Contract Personnel of the Year

1993 Quail Dobbs 1994 Rick Young 1995 Rudy Burns 1996 Rick Young 1997 Rick Young 1998 Flint Rasmussen 1999 Flint Rasmussen 2000 Rudy Burns 2001 Flint Rasmussen 2002 Flint Rasmussen 2003 Flint Rasmussen 2004 Flint Rasmussen 2005 Flint Rasmussen

2013 Tomas Garcilazo (dress) Keith Isley (comedy) 2014 John Payne and Amanda Payne (dress) John Harrison (comedy) 2015 John Payne and Amanda Payne (dress) John Harrison (comedy) 2016 John, Lynn and Amanda Payne (dress) John Harrison (comedy) 2017 Bobby Kerr (dress) Gizmo McCracken (comedy) Stock Contractor of the Year

2006 Keith Isley 2007 Troy Lerwill 2008 Troy Lerwill 2009 Keith Isley 2010 Keith Isley 2011 Keith Isley 2012 Keith Isley

1982 Harry Vold 1983 Mike Cervi 1984 Bob Barnes 1985 Cotton Rosser 1986 Walt Alsbaugh 1987 Harry Vold 1988 Harry Vold 1989 Harry Vold 1990 Harry Vold 1991 Harry Vold 1992 Harry Vold 1993 Harry Vold 1994 Harry Vold 1995 Harry Vold 1996 Harry Vold 1997 Bennie Beutler 1998 Mack Altizer 1999 Ike Sankey 2000 John Growney 2001 Mike Cervi 2002 Sammy Andrews 2003 Scotty Lovelace

2013 Justin Rumford 2014 John Harrison 2015 Justin Rumford 2016 John Harrison 2017 John Harrison Specialty Act of the Year

1982 Leon Adams 1983 Jerry Olson 1984 Vicki Adams 1985 J.W. Stoker 1986 J.W. Stoker 1987 Leon and Vicki Adams 1988 JerryWayne and Judy Olson 1989 John Payne 1990 John Payne 1991 John Payne 1992 John Payne 1993 John Payne 1994 John Payne 1995 John Payne 1996 John Payne 1997 Leon and Vicki Adams 1998 Jerry Diaz 1999 Keith Isley 2000 Keith Isley 2001 Keith Isley (dress) Keith Isley (comedy) 2002 Keith Isley (dress) Troy Lerwill (comedy) 2003 Tommy Lucia (dress) Troy Lerwill (comedy) 2004 Tommy Lucia (dress) Keith Isley (comedy) 2005 Tommy Lucia (dress) Troy Lerwill (comedy) 2006 Keith Isley (dress) Troy Lerwill (comedy) 2007 Tomas Garcilazo (dress) Troy Lerwill (comedy) 2008 John Payne (dress) Troy Lerwill (comedy) 2009 John Payne (dress) Keith Isley (comedy) 2010 John Payne (dress) Keith Isley (comedy) 2011 John Payne (dress) Keith Isley (comedy) 2012 Tomas Garcilazo (dress) John Harrison (comedy)

2004 Stace Smith 2005 Stace Smith 2006 Stace Smith 2007 Stace Smith 2008 Stace Smith 2009 Stace Smith 2010 Stace Smith 2011 Stace Smith 2012 Stace Smith 2013 Stace Smith 2014 Stace Smith

2015 Frontier Rodeo 2016 Frontier Rodeo 2017 Frontier Rodeo Pickup Man of the Year 2015 Matt Twitchell

2016 Chase Cervi 2017 Gary Rempel Music Director of the Year 2017 Josh (Hambone) Hilton * new award category in 2017



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