2018 PRCA Media Guide

Linderman Award

Growing up with his father Chip, Kyle Whitaker is well informed when it comes to the Linderman Award. Chip Whitaker, who won the accolade on four occasions for his efforts in saddle bronc riding, tie-down roping and steer wrestling, transformed the honor into a way of life for his son. “It’s something I’ve wanted to win ever since I was a little kid, going to rodeos with my dad,” Kyle Whitaker said. “I always grew up knowing about it. That probably makes it more special to me than most of the guys that go because I know the history of the award and respect it a lot.” Named after ProRodeo Hall of Fame cowboy Bill Linderman, the annual honor since 1966 is given to select cowboys willing and able to perform at both ends of the arena. To qualify for the distinguished award, a cowboy must earn at least $1,000 in three events, and those

events must include at least one roughstock and one timed event. This year Kyle Whitaker received the Linderman Award for working the same events his father did. He earned $51, 233 in steer wrestling, $9,666 in tie-down roping and $3,740 in saddle bronc riding. Kyle Whitaker joins his father Chip, Phil Lyne and Trell Etbauer as the only cowboys to win the award three straight years. For Chip, seeing his son win a record of nine Linderman Awards comes from building a versatile foundation. “I tried to be sure he took it one event at a time,”ChipWhitaker said.“Mentally, I told him to try to forget about the other events and worry about the event you’re on.” The Linderman Award will continue to recognize cowboys for their all-around efforts, and before long, if theWhitaker name continues to carry the decoration, one could say,“It’s aWhitaker thing.” “Having my dad be there, who worked both ends of the arena, he was able to coach me at both ends,” he said. “I don’t think a lot of guys have that advantage,” Kyle Whitaker said.

– Nick Cicere, PRCA Media

Linderman Award, By Year

1991 Lewis Feild, Elk Ridge, Utah 1992 Bernie Smyth Jr., Crossfield, Alberta 1993 Casey Minton, Redwood Valley, Calif.

1966 Benny Reynolds, Melrose, Mont. 1967 Kenny McLean, Okanagan Falls, British Columbia 1968 Paul Mayo, Grinnell, Iowa 1969 Kenny McLean, Okanagan Falls, British Columbia 1970 Phil Lyne, George West, Texas 1971 Phil Lyne, George West, Texas 1972 Phil Lyne, George West, Texas 1973 Bob Blandford, San Antonio, Texas 1974 Bob Blandford, San Antonio, Texas 1975 ChipWhitaker, Chambers, Neb. 1976 Phil Lyne, Artesia Wells, Texas 1977 ChipWhitaker, Chambers, Neb. 1978 ChipWhitaker, Chambers, Neb. 1979 ChipWhitaker, Chambers, Neb. 1982 Tom Eirikson, Innisfail, Alberta 1983 Marty Melvin, Holabird, S.D. 1984 Marty Melvin, Holabird, S.D. 1985 Tom Eirikson, Innisfail, Alberta 1986 Bob Schall, Arlee, Mont. 1987 Tom Eirikson, Priddis, Alberta 1988 Lewis Feild, Elk Ridge, Utah 1989 Philip Haugen, Williston, N.D. 1990 Bernie Smyth Jr., Crossfield, Alberta 1980 Steve Bland, Trent, Texas 1981 Lewis Feild, Peoa, Utah

1994 (no contestant qualified) 1995 Chuck Kite, Montfort, Wis. 1996 (no contestant qualified)

1997 Kyle Whitaker, Chambers, Neb. 1998 Kyle Whitaker, Chambers, Neb. 1999 Dan Erickson, La Junta, Colo. 2000 Jesse Bail, Camp Crook, S.D. 2001 Jesse Bail, Camp Crook, S.D. 2002 Dan Erickson, La Junta, Colo. 2003 Kyle Whitaker, Chambers, Neb. 2004 Mike Outhier, Utopia, Texas 2005 Kyle Whitaker, Chambers, Neb. 2006 Kyle Whitaker, Chambers, Neb. 2007 Mike Outhier, Utopia, Texas 2008 Trell Etbauer, Goodwell, Okla. 2009 Trell Etbauer, Goodwell, Okla. 2010 Trell Etbauer, Goodwell, Okla. 2011 Kyle Whitaker, Chambers, Neb. 2012 Kyle Thomson, Lundbreck, Alberta 2013 Trell Etbauer, Goodwell, Okla. 2014 Joe Frost, Randlett, Utah 2015 Kyle Whitaker, Chambers, Neb. 2016 Kyle Whitaker, Chambers, Neb. 2017 Kyle Whitaker, Chambers, Neb.




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