2019 PRCA Media Guide - Specialty Acts
The official media guide of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association
For the first time, six-time Wrangler NFR Specialty Act Tomas Garcilazo won the PRCA’s Dress Act of the Year award in 2018.
PRCA ProRodeo photo by Mike Copeman
2018 Wrangler NFR Specialty Acts
Emmanuel Lataste When Emanuel Lataste stepped into the Thomas & Mack Arena at the 2018Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, his feet weren’t on the ground for long. Lataste, “The Bull Jumper,” astounded the audience by leaping over a charging bull multiple times – a custom he brought across the pond from his home in Montfort, France.
“Where I was born in France, it’s a tradition,” said Lataste, who is known as Manu. “It’s not like freestyle (bullfighting) where they can do whatever they want. In my tradition it can be two hours, and we try to do the best moves ever.” Lataste’s bull jumping is the result of a lifetime of work. He started doing gymnastics when he was 6 and attended a bull-jumping class when he was 14. Now, he’s in the 20th season of his career at 33 years old. “In my culture, if you want to be a man you have to jump the bull, but not everyone does it and not everyone is good at it,” Lataste said. Lataste lives in Saint-Tite, Quebec, Canada. His first rodeo in North America was the 2013 Festival Western de Saint-Quentin in New Brunswick, Canada. Two years later, he made his U.S. debut at the 2015 Reno (Nev.) Rodeo. The French bull jumper compared the bulls at American rodeos to the bulls found in Spain 500 years ago. American rodeos use Mexican bulls which came from Spain but have since been crossbred into something on par with what was used centuries ago in Spain. “Jumping a bull is one of the most exciting things I can have in my life,” Lataste said. “When I’m in the arena, I’m really professional and I focus on the bull. The only moment I can see what just happened in the arena is when I have the reaction of the crowd. Last week, I had a standing ovation, and the people stood up by themselves. It (that reaction) is like a gift to me – that makes my day, when the crowd stands up.” In addition to jumping bulls, in France, Lataste is a beekeeper. “I’m pretty sure I will do beekeeping in Canada soon, it’s in my blood,” Lataste said. “The bull jumping is stronger than me.” He attended the Wrangler NFR as a spectator in 2016 and 2017, but he never anticipated being in the arena in 2018. “It wasn’t me who brought me to the NFR, it looks like it was the bull jumping,” Lataste said. “It was my dream. When I went to the NFR by myself, I said, ‘that’s where I have to go one day,’ and then I got called and I didn’t believe it.”’ The challenge at Las Vegas wasn’t the size of the crowd or knowing he was at the pinnacle of professional rodeo, it was condensing his usual five-minute performance to one. The shorter performance made it a challenge to get in a number of jumps. “(LongtimeWrangler NFR general manager) Shawn Davis told me I have one minute, ‘Do whatever you want, but you have one minute,’” Lataste said. “It was the shortest and hardest performance of my career.”’
2018 Wrangler NFR Specialty Acts
Madison MacDonald In 2018, trick rider Madison MacDonald extended her string to eight straight appearances at the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. “I never thought this would happen,” MacDonald said. “It’s everyone’s dream to perform there, so I’m beyond lucky and beyond blessed. It’s always an awesome experience, and every year they surprise me.” The 26-year-old has been trick riding for 19 years. In fact, the seasoned performer is beginning to think about slowing down, maybe in a few years when she starts a family with her husband, Keegan Thomas. They live in Stephenville, Texas, where MacDonald teaches trick riding when she’s not on the road performing.
“I always wanted to be a teacher, but thought it might be junior high math and science,”MacDonald said.“It just worked out that I get to teach trick riding instead. Like any performer, I don’t always want to share my secrets, but it would be too dangerous to keep it to myself – so I tell them everything they need to know.” MacDonald’s students come to Stephenville from around the neighborhood and all over the country – even overseas, as she had one student come from the Netherlands. She credits the increased interest to the appeal of the activity, as well as lucky timing. “It’s a sport for young girls, with costumes and fast horses,” MacDonald said. “And a couple of movies that featured trick riding helped too, like ‘Cowgirls and Angels.’” That still appeals to the Wrangler NFR veteran herself and to former NFR general manager Shawn Davis. “Mr. Davis loves the glitz and glamour, so I always try to come to Las Vegas with new costumes and new flags,”MacDonald said. “He tells me what he wants, and he doesn’t have to worry about me. I’m a perfectionist, and I guess I haven’t let him down yet. “It’s like coming home to a family now, saying hello to all the grounds workers and the people backstage. But it’s also really exciting. It never gets old (being involved in that production) because it’s new and fresh every year, and there’s so much energy around that place. You just build off that.”
Specialty Acts Unlike other sports, which have a single halftime or seventh-inning stretch, rodeo has many short breaks in the action. Specialty acts fill those gaps with entertainment ranging from hilarious comedy to breathtaking excitement, as well as opening many rodeos with spectacle and glamour. Local rodeo committees hire specialty acts that will appeal to their local audiences, so specialty acts can range from large trick riding teams to skydivers who bring flags into opening ceremonies and clowns who interact with props, the announcer and audience. Other specialty acts feature trained animals such as horses and dogs (even monkeys, goats, mules, and llamas) who perform astonishing tricks. This chapter provides some information about PRCA members who were qualified as insured specialty acts as of March 6, 2019.
Anderson’s Wild West Entertainment Austin Anderson PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1998. ACTS AND STUNTS: Roman riding, bullwhip act, trick riding. ANIMALS: Ringo, Buckshot, Pearl, Cheyenne, American Quarter Horses; Patches, paint horse. ACHIEVEMENTS: TV, film work performing stunts and using specialty horses; nominated for Dress Act of theYear, 2002; performed at Calgary (Alberta) Stampede, NationalWestern Stock Show & Rodeo (Denver). RESIDENCE: Troup, Texas. BORN: July 3, 1968. FAMILY: sister, Staci Anderson- Diaz, brother-in-law Jerry Diaz, PRCA specialty acts. OTHER OCCUPATIONS: stunt man, horse trainer. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: hunting, football, show production. WEBSITE : www.texastrickriders.com. Jessica Blair PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2012. RESIDENCE: Crofton, Ky. NFR : barrelman, 1996; alternate, 1999, 2001. PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 1977, Gold Card. ACTS AND STUNTS: clowning; trick horse, Zero theWonder Horse; Redneck Squirrel, dog. ACHIEVEMENTS : PRCA Comedy Act of the Year nominee, 2005, 2008-09; Clown of the Year nominee, 2005-12; Coors Man in the Can, 1995, 2000, runner-up, 1991; seven-time barrelman,Wrangler Bullfighter Finals. RESIDENCE : Smithdale, Miss. BORN : Sept. 12, 1949. FAMILY : wife, Betty Jane; daughter, Tressa; son, Kevin. OTHER OCCUPATION : cattleman. ADDITIONAL INTEREST : hunting. Ronald Burton PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2015. RESIDENCE: Athens,Texas. BORN : Nov. 12, 1971. Niki Cammaert NFR : opening act 2001; specialty act 2004, 2007-09, 2011. PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2000. ACTSANDSTUNTS: trick riding. ANIMALS: Rebel, Palomino; Sonny, Ziada, black trick riding horses. ACHIEVEMENTS: nominated for the PRCA Dress Act of the Year Award, 2008-10; Canadian Professional Rodeo Association Dress Act of the Year, 2010-13; Sundre (Alberta) Pro Rodeo, 2012- 13; Pincher Creek (Alberta) Pro Rodeo, 2012; Interior Provincial Exhibition and Stampede (Armstrong, British Columbia), 2012; Calgary (Alberta) Stampede BORN: June 17, 1986. Rudy Burns
specialty act, 1997-2005; Canadian Finals Rodeo, 1995- 2008; RodeoHouston, 2003-08; San Antonio, 2002-05. RESIDENCE: Pincher Creek, Alberta. BORN: April 20, 1980. FAMILY: husband, PRCA saddle bronc rider Dustin Flundra; son, Ridge. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: training horses, sports. WEBSITE : www.CowgirlinUp.com. Sadie Lynn Carter PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2010. RESIDENCE: NewWaverly, Texas. BORN: July 19, 1992. Cody Cavanaugh PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2016. RESIDENCE: Neenah,Wis. BORN: Feb. 5, 1981 Cowboy Gone Wild Binion Cervi PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2002. ACTS AND STUNTS: trick and fancy riding. ANIMALS: Fancy, Charlie, Counter, paint horses; Gunner, Palomino. RESIDENCE: Greeley, Colo. BORN: July 24, 1984. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: fishing, water skiing. Brice Chapman PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1993. RESIDENCE: Lubbock, NFR: 2011. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2002. ACHIEVEMENTS: nominated for PRCA Comedy Act of theYear, 2011-12;Tour Finale barrelman (Omaha), 2005; Canadian Finals Rodeo barrelman, 2003-10; College National Finals Rodeo barrelman; RAMMontana Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman; two-time RAM Columbia Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman; Canadian TV’s Host of theYear, 2007. RESIDENCE: Senlac, Saskatchewan. BORN: Jan. 26, 1973. FAMILY: wife, Katrina; son, Jinks. COLLEGE: Red Deer (Alberta) College, degree in fine arts. OTHER OCCUPATIONS: TV host, professional Western artist and cartoonist, rancher. WEBSITE: www.CrashCooper.com. Gena Cox PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2013. RESIDENCE: Germantown, Ohio. BORN: July 9, 1984. Dusti Crain PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2019. RESIDENCE: Kinmundy, Ill. BORN: July 3, 1987. Texas. BORN: Oct. 14, 1969. Crash Cooper
The Coppertown Clown Bert Davis NFR : opening act, 2000; specialty act 2003, 2006. PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 1974, Gold Card. ACTS AND STUNTS : Davis’Muttley Crew character dog trick liberty act; Trash Can Kitty; barrel-racing dogs. ANIMALS: Davis’ Muttley Crew: Ike, Jamie, Monte, Toby, Glory, Hayzues, Tic, Montana, Mo Mo, Bingo, Henry, Ponca, Trash Can Kitty; Bailey andWinnie. ACHIEVEMENTS: PRCA Comedy Act of the Year, Nominee, 2017, 2013, 2004, 2003; RAMTurquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2003, 2014; RAM Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2006; RAM California Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1998, 2004; RAM Mountain States Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2002; RAM Columbia River Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2001; RAMPrairie Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1999; National Western Stock Show and Rodeo (Denver, Colo.); Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo (Fort Worth, Texas); Southwestern International PRCA Rodeo (El Paso, Texas); Greeley Stampede (Greeley, Colo.); RodeoHouston (Houston, Texas);Tri-State Pro Rodeo (Fort Madison, Iowa); Dodge City Roundup (Dodge City, Kansas); Ponoka Stampede (Ponoka, Alberta);“America’s GotTalent”,Vegas round Finalist; Featured on National Geographic’s “Dogs with Jobs” and CMT’s “Most Shocking: Stomped and Gored”; PRCA Executive Council, Contract Personnel Chairman, At-Large Director; Eight-time Showcase Champion. RESIDENCE: Tonopah, Ariz. BORN: July 31, 1957. FAMILY: wife, Frannie; daughter, Cheyenne; son, Cody. OTHEROCCUPATIONS: animal trainer, truck driver. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: traveling, cooking, Facebook. WEBSITE: www.coppertownclown.com. Jason “Whistle Nut” Dent PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 2016. ANIMALS: three bulls: Ole (son ofYellowjacket) runs barrel pattern and does tug-of-war with kids from crowd; Mexican fighting bull, Dum-Dum, does teeter-totter act; smoke Brahma, Clutch, pulls chariot. ACTS ANDSTUNTS: bungee cord tug-of-war; comedy version of “Evolution of Dance.” ACHIEVEMENTS : Juneau County Fair Pro Rodeo (Mauston,Wis.), 2016; Brown County Fair PRCA Rodeo (De Pere, Wis.), 2016; Upper Peninsula Championship Rodeo (Iron River, Mich.), 2016; Little Big Horn Stampede Rodeo (Hardin, Mont.), 2016. RESIDENCE: Humeston, Iowa. BORN : July 12, 1979. FAMILY : wife, Holy; son, Gatlyn. OTHER OCCUPATION : auctioneer. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : Native American heritage. WEBSITE: www.imaginerodeo.com. Allan Dessel PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 2002. ACHIEVEMENTS : Woodward (Okla.) Elks PRCA Rodeo, 2008; Sitting Bull Stampede (Mobridge, S.D.), 2005-08; Cherokee (Iowa) PRCA Rodeo, 2003-05; RAM Great Lakes Circuit Finals Rodeo bullfighter, 2004, 2006, 2008. RESIDENCE : Soper, Okla. BORN : May 28, 1984. COLLEGE : Buena Vista University (Storm Lake, Iowa). OTHER OCCUPATION : high school physics and math teacher. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : roping, hunting, family. WEBSITE : www.AllanDessel.com. Gerardo “Jerry” Diaz Productions NFR : 1998. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1985, Gold Card. ACTS AND STUNTS: horsemanship, rope artistry, charro performer, dancing horses. ANIMALS: Andalusians, Quarter Horses, Aztecas and a Friesian
stallion. ACHIEVEMENTS: PRCA Specialty Act of the Year, 1998; director and producer, Mexican rodeo extravaganzas in Denver and Fort Worth, Texas; director, National Western Stock Show and Rodeo (Denver); lifetime member, San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo; first charro to perform at Summer Olympics (Atlanta, 1996); inducted into National Cowboys of Color Museum (Fort Worth, Texas) and Texas Trail of Fame (Fort Worth); performed in many TV commercials, several films. RESIDENCE: NewBraunfels, Texas. BORN: Nov. 7, 1960. FAMILY: wife, Staci Anderson-Diaz; son, Nicolas. OTHEROCCUPATIONS: ambassador for Purina Mills; spokesperson for Hutchinson HW Brands; horse trainer. WEBSITE : www.CharroJerryDiaz.com. “Backflip” Johnny Dudley PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 2004. ACTS AND STUNTS : Cow Patty, Xploding Limousine, Mailman Skunk. ANIMALS : Flower, skunk. ACHIEVEMENTS : All American ProRodeo Finals (Waco, Texas), 2014-17; Caldwell (Idaho) Night Rodeo, 2015; San Antonio (Texas) Xtreme Bulls, 2017-18; PRCA Comedy Act of the Year nominee, 2017; RAMTurquoise Circuit Finals (Las Cruces, N.M.), 2012, 2015; Central Wyoming Fair and Rodeo (Casper), 2013-14; Chief Joseph Days Rodeo (Joseph, Ore.), 2013-14, Redding (Calif.) Rodeo, 2014; Sandhills Stock Show and Rodeo (Odessa, Texas), 2011, 2018; ABC ProRodeo (Lubbock, Texas), 2008, 2011, 2017. RESIDENCE : Aubrey, Texas. BORN : June 2, 1978. FAMILY : wife, Emily; sons, Jase and Luke. COLLEGE : University of Houston, bachelor’s degree in international business. OTHEROCCUPATIONS : rodeo announcer, U.S. Marine Corps veteran. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : golfing and fishing. WEBSITE : PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2006. ACTS AND STUNTS: trick riding, Roman riding, openings and closings. ANIMALS : Who, buckskin mustang; Dollar, dun mustang; Rooster, bay mustang. ACHIEVEMENTS: Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo (Rapid City, S.D.), 2014; California Rodeo Salinas, 2013; Los Fresnos (Texas) PRCA Rodeo, 2014; Cache County PRCA Rodeo (Logan, Utah), 2013. RESIDENCE: Springtown, Texas. BORN: March 29, 1982. COLLEGE: radio/TV/ film, University of North Texas (Denton). OTHER OCCUPATION : training horses, including wild mustangsforuse inacts;substitute-teaching. WEBSITE: www.dynamitedames.com. Tom Feller PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 1982. RESIDENCE: Granbury, Texas. BORN: March 9,1951. Haley Ganzel PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2013. RESIDENCE: Talala, Okla. BORN: Oct. 2, 2013. La Charreria Tomas Barrera Garcilazo NFR/NFSR : opening act or specialty act, 1997-2001, 2003, 2005, 2010-12, 2017. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1998. ACTS AND STUNTS: Mexican trick-roping artist, reining, Pass of the Dead stunt. ANIMALS: Cholo, Overo, Tator, Nick, horses. ACHIEVEMENTS: PRCA Dress Act of theYear, 2007, 2012-13, nominated, 2008, www.BackflipJohnny.com. Ginger Duke
2010-11, 2015-16; performed at White House with Will Rogers Follies; has worked with Linda Ronstadt, Keith Carradine andMac Davis; performs acts around the world. RESIDENCE: Stephenville, Texas. BORN: Dec. 21, 1966. FAMILY: wife, Bertha; daughter, Nancy; son, Tomas. OTHER OCCUPATION: horse trainer. ADDITIONAL INTEREST: show business productions. Jeff “Slim” Garner PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2000. ACTS AND STUNTS: cowboy Cadillac, barbecued chicken, air taxi, fishing boat. ACHIEVEMENTS: RAM Turquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2005-06, 2008; Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo (Vernal, Utah), 2008; Mollala (Ore.) Buckeroo PRCA Rodeo, 2004-06; Guymon (Okla.) Pioneers Day Rodeo, 2005; Laughlin (Nev.) River Stampede PRCA Rodeo, 2004-05, 2008. RESIDENCE: Fredonia. Kan. BORN: Feb. 21, 1973. FAMILY: wife, Alisha; daughter, Jacquelyn. COLLEGE: Garden City (Kan.) Community College, associate degree. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: roping, hunting. WEBSITE: www.SlimGarner.com. Rodney “Shotgun” Gaston PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1993. RESIDENCE: Chappell Hill, Texas. BORN: Sept. 17, 1965. Percheron Thunder Jason Goodman NFR : 2006-10, 2015. PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2006. ACTS AND STUNTS: high-speed horse driving exhibition, Roman ridingwith six Percheron draft horses, tandem riding, random riding. ANIMALS: Pilot, Captain, Tuff, Jag, Huey, Bode, Count, Mike, all 2,000-pound Percheron draft horses. ACHIEVEMENTS: nominated for PRCA Dress Act of the Year Award, 2008-11, 2013; National Western Stock Show & Rodeo (Denver) specialty act, 2004-09, 2013, 2015; San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo specialty act, 2007-10, 2015; Reno (Nev.) Rodeo, 2006-10, 2013, 2015; Ogden (Utah) Pioneer Days, 2015; Sisters (Ore.) Rodeo, 2013; Wrangler ProRodeo Tour Championship (Dallas) specialty act, 2006-08; Justin Boots Championships (Omaha, Neb.) specialty act, 2006-08; Calgary (Alberta) Stampede, 2007, 2009; World Quarter Horse Congress, 2003-05, 2007; World Percheron Congress, 2004, 2006, 2010; Rolex Three-day Hunter/Jumper Event. RESIDENCE: Nunn, Colo. BORN: March 7, 1973. FAMILY: wife, Rose. OTHER OCCUPATIONS: farrier, trainer, hitch driver. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: hunting, fishing, snowmobiling. WEBSITE: www.percheronthunder.com. Donny Green PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 1976. RESIDENCE: Ridgefield, Wash. BORN: Oct. 11, 1953. Cliff Happy PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 1968 . RESIDENCE: Santa Clarita, Specialty Acts (continued)
bullfighter for U.S. rodeo team touring Africa; RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo (Pocatello, Idaho), 1991, 1997, 2010; RAMGreat Lakes Circuit Finals Rodeo, RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals Rodeo, five times; Dixie National Rodeo (Jackson, Miss.), 32 times; Rodeo of the Ozarks (Springdale, Ark.), 30 years; Canadian Finals Rodeo, five times; Colorado State Fair (Pueblo), 1994- 2005; Southwest District Fat Stock Show and Rodeo (Lake Charles, La.), 34 years; Semi-annual RalphMorgan Rodeo (Lauderdale, Miss.), 43 years; Calgary (Alberta) Stampede, 1994-2002; Collierville (Tenn.) Sports Hall of Fame. RESIDENCE: Collierville,Tenn. BORN: Nov. 6, 1936. FAMILY: wife, Ethel; sons, Matt, Chuck; daughter, Christi. COLLEGE: University of Tennessee (Martin), animal husbandry. OTHER OCCUPATIONS: owner, sign business. ADDITIONAL INTEREST: golf, rodeo production. WEBSITE: www.Lecile.com. John Harrison Specialty Acts NFR : opening act, 2001-02, 2008; barrelman, 2013, 2015. PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 1999. ACTS ANDSTUNTS: comedy trick riding, Miss Rodeo Universe, magic act, Olympics act. ANIMALS: Gus, horse. ACHIEVEMENTS: PRCA Comedy Act of the Year 2012, 2014-16, nominated 2008-11, 2013; nominated for PRCA Dress Act of theYear, 2004-05, nominated for PRCA Clown of the Year, 2008-16; Coors Man in the Can, 2014, 2016; nominated for Coors Man in the Can, 2011-12; RAM Great Lakes Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2014. RESIDENCE: Soper, Okla. BORN: Oct. 12, 1978. FAMILY : wife, Carla; daughter, Addison, son, Cazwell. COLLEGE: Colby (Kan.) Community College, Southeastern Oklahoma State University (Durant), bachelor’s degree in agricultural business. OTHER OCCUPATIONS: rancher, entrepreneur. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: hunting, roping, event production. WEBSITE : www.HarrisonEntertainment.com. Kevin Higley PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1984, Gold Card. ACTS AND STUNTS: Hollywood Tex and John, Billy the Kid. ACHIEVEMENTS: RAM Wilderness Circuit Finals Rodeo bullfighter, 1985-90, barrelman 1991, 1993- 94, 1997, 2006, 2009; RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 1995, 1997; RAM Columbia River Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 1996; Wyoming State Fair Clown Classic, 1984. RESIDENCE: Hooper, Utah. BORN: Dec. 1, 1956. FAMILY: wife, Tammy; sons, Justin, Casey, Trevor, Colton. OTHER OCCUPATION: general contractor. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: family, NFR: barrelman, 2010; alternate, 2011. PRCA MEMBERSHIP : contestant, 1991; barrelman, 2004. ACHIEVEMENTS: nominated for the PRCA Comedy Act of the Year, 2008, 2010-11; nominated for PRCA Clown of the Year, 2006, 2008, 2010; nominated for Coors Man in the Can, 2011-12; RAMGreat Lakes Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, specialty act, 2006; RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 2005. RESIDENCE: Cave Spring, Ga. BORN: Jan. 11, 1968. FAMILY : wife, Lynn; sons, Reed, Blake; daughter, Carli. raising bucking bulls, skiing. Robbie Hodges
Calif. BORN: Aug. 26, 1952. Lecile Harris
PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1982, Gold Card. ACTS AND STUNTS: piano act, baseball act, magic act, robot, taxi, shootout, fiddle act, whip act. ACHIEVEMENTS: ProRodeo Hall of Fame inductee, 2007; PRCA Clown of theYear, 1992, 1994-96; seven years onTV’s Hee Haw;
Bryan Hope PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1994. RESIDENCE: Ninety Six, S.C. BORN: Dec. 23, 1959. Brandi Horsley-Krajnik PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2017. RESIDENCE: Nampa, Idaho. BORN: June 1, 1973. Keith Isley NFR: opening act, 1998, 2001, 2008; barrelman, 2009. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1994. ACTS AND STUNTS: horse act, dog acts, comedy trick roping, bull whips. ACHIEVEMENTS: PRCA Clown of the Year, 2006-11, nominated 2012-16; Coors Man in the Can, 2006, 2009- 12; PRCA Comedy Act of theYear, 2001, 2004, 2009-11, 2013, nominated 2008, 2012, 2014-16; PRCA Specialty Act of the Year, 1999-2002, 2006; RAM National Finals Circuit Rodeo specialty act and barrelman, 1999-2000, 2008, 2010, barrelman, 2014; RAMPrairie Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2013; RAMBadlands Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2008; RAM Columbia River Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2007; RAM Great Lakes Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2003; RAM First Frontier Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1999-2001, 2004-06, 2009, 2015; RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1996. RESIDENCE: Goldston, N.C. BORN: Oct. 9, 1957. FAMILY: wife, Melanie. WEBSITE: www.KeithIsley.com. Bobby Kerr NFR: 2016. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2013. ACTS AND STUNTS: horse riding in a car, horse walking over swinging bridge, horse cutting dog, horse liberty act. ANIMALS: Poncho and Trigger, mustangs; Bert, border collie/kelpie cross; Ernie, border collie/jack cross. ACHIEVEMENTS: 2017 PRCA Dress Act of the Year; nominated for PRCA Dress Act of the Year, 2015-16; Oakley (Utah) Rodeo, 2017; Sisters (Ore.) Rodeo, 2014, 2017;Tehachapi (Calif.) Mountain Rodeo, 2014, 2016-17; NationalWestern Stock Show& Rodeo (Denver, Colo.), 2014-15; Reno (Nev.) Rodeo, 2016; Pendleton (Ore.) Roundup, 2016; RAMCalifornia Circuit Finals Rodeo (Lancaster), 2016; Grand National Rodeo (San Francisco, Calif.), 2016; Days of‘47 (Salt Lake City, Utah), 2016; Santa Maria (Calif.) Elks Rodeo, 2014-15; St. Paul (Ore.) Rodeo, 2014; Cowboy Capital Pro Rodeo (Stephenville, Texas), 2013, Waller County Fair and Rodeo (Hempstead, Texas), 2013; champion and fan favorite award-winner at Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover, 2012. RESIDENCE: Hico,Texas. BORN: Oct. 31, 1957. FAMILY: wife, Susan; son, Cody; daughter, Kelsey. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: metal sculpting and fabricating; custommotorcycles. WEBSITE: www. NFR: 2012-17. PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2010. ACTS AND STUNTS: trick roping, horseback trick roping, gun spinning, fire whips, whipcracking. ACHIEVEMENTS: nominated for PRCA Dress Act of the Year, 2014-17; performed in Wild West show in fourteen countries; RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2018; Cheyenne (Wyo.) Frontier Days, 2012-18; two-time World Champion Gun Spinner, Four-time World Champion Trick Roper, World Champion All-around Performer, 2011. RESIDENCE: Ripley, Okla. BORN: Oct. 11, 1991. FAMILY: single. OTHER OCCUPATION: team roping. ADDITIONAL INTEREST: roping. WEBSITE: www. riderkiesner.com. bobbykerrmustang.com. Rider Kiesner
Tricked Out Trickriders Dusta Kimzey PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2012. ACTS AND STUNTS: trick riding, trick roping, rodeo openings and closings. ACHIEVEMENTS: Big Spring (Texas) Cowboy Reunion and Rodeo, 2015; Cushing (Okla.) Community Rodeo, 2015; Woodward (Okla.) Elks Rodeo, 2012- 13; Cache County Fair & Rodeo (Logan, Utah), 2013; Pioneer Days Rodeo (Clovis, N.M.), 2012; Will Rogers Stampede (Claremore, Okla.), 2012; Barber County Fair (Hardtner, Kan.), 2012; Old Settlers Reunion PRCA Rodeo (Cheyenne, Okla.), 2012; appeared in feature film “Cowgirls and Angels.” RESIDENCE: Strong City, Okla. BORN: Nov. 18, 1991. FAMILY: father, Ted, PRCA barrelman; mother, Jennifer; brothers, Trey and 2014-18 World Champion Bull Rider Sage. COLLEGE: Southwestern Oklahoma State University, doctoral student in pharmacy. OTHEROCCUPATIONS: pharmacist, barrel racer, stunt woman. WEBSITE : PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1974, Gold Card. ACTS AND STUNTS: six-wheeled car with lots of fireworks; trained animals; youth trick riding with clown comedy. ACHIEVEMENTS: NFRWrangler Bullfight barrelman, 1985-98, 2000; RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 1996; PRCA Clown of the Year, 1986; RAM Prairie Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 10 times; Oklahoma State High School Finals, 1977; RAM Prairie Circuit Clown of the Year, 1981; Coors Man in the Can finalist, 1985-86, 1989-97, 1999. RESIDENCE: Strong City, Okla. BORN: Aug. 13, 1952. FAMILY: wife, Jennifer; daughter, Dusta; sons, 2014-18World Champion Bull Rider Sage, Trey. COLLEGE: Southwestern Oklahoma State University (Weatherford), bachelor’s degree in industrial education. OTHER OCCUPATIONS: auctioneer, rancher. ADDITIONAL INTEREST: collecting bits and spurs. Trey Kimzey PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2017. RESIDENCE: Zwingle, Iowa. BORN: Jan. 19, 1999. Lil Bucks Rodeo & Co. Donnie Landis NFR: 1993, 1995, alternate, 1997. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1978, Gold Card. ACTS AND STUNTS: Donnie’s Amazing Magic Show, Mario the Flea, Wild Cantbeatalope, The Miniature One-Armed Bandit. ANIMALS: miniature bucking bulls. ACHIEVEMENTS: RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 1995, 2002; RAM Columbia River Circuit Finals Rodeo clown/bullfighter, 1988; RAMMontana Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 1995; RAM Sierra Circuit Finals Rodeo bullfighter, 1978, barrelman, 1992, clown, 1996; Calgary (Alberta) Stampede barrelman, 1995; Pendleton (Ore.) Round-Up barrelman, 1989-91, 1993; Reno (Nev.) Rodeo bullfighter, 1991, barrelman, 1992-95; California High School Association Rodeo bullfighter and clown, 1976-77. RESIDENCE: Gooding, Idaho. BORN: June 7, 1960. FAMILY: wife, Rabecca; sons, Travis, Kyler, Tucker, Michael, Robert; daughter, Leslie. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: fishing, animal training, magic. www.dustakimzey.com. Ted Kimzey
Specialty Acts (continued)
Emmanuel Lataste PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2018. ACTS AND STUNTS: Gymnic and acrobatic jumps over a bull (professional bull jumping). ACHIEVEMENTS: NFR specialty act, 2018; Cinch World’s Toughest Rodeo (all rodeos), 2017-18; Reno (Nev.) Rodeo, 2015-18; Ute Stampede Rodeo (Nephi, Utah), 2016-18; Grand National Rodeo (San Francisco, Calif.), 2016-18. RESIDENCE: Saint Tite, Quebec, Canada. BORN: Dec. 1, 1985. FAMILY: wife, Myriam; daughter, Olivia. OTHER OCCUPATION: Pilates and fitness teacher. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: Beekeeping and farming. Kelsey Lauberth PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2016. RESIDENCE: Poplarville, Miss. BORN: May 20, 1993. Wild Thang Productions Tim Lepard PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2004. ACTS AND STUNTS: four monkeys riding four dogs round up bighorn sheep and put them on roof of semi-tractor. ANIMALS : Sam, Meg, Bubba and Little E, monkeys; Ned, Jed and Tey, dogs. ACHIEVEMENTS : National Western Stock Show & Rodeo (Denver, Colo.), 2009-10; Silver Spurs Rodeo (Kissimmee, Fla.), 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2013; barrelman, specialty act, RAM Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2009; RAM First Frontier Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2006-10; RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals Rodeo (Davie, Fla.), 2011, 2013; Black Hills Roundup (Belle Fourche, S.D.), 2015; Southeastern Livestock Exposition (Montgomery, Ala.), 2008, 2015; Ellensburg (Wash.) Rodeo, 2009, 2014; Horse Heaven Round-Up (Kennewick, Wash.), 2014; Lakeland (Fla.) PRCA Rodeo, 2013-14; Peace River ProRodeo Classic (Wauchula, Fla.), 2014; Immokalee (Fla.) Firefighters ProRodeo Classic, 2014; six NFL half-time shows and 220MLB shows as well as NHL, NBA and arena football games; movie/TV appearances include “Gambit” and Jay Leno’s “ Tonight Show,” “America’s Got Talent” and “E60”. RESIDENCE: Pontotoc, Miss. BORN: Jan. 30, 1962. FAMILY: wife, Rhonda; daughter, Lakelynn. OTHER OCCUPATIONS: trainer, electrician, welder. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : training animals, spending time with daughter, working in flower beds. WEBSITE : NFR : opening act, 2001, 2003, 2005; barrelman, 2006- 08. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1997. ACTS AND STUNTS: TheWild Child, motorcycle act. ACHIEVEMENTS: PRCA Comedy Act of theYear, 2002-03, 2005-08, nominated 2010, 2012, 2015-16; nominated for Clown of the Year, 2008-11, 2015; Coors Man in the Can, 2007-08, nominated, 2011-12; Winter Tour Finale (Las Vegas) specialty act, 2001; RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo specialty act, 2001, 2003, 2015; RAMMountain States Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 2001, 2003; RAM Columbia River Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 2006; RAMWilderness Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 2004; Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show (Fort Worth, Texas), 2002, 2005; Reno (Nev.) Rodeo, 2001, 2003-04. RESIDENCE: Payson, Utah. BORN: Jan. 2, 1967. OTHEROCCUPATION: owner, mountain www.TeamGhostRiders.com. The Wild Child Troy Lerwill
bike store. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: mountain biking, alpine climbing, camping. WEBSITE : www. TheWildChild.net. John Lewis PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2003. RESIDENCE: Silt, Colo. BORN: March 2, 1980. Anthony Lucia NFR: 2010-13. PRCAMEMBERSHIP: contestant, 2005; specialty act, 2009; announcer, 2011. ACTS AND STUNTS : trick roping. ACHIEVEMENTS : specialty act: nominated for Dress Act of the Year, 2012-13; RAM Great Lakes Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2010; NationalWestern Stock Show and Rodeo, Denver, Colo., 2012-13; Fort Worth (Texas) Stock Show & Rodeo, 2008, 2010-11; Upper Peninsula Championship Rodeo (Iron River, Mich.), 2011, 2013; Buffalo Bill Rodeo (North Platte, Neb.), 2009; Days of ‘47 Rodeo (Salt Lake City, Utah), 2009; RAM City (Kan.) Roundup, 2009; semifinalist on “America’s Got Talent,” 2010; announcer: Canton (Texas) Stampede Rodeo, 2010; won the team roping at Buc Days ProRodeo (Corpus Christi, Texas), 2011. RESIDENCE: Weatherford,Texas. BORN: March 19, 1985. FAMILY : father,Tommy Lucia, 2003-05 Specialty Act of the Year. OTHER OCCUPATIONS : live talk show host during Wrangler National Finals Rodeo; columnist for “Rodeo Fame”magazine; rodeo announcer; team roper. Madison MacDonald NFR: 2011-18. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2010. ACTS: trick riding, bridleless, pyro, liberty horse. ANIMALS : Chick and Chex, Palomino Quarter Horses; No. 1, buckskin Quarter Horse; Vegas, black Thoroughbred/ Quarter Horse cross; Joe Brown, bay Quarter Horse. ACHIEVEMENTS: RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2013; RAMBadlands Circuit Finals Rodeo (Minot, N.D.), 2012; Sikeston (Mo.) Jaycees Bootheel Rodeo, 2015; Pasadena (Texas) Livestock Show and Rodeo, 2013- 15; Belton (Texas) 4th of July Rodeo, 2015; Guadalupe County Fair & Rodeo (Seguin,Texas), 2015; Los Fresnos (Texas) PRCA Rodeo, 2014-15; Fort Bend County Fair & Rodeo (Rosenberg, Texas), 2015; Cowboy Capital of the Year PRCA Rodeo (Stephenville, Texas), 2013-14; Dixie National Rodeo (Jackson, Miss.), 2014; Midwest Horse Fair and Rodeo (Madison, Wis.), 2014-15; Ralph Morgan Rodeo (Lauderdale, Miss.), 2014; Mesquite (Texas) Pro Rodeo, July 2014; Moses Lake (Wash.) Roundup Rodeo, 2014; FortWorth (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo, 2012, 2014; Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo (Rapid City, S.D.) 2013; Steamboat Springs (Colo.) Pro Rodeo Series, 2013; Livingston (Mont.) Roundup PRCA Rodeo, 2012-14. RESIDENCE: Stephenville,Texas. BORN: Feb. 20, 1993. OTHEROCCUPATIONS: student, TV stuntwoman, teaching trick riding. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: horse training, rodeo events. Gizmo’s Comedy Show Gizmo McCracken NFR : specialty act, 2005. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1992. ACTS AND STUNTS: Utility Man, Dr. Giz Ambulance, Gizmo’s SirinkinMachine, Miracle Golfer, Ostrich Jockey, Swamp People. ACHIEVEMENTS: 2017 Comedy Act of the Year; Columbia River Circuit Finals, 2018; RAM
Randee Munns PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1971. ACTS AND STUNTS: Frisbees, T-shirt cannon. ACHIEVEMENTS: RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo, bullfight barrelman, 1994-95, 1997; RAM Wilderness Circuit Finals Rodeo specialty act, 2004, chute boss, barrelman or bullfighter 24 other years. RESIDENCE: Garland, Utah. BORN: Sept. 15, 1949. OTHER OCCUPATION: welding inspector, welding teacher. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: heli-skiing; breaking and training mules and horses. Carmine “Cooper” Nastri with Carmine B. Nastri PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2013. ACTS AND STUNTS: trick roping. ACHIEVEMENTS: Painted Pony Championship Rodeo (Lake Luzerne, N.Y.), 2013-14; Cowtown Rodeo (Woodstown-Pilesgrove, N.J.), 2013-14; Sussex (N.J.) Christian School Pro Rodeo, 2013-14; Gerry (N.Y.) Firemen’s Rodeo, 2014; Washington County Fair Pro Rodeo (Greenwich, N.Y.), 2014; Goshen (Conn.) Stampede, 2014. RESIDENCE: Ballston Spa, N.Y. BORN: July 11, 2000. FAMILY: father, Carmine, PRCA team roper and tie- down roper; mother, Sheri; grandfather, Dusty Cleveland, PRCA announcer. Melissa Navarre PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2017. RESIDENCE: Weatherford, Okla. BORN: April 22, 1977. Lindy Nealey PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2013. ACHIEVEMENTS: Stephenville OpenWomen’s Trick Riding Champion; Contract Act Showcase Champion. RESIDENCE: Roanoke, Ind. FAMILY: husband, Nic Lica. COLLEGE: University of Illinois. BORN: May 2, 1991. OTHER OCCUPATION: Agricultural Research. Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls Jennifer Welch Nicholson NFR : 1985-89, 1996. PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 1990. ACTS AND STUNTS : all-female group performing choreographed trick roping, trick riding, Roman riding. ANIMALS : Apollo, Seven, Remington, American Quarter Horses; Ciscos Kids Chex, paint horses; Shilo, Appaloosa. ACHIEVEMENTS : nominated for PRCA Specialty Act (Dress) of the year, 2011, 2013, 2015- 16; performed for Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee, 2012; RAM California Circuit Finals Rodeo; California Rodeo Salinas, 2010; RAM City Roundup, 2008, 2011; Days of ‘76 (Deadwood, S.D.), 2008, 2011; Red Bluff (Calif.) Roundup, 2010; Rose Parade, 2000-04; Cavalia, 2005; NFL Super Bowl Party; Monday Night Football halftime show; NBA All-Star Game; American Cowboy Culture Award, 2010; appearances in national commercials and videos. RESIDENCE : Three Rivers, Calif. BORN : April 10, 1963. FAMILY : husband, Chad Nicholson, PRCA rodeo announcer. OTHER OCCUPATIONS : Western performance arts clinician; motivational speaker; trick riding trainer for Cavalia International. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: Rotary International, international charities, motivational speaking. WEBSITE : www.RRCowboyGirls.com. One Arm Bandit & Co. John, Mandy and Lynn Payne NFR : 1994-95. PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 1988. ACTS AND STUNTS: rounding up wild buffalo, horses, longhorns on top of trailer. ANIMALS: two buffalo, mules, horses, dogs. ACHIEVEMENTS: Calgary (Alberta) Stampede, RodeoHouston; Reno (Nev.) Rodeo;
Texas Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2008, 2017; World’s Oldest Rodeo (Prescott, Ariz.), 2015; Wrangler Champions Challenge (Spanish Fork, Utah), 2015; California Rodeo Salinas, 2011; Sandhills Stock Show (Odessa, Texas), 2012-13; Fort Worth (Texas) Stock Show & Rodeo, 2009; RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo specialty act, 2006; Wrangler ProRodeo Tour Championships (Dallas), 2008; RAM California Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2014; RAM Wilderness Circuit Finals Rodeo (Heber City, Utah), 2013; RAM Prairie Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1998, 2005; RAM Great Lakes Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1994, 1996, 2000-01; RAM Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1997-2003, 2007, 2015; RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2004; PRCA Comedy Act of the Year nominee, 2002, 2005, 2014-18; Clown of the Year nominee, 2016; Coors Man in the Can nominee, 2007-09. RESIDENCE: Fairview, Mo. BORN: Dec. 29, 1961. FAMILY: wife, Janice; daughters, Mandy, Cassie. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: gospel music, grandkids, comedy. WEBSITE : www.GizmoMcCracken.com. Trent McFarland PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2013. ACTS AND STUNTS: Wrangler “Taxi” Roadster, Cowboy Wambulance, Talladega Nights Race Car, trick roping. ANIMALS: Barthal-the-Mule, Stinky the Skunk. ACHIEVEMENTS: RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2016; Okeechobee (Fla.) Cattlemen’s PRCA Rodeo, 2014- 16; Citrus Stampede Rode (Inverness, Fla.), 2015-16; Southeastern Pro Rodeo (Ocala, Fla.), 2014, 2016; Davie (Fla.) Pro Rodeo, 2014, 2016; Brighton Field Day (Okeechobee, Fla.), 2016; Ocala (Fla.) Shrine Rodeo, 2016; Licking (Mo.) PRCA Rodeo, 2016; Homestead (Fla.) PRCA Rodeo, 2016; Fort Myers (Fla.) Pro Rodeo, 2016; Wahoo (Neb.) Saddle Club PRCA Rodeo, 2016; Cattlemen Days Rodeo (Ashland, Mo.), 2016; Jasper (Texas) Lions Rodeo, 2015; Arcadia All-Florida Championship Rodeo, 2015; Benton (Pa.) Rodeo, 2015; Seven Clans PRCA Rodeo (Cherokee, N.C.), 2014. RESIDENCE: Hope Hull, Ala. BORN: Nov. 26, 1980. FAMILY: wife, Wendy; sons, Cody and Ryder; father, Sid, PRCA Gold Card barrelman. COLLEGE: associate degree, nursing; additional certifications in operating room specialties. OTHER OCCUPATION: operating room registered nurse. WEBSITE: www. trentmcfarland.com. Gene “Who” McLaughlin PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1976, Gold Card. RESIDENCE: RESIDENCE : Learned, Miss. BORN : Oct. 27, 1995. COLLEGE : bachelor’s degree in agricultural business from Mississippi State University. WEBSITE : www. MissRodeoAmerica.com. Matt Merritt PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2013. RESIDENCE: Olin, N.C. BORN: Jan. 26, 1982. Ginger Mertens PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2016. RESIDENCE: Hortinville, Wis. BORN: June 24, 1986. Moorpark, Calif. BORN: Sept. 25, 1929. Miss Rodeo America Taylor McNair
Specialty Acts (continued)
Southwestern Exposition Livestock Show and Rodeo (Fort Worth, Texas); National Western Stock Show & Rodeo (Denver); PRCA Specialty Act of the Year 1989- 96; PRCA Dress Act of the Year, 2008-11, 2014-16, nominated, 2012; RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo, Amanda, 2003, John, 1992; Lynn, 2007. RESIDENCE: Shidler, Okla. BORN: John, April 19, 1953; Amanda, May 2, 1978; Lynn, Jan. 8, 1976. FAMILY: wife, Judy; son, Lynn; daughter, Amanda. OTHEROCCUPATIONS: rancher, hunter. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: playing poker, hunting wild cattle. Holly “Emily” Peebles PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2013. RESIDENCE: Sparwood, British Columbia. BORN: Nov. 5, 1970. Kenny Petet PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2018. RESIDENCE: Stephenville, Texas. BORN: Sept. 16, 1965. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2016. ACTS AND STUNTS: trick riding, pyro, specialty vaulting, rodeo openings and closings. ANIMALS: Zip, Black Quarter Horse; Smudge and True, Sorrel Quarter Horses; Splatter, Paint Horse. ACHIEVEMENTS: 2018 Canadian Professional Rodeo Association Contract Act of theYear; three-time Canadian Trick Riding Champion (2012, 2013,2014); 2015 Australian Trick Riding Champion (Sydney, Australia); 2018 Canadian Finals Rodeo Opening Act (Red Deer, Alberta); Ponoka (Alberta, Canada) Stampede, 2018; St. Paul (Ore.) Rodeo, 2018; Snake River Stampede (Nampa, Idaho), 2016, 2019; Armstrong (British Columbia) IPE & Stampede, 2014, 2015, 2017-19; Central (Casper)Wyoming Fair and Rodeo, 2017; Last Chance Stampede (Helena, Mont.), 2019; Para Del Sol Rodeo (Scottsdale, Ariz.), 2016; Strathmore (Alberta, Canada) Stampede, 2015, 2018, 2019; Innisfail (Alberta, Canada) Pro Rodeo, 2018. RESIDENCE: Wardlow, Alberta, Canada. BORN : Oct. 15, 1999 OTHER OCCUPATION: student, stunt woman. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: training horses. WEBSITE: www.fullthrottletrickriding.com Shelby Pierson Full Throttle Trick Rider
Rodeo barrelman, six times, bullfighter, once; RAM First Frontier Circuit Finals Rodeo specialty act and barrelman, 1996-97; inducted into the Casey Tibbs Hall of Fame, 2010; inducted into South Dakota Hall of Fame, 1991; PRCA Contract Personnel Executive Council member2005-12; Wrangler National Finals Rodeo Committee, 2005-2012; screen credits: Backstage with a Rodeo Clown, Oscar-winning documentary The Great American Cowboy, All That Glitters Is Not Gold and Dan Seals country music video. RESIDENCE: New Underwood, S.D. BORN: June 4, 1941. FAMILY: wife, Claudette; son, Chris. COLLEGE: Black Hills State University (Spearfish, S.D.), bachelor’s degree in elementary education. OTHER OCCUPATIONS: entertainer, rancher. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: youth work, travel. WEBSITE : www.gwtc.net/~pbaroni. Bobby Reid PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 1989. ACTS AND STUNTS : skydiving into arenawith 12’by 18’American flag during national anthem. ACHIEVEMENTS : Tri-State Rodeo (Fort Madison, Iowa), 2008-10; Jackson County Rodeo (Bellevue, Iowa), 2008-09; Central Wyoming Fair and Rodeo (Casper), 2008-10;Woodward (Okla.) Elks Rodeo, 2010; RAM City (Kan.) Roundup, 2010; Will Rogers Memorial Rodeo (Vinita, Okla.), 2010. RESIDENCE : Montrose, Iowa. BORN : Jan. 17, 1948. FAMILY : wife, Terri; daughters, Darcie, Shanna, barrel racers. OTHER OCCUPATIONS : locomotive engineer, farrier. Jeff Reynolds PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 1983, Gold Card. RESIDENCE : Fort Ann, N.Y. BORN : Jan. 7, 1965. Entertainment to the Max Max Reynolds NFR : opening act, 1991, 1993, 1995-96, 1998-2000. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1976, Gold Card. ACTS AND STUNTS: Roman riding, trick roping, whips, six- guns, Buffalo Bill impersonation. ANIMALS: paint horses. ACHIEVEMENTS: RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1990, 2008, 2014; National Western Stock Show & Rodeo (Denver), 1996-2014, 2016; three- time Specialty Act of the Year nominee; performed in several foreign countries; film and video credits include Adventures of Pepper and Paula; All About Cowboys for Kids; Frank Schoonover, the Authentic Cowboy Artist; and stunt work as Buffalo Bill in Buffalo Girls . RESIDENCE: Lexington, Neb. BORN: Aug. 9, 1952. FAMILY: wife, Cathy. COLLEGE: Colorado State University (Fort Collins), bachelor’s degree in animal science. OTHER OCCUPATIONS: horse training, ranch work. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: horses, performing inWildWest shows and rodeos. WEBSITE: PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2018. RESIDENCE: Boise, Idaho. BORN: Jan. 22, 1973. FAMILY : wife, Lacey; son, Rad; daughter, Sadie. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : pyrotechnics, hunting. Edward Rossi PRCAMEMBERSHIP :2018. RESIDENCE : Neenah,Wis. BORN : Aug. 23, 1981. www.wildwestacts.com. Jason Risch
Brian Potter PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1988. RESIDENCE: Dalhart, Texas. BORN: Sept. 28, 1956.
Pony Baroni & Little Richie Duane Reichert
NFR : opening act, 1999, 2001, 2002. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1968, Gold Card. ACTS AND STUNTS: horse walking on hind legs, dancing horse. ANIMALS: Pony Baroni, gray gelding; Little Richie, horse; W.W. Foxie Fanny, Yorkshire terrier; B.J., pygmy goat. ACHIEVEMENTS: nominated for the Donita Barnes Contract Personnel Lifetime Achievement Award, 2011-13; inducted into Black Hills State University Rodeo Hall of Fame, 2014; Animal Athlete of the Year Award, Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center, Fort Pierre, Sd.D., 2014; Ben Kobzo Award for outstanding service in Badlands Circuit, 2000; RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 1994 (alternate, 1992-93); RAM Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo specialty act, 1999; RAM Badlands Circuit Finals
Trixie Chicks Trick Riders Kelsey Scott and Shelby Epperson ACTS AND STUNTS: Trick & Fancy Riding with Superior Crowd Interaction (Before, During, & After Event). ANIMALS: Horses: King (2018 Breyer Horse Portrait Model), Cookie, Cody, Lightning, Count. ACHIEVEMENTS: 2018 International Trick Riding Open Champion; 2016 North American Trick Riding Women’s Champion; 2016 Calgary Stampede Trick Riding Champion; 2016 International Trick Riding Open Champion; 2015 International Trick Riding Women’s Champion; 2015 International Trick Riding Team Champion RESIDENCE: Willard, Mo. COLLEGE: bachelor’s degree in animal science; bachelor’s degree in agriculture business; master’s degree in equestrian education. WEBSITE: www.trxchx.com . Wolfey Clint Selvester PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1998. ACHIEVEMENTS : RAM California Circuit Finals Rodeo, barrelman, 2007. RESIDENCE: Red Bluff, Calif. BORN: Oct. 6, 1979. FAMILY: wife, Katie. COLLEGE: Shasta (Calif.) College, Platt College (San Diego), associate degree inmultimedia design. OTHEROCCUPATIONS: sound man, event DJ, freelance designer. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : hunting, fishing, snowboarding. Frankie “Punkintown” Smith PRCAMEMBERSHIP : 1998. STYLEOF DRESS: colorful jerseys, Wrangler baggies, hats. VITALS: 6-0, 175 pounds. ACTS AND STUNTS : clogging on Mini Pearl (the mule);World’s Smartest Horse. ACHIEVEMENTS : RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2008; RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2008, 2015; RAM Columbia River Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2012; RAM Turquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2011; RAMFirst Frontier Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2010; RAM Prairie Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2004, 2007; Norco (Calif.) Mounted Posse PRCA Rodeo, 2015; MagicValley Stampede PRCA Rodeo (Filer, Idaho), 2015; San Bernardino (Calif.) Sheriff’s Rodeo, 2015; Kit Carson County Pro Rodeo (Burlington, Colo.), 2015; Walla Walla (Wash.) Frontier Days, 2012; Grand National Rodeo (San Francisco, Calif.), 2012; Cody (Wyo.) Stampede Rodeo, 2009-12; Southwestern Exposition Livestock Show and Rodeo (Fort Worth, Texas), 2008; Cheyenne (Wyo.) Frontier Days, 2006-08; International Country Gospel Music Association Comedian of the Year, 1997-99, and Entertainer of theYear, 1997; world champion clogger, 1995. RESIDENCE : Palestine,Texas. BORN : July 19, 1964. FAMILY : wife, Laurie. OTHER OCCUPATIONS: evangelist, motivational speaker, entertainer. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : beef cattle ranching. WEBSITE : www.Punkintown.com. Cody Sosebee PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 2003. STYLE OF DRESS : flame shirts, baggies, black felt hat, new-style jerseys, board shorts. ACHIEVEMENTS: nominated for PRCA Comedy Act of theYear, 2012-13, 2015-16; nominated for Clown of theYear, 2006, 2011-13, 2015-16; RAMPrairie Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 2006; Wrangler ProRodeo Tour Summer Finale (Omaha, Neb.) barrelman, 2006; Cheyenne (Wyo.) Frontier Days; Calgary (Alberta) Stampede. RESIDENCE : Charleston, Ark. BORN : Dec. 28, 1974. COLLEGE : Southern Arkansas University (Magnolia), bachelor’s degree in agricultural business. OTHER OCCUPATION : ranching. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : motorcycle racing, guitar.
Austin Stewart PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2012. RESIDENCE: Charlotte,
N.C. BORN: Sept. 17, 1991. Mark Swingler
PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1993. ACTS AND STUNTS: escaped prisoner car act, Original Moonwalk, UPS delivery, YMCA. ACHIEVEMENTS: PRCA Board of Directors contract personnel director, 2007-10; PRCA Contract Personnel Executive Council, 2006-present; nominated for PRCA Comedy Act of the Year, 2002, 2004-11, 2013; PRCA Clown of the Year nominee, 2003-04; nominated for Coors Man in the Can, 2006-08, 2011; RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 2001, 2005, 2009; Winter Tour Finale (Las Vegas), 2001; RAM Montana Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 2001; RAM First Frontier Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 2000; Texas Circuit contract act of the year, 1996-97, PRCA Barrelman/Specialty Act of the Year, 1999; RAM Turquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo barrelman, 1996. RESIDENCE: Leander, Texas. BORN: July 22, 1966. FAMILY: wife, Tami; daughter, Jessica. COLLEGE: Southwest Texas State University (San Marcos), bachelor’s degree in marketing. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: golf, family, landscaping. Sarah Thompson PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2017. RESIDENCE: Three Rivers, Calif. BORN: June 4, 1991. Jerry Thornton PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 1982. ANIMALS: Mr. Bojangles, liberty horse. RESIDENCE: Holladay, Tenn. BORN: April 14, 1949. Timber Tuckness PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1993. RESIDENCE: Meeteetse, Wyo. BORN: April 27, 1960. Karen Vold PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1976. ACHIEVEMENTS : 2016 Donita Barnes Lifetime Achievement Award. RESIDENCE: Avondale, Colo. BORN: May 11, 1939. Red River Express Specialty Acts PennyWalton NFR : opening, 2001. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1994. ACTS AND STUNTS: trick riding, Roman riding. ANIMALS: Palominos, Quarter Horses and paints. ACHIEVEMENTS: California Rodeo Salinas, 1996; Southeastern Livestock Expo Rodeo (Montgomery, Ala.), 1992; 89er Days PRCA Rodeo (Guthrie, Okla.), 1995, 2004; American Royal (Kansas City, Mo.), 2001; Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo (Colorado Springs, Colo.), 2002; Miss RodeoMissouri, 1991. RESIDENCE: Billings, Mont. BORN: March 19, 1969. FAMILY: husband, Scott; son, Cutter. COLLEGE: Maple Woods Community College (Kansas City, Mo.). OTHER OCCUPATION: embroidery business. Ehcapa Bareback Riders NancyWeikel PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2017. ACTS AND STUNTS : bareback riders aged 8-19, thrilling audiences with their exceptional and couraegous riding skills without saddles or bridles using leg cues, voice commands and a one-inch tack reign around the horse’s neck. ACHIEVEMENTS: Western Stampede (Western Jordan, Utah), 2017; Cache County Fair & Rodeo (Logan, Utah), 2017; California Rodeo
Specialty Acts (continued)
Rick “Agin’ Cajun” Young NFR: 1974, bullfighter. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 1959; Gold Card. ACTS AND STUNTS: Dumas Walker lion act, Texas T-shirt. ACHIEVEMENTS: National Cowboy Hall of Fame inductee (Oklahoma City), 2004; Coors Man in the Can, 1991, 1994, 1996-97; PRCA Clown of the Year, 1980; Wrangler Bullfight Tour Finals, 1980- 81, alternate, 1983; RAM Great Lakes Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1996; Original Coors Rodeo Showdown, 1992, 1995; RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1991-92; RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1985; Sikeston (Mo.) Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo, 1960-2011. RESIDENCE: Independence, La. BORN: March 3, 1934. FAMILY: wife, Bernie Lee; daughters, Denise, Rhonda, Laura; sons, Rod, Denny. COLLEGE: Southeastern Louisiana University (Hammond); Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge), bachelor’s degree in animal husbandry. OTHER OCCUPATION: Appaloosa horse rancher. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: sports, training horses. “Pipes” Kelsey Yule PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2019. RESIDENCE: Wardlow, Alberta. BORN: April 20, 1982.
Salinas (Calif.), 2016; Cody (Wyo.) Stampede, 2016; Meridian Lions Rodeo, 2016; Caribou County Fair & Rodeo (Grace, Idaho), 2015; Tehachapi (Calif.) Rodeo, 2015; Snake River Stampede. RESIDENCE: Caldwell, Idaho. BORN: Jan. 1, 1956. WEBSITE : www.ehcapa.com. “Danger” David Whitmoyer PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2015. RESIDENCE: Corvallis, Mont. BORN: Nov. 19, 1984. Trick Rider and Buffalo Act BreeWorthington PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 1997. ACTS AND STUNTS: trick and fancy riding, buffalo act. ANIMALS: Red Cloud, Warbonnet, horses; Miko, buffalo. ACHIEVEMENTS: ambassador for American Paint Horse Association; recognized by Texas Senate; nominated for National Cowgirl Hall of Fame; featured in David Stoecklein’s 1999 book Cowgirls ; featured in Coca-Cola, Fruit Roll- ups commercials. RESIDENCE: Weatherford, Texas. BORN: Aug. 20, 1978. FAMILY: husband, Nathan. COLLEGE: TarletonStateUniversity(Stephenville,Texas). ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: skiing, outdoor activities.
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