PRCA Business Journal - Dec. 13, 2019
TR - Only two loops allowed. Crossfire - The header must have control of the steer’s head and the steer’s head must be bent before the heeler can legally deliver his rope. In other words, the heeler may rope the steer in the switch, but not before. Any heel loop delivered before the switch is considered a crossfire and illegal. In the instance where a steer sets up , at no fault of the roper, the heel loop can be thrown at any time once the header has control of the steer. TD - There will be a disqualification for a jerk down as long as all criteria in compliance with the jerk down policy. TIMED EVENTS - If a timed event animal escapes or a re-run is awarded for any other reason, the extra will be used.
ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Fri., March 6 between 9 AM and 11 AM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Thurs., March 5 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. GB - Approved for first slack event in accordance with R4.9.4. TD, SW, TR - One go-round plus a top 20 progressive go-round to be run during the performances (10 per performance). QUALIFICATIONS: BB, SB, BR - 30 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. ARENA: Florida Gateway Pro Rodeo ADDRESS: 572 SW Mary Ethel Lane PERFS: 3 Perfs: March 13- 8:00 PM; March 14- 8:00 PM; March 15- 2:00 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $1250 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., March 9 between 9 AM and 12 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Fri., March 6 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. RE - Back to back same perf if two go-rounds B15.2.6. STK. CONT.: 4L & DIAMOND S RODEO ARENA: Horseshoe Park ADDRESS: 20464 E Riggs Rd PERFS: 3 Perfs: March 13- 7:00 PM; March 14- 7:00 PM; March 15- 3:00 PM SLACK: March 13- 9:00 AM SPECIAL SECTION BR: March 12- 7:00 PM EVENTS: BB SB TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $1250 BR @ $2500 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion and Gold Card members allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for STK. CONT.: SUTTON RODEOS EOO: 10:00 AM MT FEBRUARY 20 EC: 10:00 AM MT FEBRUARY 21 PENDING LAKE CITY FL MARCH 13-15 FLORIDA GATEWAY PRORODEO EOO: 10:00 AM MT MARCH 3 EC: 10:00 AM MT MARCH 4 QUEEN CREEK AZ MARCH 13-15 ROOTS N BOOTS QUEEN CREEK PRORODEO
available positions on Mon., March 9 between 9 AM and 1 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Fri., March 6 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. ALL CONTESTANTS - Stalls and RV hookups are available for rent and reservations will be taken. ALL CONTESTANTS - While competing, contestants will wear their own back number secured on their back in a manner that is visible to the officials and events staff. BR - Back to back, same perf., if 2 go-rounds. QUALIFICATIONS: BB & SB - 36 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. BR - 65 minimum entries. No compensation. The first performance will be two sections, the first section will be Thurs., March 12 at 7 PM, the second section will be the performance on March 13 at 7 PM. Contestants may enter by section and day money will be paid by section. All entries will be official unless contestant specifies other wise at the time of entry. Back to back, same perf if two go-rounds. STK. CONT.: SALT RIVER RODEO ARENA: Heartland Event ADDRESS: 700 E. Stolley Park Rd. PERFS: 1 Perf: March 14- 7:30 PM EVENTS: BR @ $10000 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: BR-$100 IF 1/$150 IF 2 PERMITS: BR GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL CONTESTANTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Thurs., March 5 between 9 AM and 11 AM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. GRACE PERIOD - Will expire one hour after entries close. COMPETITION FORMAT - 35 minimum entries. May be two go-rounds, back to back, same performance depending on the number of entries. If two go-rounds, the number of entries accepted during the re-entry period will not exceed one half the original limit. IN ORDER OF SELECTION : - 70% top money - 30% top circuit NOTIFY PROCOM : Notification must be made at the time of entry if claiming an exemption from qualification. Anyone claiming an exemption must have entered and paid fees at a minimum of twenty (20) PRCA sanctioned rodeos held during the 2019 rodeo year, unless the contestant qualifies for a medical exemption. Contestants claiming medical exemptions must have been injured at least six (6) months during the 2019 rodeo year. Contestant must not have entered and paid fees at more than twenty (20) PRCA sanctioned rodeos held during the 2019 rodeo year. A letter from a licensed physician on doctor’s letterhead bearing the doctor’s name, address and phone number must be received by the PRCA National Office prior to entry opening. A contestant will not be accepted as an entry at an X-Bulls Event if he is already placed in a position at another PRCA rodeo or event on the same day as the X-Bulls event. CHECK-IN: Contestants must check in or notify arena secretary 1 hour prior to the start of the event. Failure to do so will result in an alternate EOO: 11:00 AM MT MARCH 2 EC: 11:00 AM MT MARCH 3 DIVISION 2 EVENT GRAND ISLAND NE NPP MARCH 14 XTREME BULLS TOUR
ARENA: Mid-America Center ADDRESS: One Arena Way PERFS: 2 Perfs: March 13- 7:30 PM; March 14- 7:30 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR @ $2500 TD SW @ $1250 TR- HD TR-HL @ $625 PERMITS: BB SB BR TR; MAX - TD SW GROUND RULES: CO-APPROVED WITH THE BADLANDS CIRCUIT . Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., March 9 between 9 AM and 1 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Fri., March 6 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. RE - Back to back, same performance, if two go- rounds B10.2.7. TD - An extra liner will be placed 6-8 feet past the scoreline. QUALIFICATIONS: BB, SB - 30 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. BR - 34 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. STK. CONT.: MOSBRUCKER RODEOS ARENA: Heartland Event ADDRESS: 700 E. Stolley Park Rd. PERFS: 2 Perfs: March 13- 7:30 PM; March 14- 1:00 PM SLACK: March 13- 9:00 AM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $4500 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: CO-APPROVED WITH BADLANDS, AND GREAT LAKES CIRCUITS . Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate pass. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. EOO: 10:00 AM MT MARCH 2 EC: 10:00 AM MT MARCH 3 GRAND ISLAND NE MARCH 13-14 RODEO GRAND ISLAND
ProRodeo Sports News 12/13/2019
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