PRCA Business Journal - February 5, 2021
through the last day of March would be 70% from last year’s money won and 30% from this year’s money won: (4) rodeos closing on or after April 1st through the last day of April would be 60% from last year’s money won and 40% from this year’s money won. (5) rodeos closing on or after May 1st through the last day of May would be 50% from last year’s money won and 50% from this year’s money won; (6) rodeos closing on or after June 1st through the last day of June would be 40% from last year’s money won and 60% from this year’s money won; and (7) rodeos closing on or after July 1st through July 15 would be 30% from last year’s money won and 70% from this year’s money won; rodeos closing on or after July 15th would be only current year money won. (PRCA Staff 4/20) R3.2.2 No Animal May Be in the Draw Twice on the Same Day. In all riding events, stock cannot be placed in the draw twice in the same day, with the exception of rerides, unless approved by event representative and the Director of Rodeo Administration. The designated reride must be different from those animals competed on that given day. Failure to abide by this Rule will subject the offending Stock Contractor to a $250 fine per animal so used New R3.2.2.1 No bareback or saddle bronc horse may be bucked on back to back days at rodeos with $5,000 or more added per event. (I. Diaz 4/20) New R3.2.3.4 A bucking horse that is in the draw eight or more times in a single event within a rodeo season and is turned out 100% of the time, that horse can no longer be in the draw at any PRCA events. (I. Diaz 4/20) 2022 Bylaw Proposals Change B10.7.3 Contract Personnel. With the exception of riding groups and specialty act personnel under the age of majority, all Contract Personnel and freestyle bullfighters hired by a Rodeo Committee or Stock Contractor in connection with a PRCA-approved rodeo shall be Noncontestant Card Member-Contract Personnel. A Rodeo Committee, Rodeo Producer or Stock Contractor which hires non-Member Contract Personnel or freestyle bullfighters will be subject to a $1000 fine per rodeo, per individual hired, except in the case of Timers and pickup men. Using a non-Member Pickup Man or non-Member Timer will result in a fine of $250 per rodeo. (M. Mathis submitted 5/19) Change B9.4.3 Circuit Points and Standings. Circuit Points for all PRCA approved rodeos held within a Circuit shall be awarded, excluding any rodeo adding greater than $10,000 per event. Standings shall be tabulated for each Circuit based on Circuit Points awarded within a particular Circuit to Contestant Card Members or Permit Members who have chosen that particular Circuit as their Designated Circuit. Separate PRCA Circuit points for heading and heeling in the Team Roping event will be kept, with a year-end Circuit champion in each. (M. Reeves submitted 5/19) Change B10.4 Finals. A Rodeo Committee requesting to hold a finals in its rodeo must add at least $ 12,500 $30,000 purse money to each event which has a finals and have equal money in the team roping. In order to maintain a finals, a Rodeo Committee must increase its purse money by a minimum of 5% per year each year following initially adding $12,500 in purse money per event. Once the added purse money per event reaches $20,000 a Rodeo Committee is not required to add any more money in order to continue with a finals. If a Rodeo Committee has a finals in one or more events, the Rodeo Committee must add no less than half of the money offered in the event with a finals to each of the remaining PRCA required events. W. Sankey & J. Crawley 9/19 Change B10.1.15 Events A rodeo must include at least five of the following events : bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, bull riding, tie-down roping, steer wrestling and or team roping to be approved. If a rodeo committee chooses to include only five of the six events above, committee added money from the sixth event must be evenly distributed among the remaining five events or applied evenly toward another event sanctioned or recognized by the PRCA. (G. Williams 1/20) Change B10.7.6 Judges’ Fees. A Rodeo Committee shall pay to the PRCA $225 $300 per performance per judge. A Bull riding special section will be considered a performance and require an additional $225 $300 per judge. Rodeo Committees will also be required to pay $1 per judge per run in the slack. This fee These fees are is in addition to the fees paid by the sponsors and contestants. Rodeo Committees will be charged an amount equal to the per diem paid per judge required to be at the rodeo prior to the day of the first performance or any days between performances in which no rodeo activity takes place. (PRCA Staff 3/20 Change B8.3.2 Qualification to Provide Riding Event Livestock. To qualify to provide riding event livestock to the NFR, a Stock Contractor must serve as the Primary Stock Contractor at three PRCA approved rodeos with a minimum accumulated total of $50,000 in added prize money, or five PRCA approved rodeos with a minimum accumulated total of $25,000 in added prize money during the corresponding Rodeo Year. If a PRCA approved an approved barrel race is held at that PRCA approved rodeo, barrel racing prize money will be included in the accumulated total. (PRCA Staff 3/20) Change B2. Transfer of Stock Contracting Firm. Only a Full Stock Contractor’s PRCA membership card may be transferred to a new firm (individual,
ProRodeo Sports News 2/5/2021
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