PRCA Business Journal - January 8, 2021

procedure will not be used. Stock charge -$45 per go-round. STK. CONT.: BEUTLER & SON RODEO EOO: 10:00 AM MT DECEMBER 18 EC: 10:00 AM MT DECEMBER 22 MONTANA CIRCUIT FINALS KALISPELL MT NPP JANUARY 15-16 MONTANA PRORODEO CIRCUIT FINALS ARENA: Majestic Valley Arena ADDRESS: 3630 US Hwy 93 PERFS: 3 Perfs: January 15- 7:00 PM; January 16- 1:00 PM; January 16- 8:00 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $2900 + $9337 SPON SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: BB-$300; SB-$300; BR- GROUND RULES: The 2020 Montana Circuit Finals cut-off date will be September 30, 2020. Any rodeo ending on or before this date will count towards the 2020 rodeo season. Any rodeo ending on or after this will count toward the 2021 rodeo season. Total money above includes estimated committee purse of $2,900, estimated PRCA matching funds of $2,000, estimated $3 of $1,250, estimated sponsor dollars of $7,337. ALL CONTESTANTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Tues., Dec. 21 between 9 AM and 12 PM. Re-entries will be accepted if the number of entries for an event at the original entry closing time is less than limit defined in the ground rules. If more contestants enter during the “re-entry” period than there are positions available, the contestants accepted will be based on the qualification procedures defined in the Circuit Finals ground rules. Under no circumstances will a contestant who entered during the re- entry period be able to displace a contestant who entered during the original entry period. If a contestant TO’s or DR’s prior to the “re-entry” period, that position may be filled during the “re-entry” period. ALL CONTESTANTS - Contestant check-in Fri., Jan. 15, between 12-2 PM. Must attend general membership meeting at 2 PM. PAY-OFF - Montana Pro Rodeo Circuit Finals will pay four places in the go- rounds and four places in the average. QUALIFICATIONS: Top 12. COMPLETE CIRCUIT FINALS GROUND RULES can be found at www. under Member Services online. STK. CONT.: VARIOUS $300; TD-$300; SW-$300; TR-$300 PERMITS: ; CIR - BB SB BR TD SW TR

advance to the qualifying rodeo in an event with two go-rounds, the contestant (or team) with the single highest score or fastest time in a either go-round will advance. If still tied, a random draw will determine who advances. If ties result in more than 24 to advance to the Qualifying Rodeo in an event with one go-round, a random draw will determine who advances. The Qualifying Rodeo will consist of 4 performances. The 24 contestants will compete during the first three performances (8 per performance). The top 3 contestants or teams from each of the first 3 performances will advance to Semifinals (9 total in the Semifinals) held during the fourth performance. If there are less than 3 contestants or teams with a qualified score or time in any of the first three performances, the contestant or team with the next highest score or fastest time from the other two performances will advance. If tied, the contestant or team with the highest qualification ranking from the Sandhills Rodeo (based on highest scores or fastest times) will advance (not to exceed 9). If there are less than 9 total contestants or teams with a qualified score or time in the first three performances, the contestant with the next highest qualification ranking from the Sandhills Rodeo (based on highest scores or fastest times) will advance (not to exceed 9). The top 4 contestants or teams (based on highest scores or fastest times), will advance to the Top 4 Chute Out Round also held during the fourth performance after the completion of the Semifinals. If there are less than 4 qualified scores or times in an event in the Semifinals, the contestant or team with the highest score or fastest time in the long go-round will advance. If ties result in more than 4 to advance to the Chute Out Round, the contestant or team with the highest score or fastest time in the long go-round will advance. If still tied, the contestant or team with the highest qualification ranking from the Sandhills Rodeo will advance. The four contestants or teams who advance to the Chute Out Round will also be accepted as entries at the San Antonio Rodeo. If one or more of the 4 contestants or teams in an event, due to injury or any other reason, choose not to be accepted as entries at the San Antonio Rodeo, the next highest ranked contestant on the San Antonio alternate list will be contacted and offered the position. TR - If one partner of a team is accepted as an entry for the San Antonio rodeo (as either one of the top 45 based on 2020 money won or as the one contestant accepted based on 2021 money won) and the other partner is not accepted leaving an incomplete team for the Qualifier, the partner who is not accepted at the San Antonio rodeo is still eligible to be accepted as an entry at the Qualifier in Fort Worth with a different partner from among the 24 headers or the 24 heelers who are advancing from the Sandhills rodeo. A split team due to the original qualification for the San Antonio Rodeo of only one partner of a team may result in only one partner of team (header or heeler) being accepted among the 24 headers or 24 heelers. The contestant without a partner will be allowed to select a partner from among the other headers or heelers that do not have a partner as long as they notify PROCOM prior to entry closing. After entry closing time, if there are any incomplete teams, a random draw by PROCOM will determine which headers without partners will rope with which heelers. ALL CONTESTANTS - The top 4 contestants or teams in each event who qualify for a position at San Antonio must confirm their intent to compete by contacting PROCOM. ALL CONTESTANTS - Contestants who are competing in the Southeastern Circuit Finals on January 22-23 will be guaranteed to be placed in

2021 PRORODEO TOUR ODESSA TX JANUARY 8-9 & 13-16 SANDHILLS STOCK SHOW & RODEO PERFS: 6 Perfs: January 8- 7:30 PM; January 9- 7:30 PM; January 13- 7:30 PM; January 14- 7:30 PM; January 15- 7:30 PM; January 16- 7:30 PM SPECIAL SECTION BR: January 7- 7:30 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL SR @ $8000 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: BR-$100 + $100 DM IF 1/$150 IF 2; TR-$300 PERMITS: BB SB BR SR GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the Business Journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Wed., Dec. 30 between 9 AM and 12 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Tues., Dec. 29 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. ALL CONTESTANTS WITH HORSES - Must have proof of current Coggins Test. Out of state horses must have health papers and meet current Texas Animal Health Regulations. No exceptions. STALLS - Limited number of stalls available on a first come, first serve basis, $25 per stall. No reservations. ALL CONTESTANTS - The Sandhills Rodeo in Odessa will be a qualifying event for the San Antonio rodeo. The top 24 in the average in each event who have not already qualified for San Antonio will be accepted as entries for a qualifying rodeo for San Antonio. If ties result in more than 24 to advance to the qualifying rodeo in an event with two go-rounds, the contestant with the single highest score or fastest time in a either go-round will advance. If still tied, a random draw will determine who advances. If ties result in more than 24 to advance to the qualifying rodeo in an event with one go-round, a random draw will determine who advances. The time and location for the qualifying rodeo is still to be determined. The qualifying rodeo will consist of 3 performances. The 24 contestants will compete during the first two performances (12 per performance). Eight contestants will advance from the first two performances to the Semifinals held during the third performance. The top four contestants from the Semifinals will advance to the top 4 Shoot Out Round also held during the third performance. The four contestants that advance to the Shoot Out Round will also be accepted as entries at the San Antonio Rodeo. QUALIFICATIONS: BB, SB, BR - 100 minimum entries. No compensation. There will be a special section in BB, SB, and BR events on Thursday, January 7 at 7:30 PM. Day money will be paid in the BR for the special section. All entries will be official unless otherwise specified at the time of entry. TD, SW - 150 minimum entries. The number of go- rounds will be dependent on the number of entries per R1.4.3. TR - 150 minimum entries. Two go-rounds. No TR will be held during the first two performances . SR - Three go-rounds, all run in slack on Sunday, January 10 at 10:00 AM at the Andrews County Expo Center in Andrews, TX. Extras will be used to replace sick and injured animals. The misdraw ARENA: Ector County Coliseum ADDRESS: 4201 Andrews Hwy




ARENA: Cowtown Coliseum ADDRESS: 121 E. Exchange Ave

PERFS: 4 Perfs: January 21- 7:30 PM; January 22- 7:30 PM; January 23- 7:30 PM; January 24- 2:00 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $5000 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: TRADE DEADLINE - Wed., Jan. 20 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. QUALIFICATIONS and FORMAT: The top 24 in the average in each event who have not already qualified for San Antonio and who enter the Qualifying Rodeo through PROCOM will be accepted as entries for a Qualifying Rodeo for San Antonio. If ties result in more than 24 to

ProRodeo Sports News 1/8/2021


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