PRCA Business Journal - March 17, 2023
2025 Rule Proposals
Change R1.3.2.9 Team Roping (per man). The team roping entry fee scale will be as follows: FROM TO EFS $500 $1999.99
$100 if one head $150 if two head $125 if one head $200 if two head $150 if one head $250 if two head
$8,000 $200 if one head $300$350 if two head $10,000 or more to be set by the Event Representative and the Director of Rodeo Administration ( K. Driggers 12/22) $9,999.99
Change R9.5.1.1 Rigging Three-quarter double ; Front edge of “D” ring must pull not further back than directly below center of point of swell. Standard E-Z or ring-type saddle “D” must be used and cannot exceed 5-3/4 inches outside width measurement. (B. Harter 11/22)
Change R9.5.1.2 Swell Undercut. Not more than 3 inches-1 ½ inch on each side. (B. Harter 11/22)
Change R9.5.1.4 Tree . Saddles must be built on PRCA-approved tree and must conform to the following specifications with a reasonable added thickness of 1/2 inch for leather covering: Fork 14 15 inches wide
Height 9 inches maximum Gullet 5-3/4 inches wide Cantle 5 inches maximum height; 14 inches
maximum width. (B. Harter 11/22)
Change R9.5.6 Only Dry Resin Allowed . Dry Only resin may be used on chaps and saddle. Anyone using any other foreign substance shall be disqualified and declared ineligible to compete for 30 days; also subject to fine. The judges will examine clothing, saddle, rein and spurs. Judge has authority to require a contestant to clean chaps or saddle if he feels contestant has an
unfair advantage. (B. Harter 11/22)
Change R10.5.4 Team Roping. The minimum standard length of the team roping scoreline shall be the length of the box minus 2 feet one foot under the length of the box at indoor rodeos and will be the same as the box at outdoor rodeos. (K. Driggers 12/22) Change R10.8.3 Throwing Heel Loop . The direction of the steer’s body must be changed before the heel loop can be thrown. However, if the steer stops, it must only be moving forward for the heel loop to be legal. Any heel loop thrown before the completion of the initial switch will be considered a crossfire and no time will be recorded. “Crossfire” The heel rope cannot come in contact with the steers legs until BOTH: A) The header has control of the steer’s head
B) And the steer’s hips have changed direction, with the steer having forward motion. A steer that stops, slows down, or drifts towards the header, must still fulfill rule A and B. (W. Thorp 01/23) 2025 Bylaw Proposals
New B2.5.1.9 Contract Personnel Evaluation Committee . The CEO will appoint members, composed of 30 active contract personnel; three from each contract personnel category, as outlined in Section B. (CPEC 03/23/)
ProRodeo Sports News 3/17/2023
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