PRCA Business Journal - October 30, 2020
Change B8.3.2 Qualification to Provide Riding Event Livestock. To qualify to provide riding event livestock to the NFR, a Stock Contractor must serve as the Primary Stock Contractor at three PRCA approved rodeos with a minimum accumulated total of $50,000 in added prize money, or five PRCA approved rodeos with a minimum accumulated total of $25,000 in added prize money during the corresponding Rodeo Year. If a PRCA approved an approved barrel race is held at that PRCA approved rodeo, barrel racing prize money will be included in the accumulated total. (PRCA Staff 3/20) Change B2. Transfer of Stock Contracting Firm. Only a Full Stock Contractor’s PRCA membership card may be transferred to a new firm (individual, partnership, corporation or other legal entity), and only in connection with the sale of all or substantially all of the transferring firm’s livestock, equipment, rodeo contracts and other business assets to the transferee firm, with the transferee firm continuing the stock contracting business as a going concern. Such sale must include a minimum of 25 bareback horses, 25 saddle bronc horses and 25 bulls. In the case of qualifying sale transaction, the transferee Stock Contractor will be required to satisfy the requirements for Probationary Stock Contractors and the prospective new owner must be inspected by the PRCA and pay a non-refundable inspection fee of $2,500 to the PRCA prior to inspection to cover the PRCA’s anticipated costs in connection with that inspection, in order to have the transferred card reissued to the transferee’s designated operating officer. In addition, as a condition to the transfer and re-issue of the Stock Contractor card in question, the PRCA shall require (i) that all debts owed by the transferor to the PRCA are paid in full, and (ii) proof of bill of sale for all riding event livestock involved in the sale transaction and may require review of all terms and provisions of the contract documents concerning the transferor’s sale of all or substantially all of its business assets as a going concern to the transferee as well as all other contractual relationships created or affected in connection with the transfer of the subject Stock Contractor card. A transferee pursuant to this Section B2. shall be subject to inspection during the first year of ownership, and thereafter as a Full Stock Contractor. (PRCA Staff 4/20) Change B10.3 Purse Money. Change B10.3.1 Featured Events. For any new featured event, no PRCA required event shall have more or less money added to that event’s purse than is added to the purse of any other PRCA event at a PRCA approved rodeo unless otherwise approved by the PRCA Board of Directors or the Director of Rodeo Administration. However, a Rodeo Committee shall have the option of adding money to the purse for up to three events selected by the Rodeo Committee to be its featured event or events in an amount that is up to double the base money added by the Rodeo Committee to the purses of the other PRCA events approved for the rodeo (such base added money in the other events shall not, for purposes of determining the double money, include those events whose purse is compensated for limited entries). The rodeo committee must provide equal money in the team roping to use this option. Any additional moneys which may be added in a featured event or events at the Rodeo Committee’s election shall not be considered by the Director of Rodeo Administration in the determination of the amount of “fair and just” money to be added by the Rodeo Committee to the purses of the other PRCA events. Moreover, any Rodeo Committee electing to increase the added purse money in a given event or events may not, without the approval of the PRCA Board of Directors, reduce the base added money If a committee previously featured events and did not add equal money in the Team Roping (the same amount added to both the headers and the heelers as the other events), that committee will be allowed to continue to add those exact same amounts to each event as long as there is no change in the amounts. If the committee increases the base purse amount, equal money must be added to the Team Roping before any other events can be featured. A committee cannot continue to increase the base purse and feature events without adding equal money in the Team Roping. (PRCA Staff 4/20) 2023 Bylaw Proposals Change B10.1.17.1 Minimum Purse Money Added by a Rodeo . To receive PRCA approval, all new Rodeo Committees must add at least $250 $500 per required event, per performance, or $500 $1,000 per required event at a one-performance rodeo. (Contract Personnel Executive Council 6/20) Change B2.5.11.3 Application. Applicants for Noncontestant Card Member- Music Director/provider status must submit a completed PRCA application to the PRCA. At least two letters of recommendation from each category specified below must accompany the application: for the other PRCA events held at its rodeo from that which was added by the Rodeo Committee to those events in the previous year.
Group 1 – PRCAAnnouncer with at least 10 years of PRCA membership Group 2 – PRCA Clown/Barrelman with at least 10 years of PRCA membership
ProRodeo Sports News 10/30/2020
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