PRCA Business Journal - October 30, 2020



PRCA RODEO SEASON The PRCA Board of Directors decided NOT to extend the 2020 rodeo season. The season remains from October 1st, 2019 through September 30th, 2020. The Board will take the year-end cutoff date for future seasons into consideration at their August Board Meeting.

ATTENTION PRCA CONTRACT PERSONNEL To be eligible for 2020 National Finals Rodeo or Circuit Finals Rodeo consideration, the following eligibility requirements will be in place: NFR: Must work 8 rodeos and 20 performances COMBINED between the 2019 and 2020 rodeo season. Must have an active 2020 PRCA membership and must have completed the 2020 Special Event Application by the May 1st, 2020 deadline. C ircuit Finals Rodeos: Must work 4 rodeos (10 performances for announcers) COMBINED between the 2019 and 2020 rodeo season. Must have an active 2020 PRCA membership and must have completed the 2020 Special Event Application by the May 1st, 2020 deadline.


ATTENTION PRCA STOCK CONTRACTORS To be eligible for 2020 National Finals Rodeo or Circuit Finals Rodeo consideration, the following eligibility requirements will be in place: NFR: Must be primary stock contractor of record at 5 rodeos with $25,000 added in prize money or 3 rodeos with $50,000 between the 2019 and the 2020 rodeo seasons, COMBINED. Must have an active 2020 PRCA membership. Circuit Finals Rodeos: Must be primary stock contractor of record at 3 rodeos with $25,000 added in prize money between the 2019 and 2020 rodeo seasons, COMBINED. Must have an active 2020 PRCA Membership. Stock: For stock to be eligible for nomination to the 2020 National Finals rodeo or a Circuit Finals rodeo or the 2021 NCFR, stock must have been in the draw at least 8 times (NFR), 3 times (Circuit Finals Rodeo), or 5 times (NCFR) between the 2019 and 2020 rodeo seasons, COMBINED.

THE FOLLOWING WILL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY FOR THE 2019/2020 SEASON The 2019 individual Circuit Finals Steer Roping events (Badlands, Columbia River, Montana, Mountain States, Prairie, Texas, Turquoise) and the 2020 National Circuit Finals Steer Roping will count toward the 2020 World Standings and qualifications. These events will be Official Entry Rodeos (contestant must designate unofficial). If a contestant has not met the required participation count it will be an automatic unofficial entry rodeo for that contestant and will not count toward 2020 World Stand- ings or qualification rodeos. For any Steer Roping Circuit Finals Rodeo that occurs prior to the 2019 regular season cutoff date, money won at those circuit finals rodeos will count toward the 2020 World Standings and qualifications. Official money won at the 2019 Circuit Finals Steer Roping and the 2020 National Circuit Finals Steer Roping will not count toward the All-Around. In 2021, it will count toward the All-Around.

ATTENTION CONTESTANTS Effective for the 2020 Rodeo Season – 2020 Circuit Finals Rodeos and the 2021 RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo WILL count toward PRCA World Standings.


The following participation requirements will be in effect for the 2020 rodeo season: Circuit Finals Participation: Required Participation counts for the 2020 Circuit season are waived. Contestants will qualify for circuit finals based on money won within the circuit. ProRodeo Tour : Contestants must participate in 50% of the Tour rodeos. Houston (or Finish Houston) will count toward the participation requirement, will not count for Tour points. Stand-Alone Events: Contestants must participate in 30 approved rodeos (same event) for stand-alone event winnings to count toward World Standings. This includes points won at X-Bulls, XBroncs,

Worlds Toughest Rodeos, Arlington (The American), & Three Hills Buck-Out (Baldwin, IA). Steer Roping Stand-Alone Events: For money won at Stand-Alone Steer Roping events to count toward World Standings, contestant must participate in the event at 25% of approved rodeos with Steer Roping.

ProRodeo Sports News 10/30/2020


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