ProRodeo Sports News - Feb. 4, 2022


Ric Andersen photo

Mike McGinn picked up the biggest win of his career in Denver with a 3.6-second run in the finals.

Steer wrestler Mike McGinn gets boost Mike McGinn has been competing in the ProRodeo ranks since 2015, but even after all those years he said he was still looking for that one big win. Now, he doesn’t have to wait any longer. McGinn put his skills on display in Denver, Jan. 23, winning the steer wrestling at the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo with a 3.6-second run in the finals. “It can really set a guy up, but you have to take advantage of that,” McGinn said. “I just got a new horse (Sassy), and this is the biggest rodeo she’s ever been to. It really helps money wise, and confidence wise for the horse and me.” The Haines, Ore., cowboy said staying cool, calm, and collected was key to walking out with a win.

“It feels great, it got really loud, so I knew it was good,” saidMcGinn, 27. “I heard the guys yelling that I was out at the barrier, which I knew I had to have. I knew that steer ran quick, the past few rounds they hadn’t been very fast on him. So, it was pretty darn cool to see that on the clock at the end of it all.” McGinn calls the win in Denver the biggest of his career. He took home $8,286 for his performance. He said a win like this gives not only himself, but his horse confidence headed into the key winter stretch of rodeo.

“I’ve run a lot on her, and she stays probably calmer than I do,” McGinn said. “I just know that I need to take a breath and try to blow the barrier out. Once you nod you don’t hear anything, it’s pretty much a blackout after that.” His approach for the rest of the 2022 ProRodeo season will be simple. “Just keep going at the barrier and try to throw them down,” McGinn said.

ProRodeo Sports News 2/4/2022


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