ProRodeo Sports News - February 5, 2021
SHORT ROUND Mitch, Tyson Durfey’s horse, passes away in January Last Hurrah
M itch, the primary horse the last two seasons for 2016 PRCA World Champion Tie-down Roper Tyson Durfey, passed away Jan. 27. Mitch was 17. “He had a heart aneurysm, a valve burst in his heart and he passed away immediately,” Durfey said. Durfey first rode Money Mitch, as he was known, at the 2018 National Finals Rodeo at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas. Durfey got aboard Mitch at the 2018 NFR after his star horse Nikko passed away unexpectedly Nov. 23 that year. Nikko was 14. Mitch was buried next to Nikko on Durfey’s ranch in Brock, Texas. “Mitch was a very loyal horse,” Durfey said. “He was a lot different than Nikko in the aspect that he didn’t care to play around. He wasn’t the playful type. He was always down to business. He loved to go to the roping pen and rope and chase calves. He was known for pinning his ears back and trying to bite cows on the butt.” At the 2018 Finals, one of Mitch’s first rodeos, he powered Durfey to place in three rounds, including winning Round 7 with a 7.2-second time. Durfey, a 14-time NFR qualifier (2007-11, 2013- 20) finished fourth in the 2018 PRCA | RAM World Standings. Durfey, aboard Mitch at the 2019 NFR, placed in seven rounds and finished second in the average. Durfey finished third in the world standings with $237,532. “Mitch was just a really consistent, solid horse that gave me
PRCA ProRodeo photo by Steve Gray
the shot to rope at the NFR and have a chance to win the world title,” Durfey said. “I’m thankful that he filled the gap for so many years.” Durfey also rode Mitch for Round 1 and Round 2 at the 2020 Wrangler NFR at Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas. Durfey said his main option to ride now is Blue Duck, 11.
2021 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo canceled
On Feb. 3, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo announced the cancellation of the RODEOHOUSTON competitions, concerts and entertainment, carnival, and other attractions and activities, which were recently rescheduled for May 4-23, due to the ongoing health situation. The Junior Livestock and Horse Show competitions
health and safety perspective, as well as a financial one. Above all, the health and safety of the community is the rodeo’s top priority, and after much consultation with local and state officials and medical experts, rodeo officials concluded that canceling the 2021 event was necessary. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo promotes agriculture by hosting an annual, family-friendly experience that educates and entertains the public, supports Texas youth, showcases Western heritage and provides year-round educational support within the community. Since its beginning in 1932, the rodeo has committed more than $500 million to the youth of Texas and education. For more information, visit
will still be held in March, as private events, upholding the rodeo’s mission of promoting agriculture and supporting Texas youth. The Junior Market Auctions and Champion Wine Auction will still be held in May, also as private events. These events will follow all state and local health and safety guidelines. Several factors contributed to the decision, from a community
ProRodeo Sports News 2/5/2021
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