ProRodeo Sports News - January 26, 2018
New Bylaw B15.8.4. Any member that is using copyrighted photographs from member photographers without proper authority and using said photos in any form (social media, personal websites) will be subject to the following penalties: First offense, $50 fine per photo used without permission
Second offense, $150 fine per photo used Third offense, $300 fine per photo used
Any further offense, fines remain at $300 per photo. It is the photographers’ responsibility to document misuse of photographs being used without proper authority. Photographer receives half of each fine for loss of revenue. (R. Freeman submitted 11/15) TABLED 2019 Rule Proposals Change R10.5.5 Disqualification of a Rider. Any of the following shall disqualify a rider: A) Changing hands on rein. B) Losing or dropping rein before pre-designated time. C) Wrapping rein around hand. D) Losing stirrup. E) Being bucked off. F) Touching animal, equipment ground or fence or person with free hand. Riding with locked rowels, or rowels that will lock on spurs, and/or rowels not dulled. G) Violating the spur out rule. Dry resin may be used on chaps and saddle. Anyone using any other foreign substance shall be disqualified and declared ineligible to compete for 30 days; also subject to fine. (The judges will examine clothing, saddle, rein and spurs, and exception will be made if local rules make it necessary for the covering of spur rowels.) If a rider who has been advised he is next to go, failing to be above the animal with his glove on, if used, when previous horse leaves arena. (C. Corey submitted 4/16) Change R10.4.6 Disqualification of Rider. Any of the following shall disqualify a rider: A) Riding with rowels too sharp or locked; B) Being bucked off; Touching animal, equipment, ground, fence or person with free hand. One arm must be free at all times; D) Rigging comes off horse, with or without breaking; E) Violating the spur out rule; F) Taking any kind of finger tuck, finger wrap, or use of finger tape. Violators shall be disqualified and may also be subject to fine; G) If rider has been advised he is next to go, failing to be above the animal with his glove on when previous horse leaves the arena. (C. Corey submitted 4/16) Change R10.6.7 Disqualification of Rider [in Bull Riding]: Any one of the following shall disqualify a rider: A) Being bucked off. B) Touching animal, equipment ground or fence or person with free hand. C) Using sharp spurs, or placing spurs or chaps under the rope when rope is being tightened. D) Not having a bell on bull rope. E) When a bull rider who has been advised he is next to go is not above the animal with his glove on when previous bull leaves the arena. F) Intentionally leaving the chute with spurs hooked or lodged in the bull rope loop(s). (C. Corey submitted 4/16) Change R10.6.3.2 Use of Horse Flanks in Bull Riding. Horse flanks and/or draw flanks will not be allowed in the bull riding provided that the tail of the flank strap is not long enough to touch the ground once pulled. (C. Whitney submitted 7/16) Change R1.3 Setting Up the Rodeo. Generally, a rodeo shall be set up by that rodeo’s Primary Stock Contractor. A representative of the rodeo committee may set up the rodeo only if specifically authorized, in writing, by the Primary Stock Contractor, and if such authorization is forwarded to the Central Entry Office prior to the scheduled time for setting up the rodeo. However, if the Primary Stock Contractor/rodeo committee representative has not contacted the Central Entry Office within one hour no later than 15 minutes after entry closing time, the Central Entry Office will be allowed to set up the rodeo and draw positions, using the Central Entry Office’s discretion. Exceptions will be made only if the Primary Stock Contractor/ rodeo committee representative has made arrangements with the Central Entry Office prior to entry opening time or if the rodeo has never before been sanctioned by the PRCA. The Director of Rodeo Administration shall have the authority to levy fines if a Primary Stock Contractor/rodeo committee representative fails to return a call at a mutually agreed time. (PRCA Staff submitted 8/16) Change R7.3.2 Ineligibility Period. At the time a contestant doctor releases, he must indicate whether the mandatory ineligibility period shall last 4, 10 days or 30 days. Ineligibility period shall begin the first day of competition after notification to the Central Entry Office of the intended doctor release and shall continue through the period of 4, 10 days or 30 days following the first scheduled competition of the rodeo or rodeos for which the contestant doctor releases. During a rodeo year, a contestant may not designate more than two ineligibility periods which last less than 30 days. All subsequent ineligibility periods shall automatically last 30-days. (G. Williams submitted 11/16) Change R7.3.1 Procedure. A contestant may doctor release, thus waiving all obligations for entry fees, turn-out fines, and
ProRodeo Sports News 1/26/18
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