ProRodeo Sports News - January 26, 2018
mount monies, provided: A) Contestant has an injury or illness which prevents him from competing in one or more events for which he is entered at a rodeo; B) Contestant notifies the Central Entry Office of the intended doctor releases no later than three hours prior to the performance for which the contestant’s first go-round competition is scheduled (with contestant responsible for listing all rodeos in which he is scheduled to compete within the 4, 10- or 30-day ineligibility time period described below); and C) A medical doctor verification can only be submitted by a licensed medical doctor, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner or any member of the Sports Medicine Team at a rodeo. The doctor’s verification must be on the attending medical practitioner’s on doctor’s letterhead bearing the doctor’s attending practitioner’s name, address and phone number, signed by a the attending licensed medical doctor, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner or any member of the Sports Medicine Team at a rodeo. This release is to be is received by the PRCA National Office within seven days of the date of the last performance of the first rodeo for which the contestant doctor released. Failure to submit such a doctor’s verification will result in a fine equal to the entry fees for the event in question plus an additional $50. (PRCA Staff submitted 2/17) Change R1.3 Setting Up the Rodeo. Generally, a rodeo shall be set up by that rodeo’s Primary Stock Contractor. A representative of the rodeo committee may set up the rodeo only if specifically, authorized, in writing, by the Primary Stock Contractor, and if such authorization is forwarded to the Central Entry Office prior to the scheduled time for setting up the rodeo. However, if the Primary Stock Contractor/rodeo committee representative has not contacted the Central Entry Office within one hour no later than 15 minutes after entry closing time, the Central Entry Office will be allowed to set up the rodeo and draw positions, using the Central Entry Office’s discretion. Within 30 minutes after the entry closing time, the Central Entry Office will have the rodeo set up. Exceptions will be made only if the Primary Stock Contractor/rodeo committee representative has made arrangements with the Central Entry Office prior to entry opening time or if the rodeo has never before been sanctioned by the PRCA. The Director of Rodeo Administration shall have the authority to levy fines if a Primary Stock Contractor/rodeo committee representative fails to return a call at a mutually agreed time. (D. Petry submitted 2/17) 2019 Bylaw Proposals Change B15.3.1 Featured Events. No PRCA required event shall have more or less money added to that event’s purse than is added to the purse of any other PRCA event at a PRCA-approved rodeo unless otherwise approved by the PRCA Board of Directors or the Director of Rodeo Administration. However, a Rodeo Committee shall have the option of adding money to the purse for up to three events selected by the Rodeo Committee to be its featured event or events in an amount that is up to double the base money added by the Rodeo Committee to the purses of the other PRCA events approved for the rodeo (such base added money in the other events shall not, for purposes of determining the double money, include those events whose purse is compensated for limited entries). The rodeo committee must provide equal money in the team roping to use this option. Any additional moneys which may be added in order to double the purse of a featured event or events at the Rodeo Committee’s election shall not be considered by the Director of Rodeo Administration in the determination of the amount of “fair and just” money to be added by the Rodeo Committee to the purses of the other PRCA events. Moreover, any Rodeo Committee electing to increase double the added purse money in a given event or events may not, without the approval of the PRCA Board of Directors, reduce the base added money for the other PRCA events held at its rodeo from that which was added by the Rodeo Committee to those events in the previous year. (Ad hoc committee submitted 8/16) Change B15.5.2 Permit Members Required to Contest. All rodeos that add $2,000 $5,000 or less in purse money per event must accept Permit Members, pursuant to either “Circuit Permits,” “All Permits,” “Circuit Permits Maximum” or “Permits Maximum,” as contestants in each event; provided, however, that rodeos with four or more performances that add $2000 $5,000 or less in purse money per event are not required to accept Permit Members, under the terms specified in this Bylaw B15.5.2, as contestants in the timed events. (D. Petry submitted 4/16) Change B15.5.4 Special Status Rodeos. A Rodeo Committee adding $2,000 $5,000 or more in purse money per event may request, in its application for approval, that any of its rodeo events be granted “Circuit Permits,” “All Permits,” “Circuit Permits Maximum” or “Permits Maximum” status. (D. Petry submitted 4/16) Change B13.5.1.1 Barrelman. Barrelmen must be Financially Eligible and must have participated in at least eight PRCA- approved rodeos in the rodeo year that they apply for the NFR position with a minimum of 20 total performances in order to participate at the NFR. For purposes of this Bylaw, rodeos at which a Barrelman works only in a slack shall not count towards the minimum number of rodeos or performances required to participate at the NFR. A Barrelman Member may not work at the NFR unless he has filed an application, along with a list of rodeos he will work as a Barrelman during the rodeo year that he applies for a NFR position, with the Director of Rodeo Administration in accordance with this Section B13.5.1. Applications for the barrel man position to the NFR will be accepted by the Director of Rodeo Administration up to May 1 of the calendar year in which the NFR will be held. No later than October 15 (of the calendar year in which the NFR will be held) the top 20 bull riders and all financially eligible announcers and bullfighters that have participated in at least eight PRCA-approved rodeos with the minimum of 20 total performances as stated in B13.5.1., may vote for 1 barrelmen. The votes will be accepted through the Central Entry Office for one full entry week. For the one full entry week following the first vote, the same bull riders, announcers and bullfighters will vote for one of the top five vote-getters in the barrelman category. The barrelman receiving the most votes will be the NFR barrelman and the first runner-up will be the alternate barrelman for the NFR. In the case of a
ProRodeo Sports News 1/26/18
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