ProRodeo Sports News - August 2, 2019
Cowboy Christmas and the RMEF Hunter & Outdoor Expo are a can’t miss for country & Western lifestyle lovers
presented by YETI and all types of family-friendly activities— the spectacle that is Cowboy Christmas provides hours and hours of fun. Those visiting the free holiday gift show, which is open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily December 5-14, will find a handful of must- see exhibitors and some exciting new experiences. Among the additions are an all new eatery made up of “food carts” with additional seating and an array of food and drink options; the new Wrangler NFR Central Lounge; a special activation with country & Western social media super-
Be There Official Fan to Fan Marketplace of the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo
The Bloomer Trailers exhibit is a Cowboy Christmas tradition
star Dale Brisby; additional live stage programming; an expanded Wrangler Arena and fan areas for the Junior World Finals; and more of the same quality exhibitor items that shoppers have come to expect and enjoy over the years. Among those exhibitors is Priefert. America’s No. 1 name in rodeo and ranch equipment for more than 50 years will have three different booths at this year’s show. In addition to its traditional display booth on the ground level, the longtime Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association and Wrangler NFR sponsor will have a second- ary booth upstairs near the Wran- gler Rodeo Arena, where it will hold autograph sessions featuring Priefert Pro and Jr. Elite teams. The Wrangler Rodeo Arena is home to the wildly popular Junior World Finals and with so much action happening near this second Priefert area will be a place to be and be seen throughout the show. Priefert’s third location will be the “Speed Zone,” where eight-time World Champion team-roper Speed Williams will give roping seminars and also demonstrate his revolutionary Speed Trainer training tool. The Rocky Mountain Elk Founda- tion—an official Wrangler NFR official sponsor founded in 1984 by four hunters in Troy, Montana—once
again will be a major player at the Convention Center this year. RMEF
will bring its Hunter Outdoor Christ- mas Expo upstairs to the South Halls, where patrons will find major booth displays, the Elk Country Lounge, and RMEF membership, raffles and trading post. Cavender’s made its Cowboy Christ- mas debut last year in a big way and will be back again, expanding its reach by signing on as a Junior World Finals sponsor. One of the nation’s top Western retailers founded in Pitts- burg, Texas, in 1965 by James and Pat Cavender, the company offers all the boots, jeans, hats, clothing and acces- sories to satisfy anyone’s shopping list. One of the nation’s leading horse trailer retailers, Bloomer Trailers has been an exclusive Cowboy Christmas exhibitor since 2013 and is the Official Trailer of the Wrangler NFR. Founded in 1998, the Texas-based company brings some of its most impressive rigs to the Convention Center so fans can see the latest and greatest traveling down the road today. Ladies who are looking for some boots with sass and style should stop by the
Texi Boots display, which will feature lines of boots designed to inspire women to “dance through life with a passion as bold as their sole.” Founded by Michelle Manningham of east Texas, Texi Boots offers The Original Pink Sole line of quality Western foot- wear that appeals to all women. Other don’t-miss displays include the California-based Orion Crossing Fine Art Ceramics and its vast collection of high-quality, lead-free glazed ceram- ics, as well as Small in the Saddle Bou- tique for the best authentic Western attire for infants and toddlers. Visitors also should stop by Richard Chestnut’s Woodshop booth to check out hand- crafted cutting boards, lazy Susans, carrying trays and other related items made of hard-rock maple and black walnut, as well as the Las Vegas-based EnviroJewels for detailed pieces of jewelry made out of wine corks. Whether you’re looking for a variety of quality goods and services, delicious food and drink, exciting entertain- ment or all of the above, you’ll find it each day at Cowboy Christmas.
| 2019
Photos: Steve Spatafore.
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