ProRodeo Sports News - Sept. 3, 2021


Jake Link photo Kincade Henry, seen here competing at the 2021 Redding (Calif.) Rodeo, is in the hunt to make his first Wrangler National Finals Rodeo.

Last month of 2021 season set up for tight NFR races 11 Down ...

BY SCOTT KANIEWSKI T wo years ago, Kincade Henry was sitting in class in high school, taking out his cell phone during class – a no-no, for sure – to check the PRCA | RAM World Standings. He wanted to see the ascents and descents in the standings to see who

was angling for a National Finals Rodeo appearance and who was falling out of the running. Henry is still looking at those standings, but now it’s to see where he is in the latest tie-down roping standings. (As of Aug. 31, he was 15th, clinging to that final precious spot that will send a cowboy to Las Vegas to compete for a gold buckle.) As the ProRodeo season enters its final month, every event has cowboys battling for the last few spots for that coveted NFR berth. Henry is in a tight contest for his first Wrangler NFR berth. He entered the season’s final month with a lead of less than $200. But it’s not just a battle between him and traveling partner Kyle Lucas in 16th. The separation between Henry and No. 18 Taylor Santos was $3,037. Henry is in a group of ropers who are all battling for their first NFR

trip. All spots between No. 13 ( John Douch) to No. 17 (Andrew Burks) were occupied with tie-down ropers who’ve never been to the NFR. That includes Henry. “It’s the biggest month of our lives,” said the 19-year-old. “The majority of us fighting for the 13th, 14th, 15th spot, it’s a bunch of first- timers, it’s not a bunch of veterans.” TOO CLOSE TO CALL Naturally, tie-down roping isn’t the only narrow contest. Team roping heeling is incredibly close. No. 13 Cole Davison had $49,248. Joseph Harris was sitting in 17th with $47,246. The five spots were separated by all of $2,002. On the outside at No. 16 looking in was Brye Crites, gunning for this

ProRodeo Sports News 9/3/2021


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