PRCA Business Journal - January 22, 2021
PRCA will not retain its 6% until the money has actually been paid out. If the purse is “carried over” to the following year, the amount to be combined with the current year’s purse will be published in the long listings in the ground rules of that rodeo. At series rodeos (which consist of 10 or more weekly rodeos), in the bull riding event, if no one qualifies for prize money for that rodeo, no ground money will be paid out. The prize money for the bull riding for that rodeo will be combined with the bull riding purse for the next rodeo included in the series the following week and paid out in accordance with the PRCA Rule Book. It will be listed in the ground rules that the prize money may be “carried over” to the following week if there are no qualified rides. (C. Rostockyj submitted 6/19) Change R1.3.3.4 Central Entry Office Fee. At which time PRCA event contestant pays entry fees, he will also pay a $5 $7 Central Entry Office fee. This fee will not be added to the payoff but will revert to the PRCA National Office. (PRCA staff submitted 4/19) Change R1.5.6 Replace Me. “Replace me if I don’t get my performance preference and if a replacement is available” will be accepted at time of entry. If no replacement is available, contestant will be drawn out of the rodeo. Replacement shall be defined as any contestant drawn out due to permits maximum or qualifications. If more contestants give this parameter than the number of available replacements, a random draw will determine which of the contestants is replaced. Replacements will be accepted as follows: 1) In a qualification rodeo, according to qualification procedures; and will be subject to preferences and parameters listed in the potential replacement’s original entry. 2) Otherwise, by random draw, and will be subject to preferences and parameters listed in the potential replacement’s original entry. A replacement who has given a “no preference” parameter at time of entry will be accepted if he is one of the first drawn in the random draw. There will be a $5 Procom Charge when a contestant is taken out of the rodeo using the “replace me” parameter. (PRCA staff submitted 4/19) Change Judges Handbook - If contestant is fouled, he must declare immediately to receive a re-ride he will receive a re-ride. If contestant accepts the foul and continues to compete and qualifies, he is only entitled to his marking. (C. Rostockyj 9/19) Change R1.2.15.1 Qualifying for Early Limited Entry Rodeos – Except Saddle Bronc . Qualifications for all events other than saddle bronc for limited entry rodeos during the early season of the Rodeo Year will be as follows: (1) rodeos with entries closing on or before January 31st of the current Rodeo Year would be 90% from last year’s money won and 10% from this year’s money won; (2)rodeos that close on February 1 of the current RodeoYear and on or before the last day of February of the current Rodeo Year would be 80% from last year money won, and 20% from this year’s money won; (3) rodeos closing on or after March 1st through July 14th would be 50% from last year’s money won and 50% from this year’s money won; (4) rodeos closing on or after July 15th would be only current year money won. (PRCA Staff 4/20) R1.2.15.2 Qualifying for Early Limited Entry Rodeos – Saddle Bronc Event. Qualifications for the saddle bronc event for limited entry rodeos during the early season of the Rodeo Year will be as follows: (1) rodeos with entries closing on or before January 31st of the current Rodeo Year would be 90% from last year’s money won and 10% from this year’s money won; (2) rodeos that close on February 1 of the current Rodeo Year and on or before the last day of February of the current Rodeo Year would be 80% from last year money won, and 20% from this year’s money won; (3) rodeos closing on or after March 1st through the last day of March would be 70% from last year’s money won and 30% from this year’s money won: (4) rodeos closing on or after April 1st through the last day of April would be 60% from last year’s money won and 40% from this year’s money won. (5) rodeos closing on or after May 1st through the last day of May would be 50% from last year’s money won and 50% from this year’s money won; (6) rodeos closing on or after June 1st through the last day of June would be 40% from last year’s money won and 60% from this year’s money won; and (7) rodeos closing on or after July 1st through July 15 would be 30% from last year’s money won and 70% from this year’s money won; rodeos closing on or after July 15th would be only current year money won. (PRCA Staff 4/20) R3.2.2 No Animal May Be in the Draw Twice on the Same Day. In all riding events, stock cannot be placed in the draw twice in the same day, with the exception of rerides, unless approved by event representative and the Director of Rodeo Administration. The designated reride must be different from those animals competed on that given day. Failure to abide by this Rule will subject the offending Stock Contractor to a $250 fine per animal so used New R3.2.2.1 No bareback or saddle bronc horse may be bucked on back to back days at rodeos with $5,000 or more added per event. (I. Diaz 4/20) New R3.2.3.4 A bucking horse that is in the draw eight or more times in a single event within a rodeo season and is turned out 100% of the time, that horse can no longer be in the draw at any PRCA events. (I. Diaz 4/20) 2022 Bylaw Proposals
ProRodeo Sports News 1/22/2021
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