PRCA Business Journal - June 21, 2024
the last performance of the Quarter Finals and the Finals pens must be turned into the Rodeo Secretary within ONE hour upon the completion of the last Semi-Finals performance. If the Event Rep does not exercise this option, the cattle advancing to the Semi-finals and Finals will be the cattle that were qualified on. STOCK CHARGES: TD - $30; SW - $30; TR - $15 per man; SR - $120. TD - Only one loop allowed. There will be a stock charge of $30 per contestant. Six pens of calves will be used in the 6 Quarter Finals performances. The 12 calves that were run in the Wild Card round by the 12 contestants who advanced to the Quarter Finals performances from the Wild Card round, will be one of the pens of calves used for one of the Quarter Finals performances. The other five pens of calves will include the 60 calves drawn by the 60 contestants that will be advancing from the Qualifying Round to the Quarter Finals performances (plus adequate extras). These five pens will be set (not drawn) by the event representative or his designee and stock contractor. The calves used for the Semi Finals will be selected by the event representative. The tie down event representative will select the calves to be used in the Finals from the calves that were used in the Semi Finals. SW - There will be a $30 stock charge. TR - There will be a $15 stock charge (per man). Only two loops allowed. Teams must enter from the back of the box. After a team competes on a steer, the team must release the steer and not impede his progress to the stripping chute. Violation of this is subject to a $100 fine. TD, SW, TR, SR - The length of the score will be determined by the committee in agreement with the event representatives. An electric eye barrier will be used. Committee may use a hand pull barrier, if electric eye fails. The SW score will be no longer than 20 feet. TD score will be 30 feet. TD, SW, TR, SR - Qualifying/Performances: Pens of animals for all qualifying rounds or performances will be set by the event rep or designee in conjunction with stock contractor, chute boss, and arena director. To best assure an even set for each day the animals will be visually inspected and set accordingly and may be done prior to the first performance or first qualifying round as long as there is one animal per entry plus adequate extras. TIMED EVENTS - The timed event stock may be drawn the evening prior to the Qualifying Round or performance but the results of the draw will not be posted until one and a half hour prior to the Qualifying Round or performance. All timed event draws will be posted at Chute 9 only. All timed event draws will be drawn by computer in the Secretary’s office. TIMED EVENT SPLITS - All splits must be made at Chute 9 one hour prior to the start of the Qualifying round or performance. Due to the arena size and production speed, some splits in the Qualifying round may not be consistent with PRCA rules. Contestants are responsible to check their positions after splits and inform the chute boss if there are any issues. TD, SW, TR, SR - If a timed event animal escapes or a re-run is given for any other reason, the extra will be used. Only escaped animals go back into the herd. The misdraw procedure will not be used. The contestants receiving a re- run will move to the end of the competition order and run the designated extra. An order of extras will be drawn from the sleepers and/or designated extras. TIMED EVENTS - Rule will be waived (pertaining to the TE chute gate). ALL EVENTS: The competition order in the Finals will be based on money won at Cheyenne. The
contestant with the lowest amount will compete first and the contestant with the highest amount will compete last. Tie Breaker - BB, SB, BR , TD, SW , TR - In the case of a tie for first place in the Finals, the money allocated for the tied places will be split evenly among the tied contestants. The event champion to receive awards (which may include saddles, buckles, etc) will be tied contestant with the most dollars won. If still tied, in the BB, SB, BR events the tie will be broken by highest score in the Semi Finals, if still tied the highest score in the Quater Finals will break the tie. If still tied, in the TD, SW, TR events the tie will be broken by fastest time in the Semi-Finals, if still tied the fastest time in the Quarter Finals will break the tie . SR - In Steer Roping, if there is a tie for first place in the Finals, the money allocated for the tied places will be split evenly among the tied contestants. The event champion to receive awards; will be the tied contestant with the fastest time in the average after the first two go-rounds. If still tied, the event champion will be the contestant with the single fastest time in either of the first two go-rounds . SR - 150 minimum entries. No compensation. Contestants with no money won in 2023 or 2024 (as of 7 days prior to entry closing) who have entered the steer roping event at less than 7 rodeos in 2023 and 2024 combined will not be accepted as entries. Exceptions and exemptions from qualification will be: any PRCA Steer Roping World Champion, any past NFSR qualifiers, and the 2021- 2023 Cheyenne Steer Roping Champions. Two go rounds plus a top 12 finals. All 150 contestants will compete in both go- rounds during the Qualifying round on Saturday, July 13 at 7 AM. The top 12 in the average will advance to the finals on July 28. Each go-round will be paid. No average payoff. There will be a $120 stock charge per contestant. An electric eye barrier will be used and the length of the score will be determined by the committee and the event representative. Only one loop will be allowed. ALL CONTESTANTS - Contestants who qualify for the progressive round at Sheridan and are placed in the performance at Sheridan on July 13 will be allowed to compete first in the second go-round at Cheyenne as long as they notify the rodeo secretary prior to the cattle draw for the qualifying round. Also, if a contestant is entered in the steer roping at Cheyenne and qualifies for the finals at Casper or Colorado Springs in a different event, he will be allowed to compete first in the second go-round of steer roping at Cheyenne. ALL EVENTS - A contestant not ready when called during a performance or qualifying round will be subject to a $100 fine and/or disqualification from that go-round in which the offense is committed. Timed event contestants are required to be in the box as the preceding animal is released and in the process of leaving the arena. Riding event contestants are required to be ready. PAYOFF IN BB, SB, BR , TD, SW, and TR - If there are less qualified scores in the riding events or qualified times in the timed events in the Finals than there are places to be paid, the remaining places will be paid to contestants with no score or no time in the Finals based on highest scores or fastest times in the semi-finals, If there are less qualified scores or times in the semi finals than there are places to be paid in the semi-finals the remaining places will be paid to contestants with no score or no time in the semi finals based on highest scores or fastest times in the quarter finals. All money paid out for the Semi-Finals and Finals will count towards PRCA World Standings. NOTE: Dollar amount for the BB payout may vary if the number of entries are less than the limit in an event. Also, the number of doctor releases and
official draw outs will affect the amounts. BB PAY-OFF BREAKDOWN: Committee purse - $67,000, Entry fees (72 x $275) - $19,800, Minus 6% to PRCA - $5,208, Total purse - $81,592. BB PAY-OFF: First 6 performances - $36,716.40 - 45%, Two Semi-Finals performances - $19,174.12 - 23.5%, Finals - $25,701.48 - 31.5%, Total $81,592. BB PERFORMANCE PAY-OFF (first 6 performances): 1st place - $2,447.76 - 40%, 2nd place - $1,835.82 - 30%, 3rd place - $1,223.88 - 20%, 4th place $611.94 - 10%. Total (each perf): $6,119.40 (times 6 perfs is $36,716.40). BB SEMI-FINALS PAY-OFF (7th and 8th perfs): 1st place - $3,163.73 - 33%, 2nd place - $2,396.77 - 25%, 3rd place $1,725.67 - 18%, 4th place - $1,150.45 - 12%, 5th place - $671.09 - 7%, 6th place - $479.35 - 5%. Total $9,587.06 (times 2 perfs is $19,174.12). BB FINALS PAY-OFF: 1st place - $8,481.49 - 33%, 2nd place - $6,425.37 - 25%, 3rd place $4,626.27 - 18%, 4th place - $3,084.18- 12%, 5th place - $1,799.10 - 7%, 6th place - $1,285.07 - 5%. Total $25,701.48. NOTE: Dollar amount for the SB payout may vary if there are less than 72 entries. Also, the number of doctor releases and official draw outs will affect the amounts. SB PAY-OFF BREAKDOWN: Committee purse; $67,000, Entry fee (72 x $229) $16,488, Minus 6% for PRCA; $5,009.28, Total purse $78,478.72. SB PAY-OFF: First 6 performances - $35,315.42 - 45%, Two Semi-Finals perf - $18,442.50 - 23.5%, Finals - $24,720.80 - 31.5%. Total $78,478.72. SB PERFORMANCE PAY-OFF (first 6 performances): 1st place - $2,354.36 - 40%, 2nd place - $1,765.77 - 30%, 3rd place - $1,177.18 - 20%, 4th place $588.59 - 10%. Total (each perf): $5,885.90(times 6 perfs is $35,315.42). SB SEMI-FINALS PAY-OFF (7th and 8th perfs): 1st place - $3,043.01- 33%, 2nd place - $2,305.31 - 25%, 3rd place $1,659.83 - 18%, 4th place - $1,106.55 - 12%, 5th place - $645.49 - 7%, 6th place - $461.06 - 5%. Total $9,221.25 (times 2 perfs is $18,442.50). SB FINALS PAY-OFF: 1st place - $8,157.86 33%, 2nd place - $6,180.20 - 25%, 3rd place $4,449.74 - 18%, 4th place - $2,966.50 - 12%, 5th place - $1,730.46 - 7%, 6th place - $1,236.04- 5%. Total $24,720.80. NOTE: Dollar amount for the BR payout may vary if there are less than 60 entries. Also, the number of doctor releases and official draw outs will affect the amounts. BR PAY-OFF BREAKDOWN: Committee purse; $67,000, Entry fee (60 x $300) $18,000, Minus 6% for PRCA; $5,100.00, Total purse $79,900 BR PAY-OFF: First 6 performances - $35,955.00 - 45%, Two Semi-Finals perf - $18,776.50 - 23.5%, Finals - $25,168.50 - 31.5%. Total $79,900. BR PERFORMANCE PAY-OFF (first 6 performances): 1st place - $2,397.00 - 40%, 2nd place - $1,797.75- 30%, 3rd place - $1,198.50 - 20%, 4th place $599.25- 10%. Total (each perf): $5,992.50(times 6 perfs equals $35,955). BR SEMI-FINALS PAY-OFF (7th and 8th perfs): 1st place - $3,098.12 - 33%, 2nd place - $2,347.06 - 25%, 3rd place $1,689.89 - 18%, 4th place - $1,126.59 - 12%, 5th place - $657.18 - 7%, 6th place - $469.41 - 5%. Total $9,388.25 (times 2 perfs is $18,776.50). BR FINALS PAY-OFF: 1st place - $8,305.61 - 33%, 2nd place - $6,292.13- 25%, 3rd place $4,530.33 - 18%, 4th place - $3,020.22 - 12%, 5th place - $1,761.80 - 7%, 6th place - $1,258.43- 5%. Total $25,168.50. PAYOFF FOR TD AND TR (all amounts are per man in TR): Total Amount --$67,000 Added Money plus $100,000 Entry Fees (200 contestants times $500)
ProRodeo Sports News 6/21/2024
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