ProRodeo Sports News, June 1, 2018
The official publication of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association
PRCA will sanction The American in 2019 season American Made
INSIDE • Cowboys hit it big at Redding (Calif.) Rodeo/ Page 26
ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
CONTENTS JUNE 1, 2018 – VOLUME 66, NO. 11
Riders Shine in Redding Redding Rodeo offers fun in California sun
Jacobs Crawley rode Big Stone Rodeo’s Rubels for 87 points and the win at the Redding (Calif.) Rodeo, which was May 17-19. Dustin Olson photo
ADDING ON PRCA will sanction The American with a payout in excess of $2.3 million. 30
BOOT BOYS Pair of young bull riders from Louisiana making noise in world standings. 32
ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
Mike Moore’s bull riding career took him around the country and to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo four times. Although he’s retired from rodeo now, he’s just as busy as ever. PRCA ProRodeo photo by Mike Copeman
6 in his own words 8 cowboy grille 12 he said, she said 14 spotlight 16 time capsule 20 short round 43 results 56 prca notes 57 prca business
26 Redding, Calif.
10 2018 PRCA world 11 Wrangler tour 49 all american 50 circuits
Sports News ProRodeo
PRORODEO SPORTS NEWS (ISSN 0161-5815; USPS 469-620) is published semi-monthly by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, 101 Pro Rodeo Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919- 4301. PERIODICALS postage paid at Colorado Springs, Colo., and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to ProRodeo Sports News , P.O. Box 469025, Escondido, CA 92046. Disclaimer: The ProRodeo Sports News carries advertising as a service to PRCA members and PSN readers. However, publication of advertisements in the PSN does not in any way, whether expressed or implied, commit the PSN to guarantee or warrant any of the merchan- dise or livestock advertised.
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER George Taylor MEDIA DIRECTOR Justin Shaw PSN EDITOR Scott Kaniewski ART DIRECTOR Stephen Olver CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Tracy Renck Matt Naber Nick Cicere Amber Baillie ADVERTISING MANAGER Nathan Vodehnal
PRCA will sanctionTheAmerican in 2019 season American Made
PRORODEO SPORTS NEWS 101 ProRodeo Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80919 ©2018, PRCA Properties Inc., a marketing service and subsidiary of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information retrieval system, without permission in writing from PRCA Properties Inc.
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INSIDE •Cowboys hit it big at Redding (Calif.) Rodeo/Page 26
PRCA CEO George Taylor talks about the PRCA sanctioning The American in Arlington, Texas. Photos by Kelly Alexander and James D. Smith
ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
M y season had a slow start in the winter, but the last little bit picked up. It could always be better, but it’s been pretty good. I think the slow start was because I was trying to build a house in Axtell. I was finishing that up. We moved into it in mid-February. I didn’t have riding on my mind like I needed to, wasn’t focused enough. Building the house was a learning process for sure. It took about a year to do. It was a little slower than if contractors would have built it, but it was pretty fun. I enjoyed it and saved a fair bit of money. My wife, Katie, and daughter Berkley moved into it with me. Katie was most excited. It’s nice to be done with it and have our own space and have the roomwe needed. We just had a second child, Lennix, the 24th of April. Now we have Berkley in her own room and she doesn’t have to share a roomwith us. She loves it. Probably the first month or so if people came over, she would say, ‘Let me show you my room, come see this.’ I finished the house three days before going to the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo. My wife told me I had to have it done before I went rodeoing. I won more than $8,000 in San Antonio. I was able to do good there and help keep the diapers and groceries coming in. I hadn’t been going to a lot of rodeos in the fall. So, because I was The Axtell, Utah, saddle bronc rider is looking to get back to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo this season after making it in 2016 but missing out in 2017. As of May 29, Boore was 18th in the PRCA | RAMWorld Standings with $22,067, third in the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour standings and second in the Wilderness Circuit Standings.
working on the house and wasn’t rodeoing, we didn’t have any money coming in. It was nice to be able to win a little money but then also it boosts your confidence and pushes you to ride a little better at other rodeos. It was a little discouraging missing the Finals last year, but I got to the end of the year and knew I didn’t do good enough to go. It lights a fire under you to make sure you don’t miss it this year. You look back on the year and see a few things you should’ve done to try to correct those mistakes and hopefully make the best out of this year. I’d rather be 18th than 40th in the world standings, but I finished 18th in the year-end standings twice, so 18th is an unlucky number for me. But it’s still all right. I’m still in the running and not far from breaking into the Top 15. I don’t come from a rodeo background. My parents farmed. My older brother rode some bareback horses after high school. He and some other high school buddies talked me into getting on a bronc. I was like a lot of other guys, I wanted to ride bulls. I had no desire to ride broncs. I got on a couple bulls and tried them. But since I got on that first saddle bronc I haven’t looked back. Marty Trapp, a guy who lives in Salina, Utah, ProRodeoed for quite a few years. He has a bunch of practice horses. He knew how to help me and still helps me now. The adrenaline rush of getting on and trying to conquer a beast was one of the things I loved about the sport. My whole plan since I can remember is that I’m going to come back and work on the family farm. That’s still my plan once I retire from rodeo. My plan for the season is to make it back to the NFR this year. I feel like as long as I stay healthy I should be there again this year. That’s my goal. That’s where it’s going to end up.
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ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
For tie-down roper BO PICKETT, nephew of ProRodeo Hall of Famer Dee Pickett, the decision to pursue rodeo full time has been a risk worth taking. After his uncle’s PRCA success – a world championship in tie-down roping and all- around – the 21-year-old has set his sights on earning Rookie of the Year. The Caldwell, Idaho, cowboy has competed in about 30 rodeos and is atop the 2018 PRCA Resistol Rookie Standings.
What drew you to tie-down roping and why do you enjoy it so much? Bo: My family has roped for a long time and I grew to love it. I started roping when I was about 10 but didn’t start taking it seriously until I was 15 or 16. I also like team roping but don’t want to rely on someone else in competition. With tie-down roping, I can work on it myself and get better. I learned from my dad and uncle (Dee Pickett), who was very good at it. Do you have siblings? Do they rope? Bo: I have two brothers; one team ropes, but the other doesn’t. Why did you choose to compete in rodeo full time? Did you consider other careers? Bo: I considered other careers, as I was told you can’t make a living off it. People would tell me, ‘It’s just a hobby.’ But my uncle made a living from professional rodeo. My thought is, ‘If a kid has a dream, they only have so long to go for it and do it.’ And that’s why I’m going for it. What do you think it takes to be consistent in roping? Bo: A lot of practice and mental strength. Much of the sport is mental and locking in a good run every time is difficult. But there are guys who have mastered it, like Trevor Brazile and Joe Beaver. I try to go through the same steps every time. I learned tie-down roping in five steps. If you skip a step it’s hard to get to the next one, so my focus is to not get ahead of myself and to concentrate on one step at a time. Do you have a rodeo idol? Bo: My uncle (Dee Pickett). What I admire most about him is his work ethic. It’s not easy coming from Idaho and rodeoing for a living because you can’t do a lot in the winter. You’ve got to really work at it and be dedicated. What is your goal this year? Bo: I would like to win Rookie of the Year, the Columbia River Circuit Finals and hopefully this year or next qualify for the National Finals Rodeo. Rookie of the Year is a great stepping stone. How do you feel about the season so far? Bo: I’m learning a lot. I’m young and going to make mistakes. I want to do better and have a lot of room for improvement. But I’m
excited about that because I know I can do better. What’s been your biggest challenge in rodeo?
Bo: I didn’t begin tie-down roping until I was 16, so I’m a little behind on the curve and trying to get my ability and mental game to where it needs to be. You’ve got to stay mentally strong at a rodeo. There’s a lot of pressure when you see the top guys in the world there and all the fans. I just try to focus on doing my job and the task at hand. Do you have any superstitions or rituals before competing? Bo: If I do poorly three or four times in the same shirt, I won’t wear it again. I like to stick with the same
routine before competition, I try to eat healthy and get good sleep. That can be challenging when you’re going from one rodeo to the next, driving throughout the night. If I’m in the passenger’s seat, I’ll watch roping videos or videos of myself at competitions to see what I need to work on. What are your hobbies outside of rodeo?
Bo: Team roping is a hobby of mine. My dad ropes so we team rope together. I also like horseback riding and I’ve been playing tennis lately. What is something about you that may surprise people?
Bo: I was in a movie that my uncle made. I was just an extra sitting in the stands at a baseball game. But still, I was in a movie! It’s called “Soda Springs,” and I was about 12 at the time. Jay Pickett (Dee’s brother) is the
uncle who made the movie.
What is your comfort food? Bo: I love pizza but shouldn’t eat it. I occasionally have it as a treat. What do you appreciate most about rodeo? Bo: I like that no one owes anyone anything and that what you deserve is what you win. You don’t receive a set salary for the year; the harder you work, the more you win.
BO PICKETT with Uncle Dee
ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
© 2017 Coors Brewing Co., Golden, CO
ProRodeo Sports News 2/9/18
Unofficial as of May 29, 2018. For the 2018 season (Oct. 1, 2017-Sept. 30, 2018), official rodeo limits are as follows: all-around, 70; bareback riding, 100; steer wrestling, 100; team roping, 75; saddle bronc riding, 100; tie-down roping, 100; barrel racing, 100; and bull riding, no limit. Bull riders can count Xtreme Bulls events toward the PRCA World Standings, but not toward the all-around standings.
ALL-AROUND 1. Tuf Cooper, Decatur, Texas......................... $104,566 2. Ryle Smith, Oakdale, Calif.............................. 52,888 3. Trevor Brazile, Decatur, Texas......................... 51,947 4. Rhen Richard, Roosevelt, Utah...................... 40,998 5. Jordan Ketscher, Squaw Valley, Calif.............. 34,691 6. Wesley Brunson, Terry, Miss.......................... 31,694 7. Bart Brunson, Terry, Miss............................... 30,780 8. Clayton Hass, Weatherford, Texas.................. 29,948 9. Marcus Theriot, Poplarville, Miss................... 29,423 10. Shane Proctor, Grand Coulee, Wash............... 24,925 11. Cody Doescher, Oklahoma City, Okla.............. 23,414 12. Paul David Tierney, Oklahoma City, Okla........ 22,731 13. Chant DeForest, Wheatland, Calif................... 22,177 14. Landon McClaugherty, Tilden, Texas.............. 15,778 15. Cole Elshere, Faith, S.D.................................. 15,431 16. McCoy Profili, Okeechobee, Fla...................... 13,766 17. Zack Jongbloed, Iowa, La............................... 11,356 18. Eli Lord, Sturgis, S.D..................................... 11,264 19. Morgan Grant, Didsbury, Alberta.................... 10,339 20. Tanner Green, Cotulla, Texas............................ 9,986 BAREBACK RIDING 1. Caleb Bennett, Tremonton, Utah................... $70,105 2. Mason Clements, Springville, Utah................ 64,771 3. Bill Tutor, Huntsville, Texas............................ 55,757 4. Tim O’Connell, Zwingle, Iowa......................... 51,974 5. Jake Brown, Cleveland, Texas........................ 49,890 6. Clayton Biglow, Clements, Calif...................... 44,794 7. Tilden Hooper, Carthage, Texas...................... 42,970 8. J.R. Vezain, Cowley, Wyo............................... 41,438 9. Shane O’Connell, Rapid City, S.D................... 41,130 10. Orin Larsen, Inglis, Manitoba......................... 38,574 11. Kaycee Feild, Spanish Fork, Utah................... 32,500 12. Steven Dent, Mullen, Neb............................... 32,068 13. Ty Breuer, Mandan, N.D................................. 29,060 14. Luke Creasy, Hobbs, N.M............................... 28,609 15. Tanner Aus, Granite Falls, Minn...................... 28,345 16. Clint Laye, Cadogan, Alberta.......................... 25,538 17. Blade Elliott, Centreville, Ala........................... 23,904 18. Richmond Champion, The Woodlands, Texas. 23,328 19. Evan Jayne, Marseille, France ....................... 21,605 20. Jessy Davis, Power, Mont.............................. 21,593 STEERWRESTLING 1. Cole Edge, Durant, Okla............................... $49,337 2. Tyler Waguespack, Gonzales, La.................... 41,965 3. Tyler Pearson, Louisville, Miss....................... 40,457 4. Jacob Talley, Keatchie, La............................... 40,229 5. Bridger Chambers, Stevensville, Mont........... 39,264 6. Curtis Cassidy, Donalda, Alberta.................... 39,117 7. Dakota Eldridge, Elko, Nev............................. 36,117 8. Chason Floyd, Buffalo, S.D............................. 35,860 9. Riley Duvall, Checotah, Okla........................... 31,595 10. Matt Reeves, Cross Plains, Texas................... 31,501 11. Tanner Brunner, Ramona, Kan........................ 30,797 12. Billy Bugenig, Ferndale, Calif.......................... 30,545 13. Kyle Irwin, Robertsdale, Ala........................... 30,525 14. Cameron Morman, Glen Ullin, N.D................. 28,985 15. Scott Guenthner, Provost, Alberta.................. 25,179 16. Ty Erickson, Helena, Mont.............................. 23,803 17. Blake Mindemann, Blanchard, Okla................ 23,802 18. Josh Garner, Live Oak, Calif........................... 23,743 19. Will Lummus, West Point, Miss..................... 22,651 20. Jacob Shofner, Huntsville, Texas.................... 22,367 TEAM ROPING (HEADER) 1. Clay Smith, Broken Bow, Okla...................... $53,072 2. Cody Snow, Los Olivos, Calif.......................... 44,039 3. Bubba Buckaloo, Kingston, Okla.................... 43,325 4. Luke Brown, Rock Hill, S.C............................ 41,495 5. Andrew Ward, Edmond, Okla......................... 37,426 6. Logan Olson, Flandreau, S.D.......................... 36,604 7. Coleman Proctor, Pryor, Okla......................... 29,176 8. Dustin Egusquiza, Mariana, Fla...................... 27,525
18. Caleb Smidt, Bellville, Texas........................... 24,799 19. Seth Hall, Albuquerque, N.M.......................... 22,862 20. Jesse Clark, Portales, N.M............................. 21,542 STEER ROPING 1. Tuf Cooper, Decatur, Texas........................... $50,913 2. Scott Snedecor, Fredericksburg, Texas........... 41,938 3. Rocky Patterson, Pratt, Kan........................... 39,297 4. Tony Reina, Wharton, Texas........................... 31,424 5. Chris Glover, Keenesburg, Colo...................... 26,665 6. Garrett Hale, Snyder, Texas............................ 24,950 7. Will Gasperson, Decatur, Texas...................... 23,096 8. Cody Lee, Gatesville, Texas............................ 21,947 9. Trevor Brazile, Decatur, Texas......................... 21,890 10. Jarrett Blessing, Paradise, Texas.................... 19,177 11. Vin Fisher Jr., Andrews, Texas........................ 17,626 12. Chet Herren, Pawhuska, Okla......................... 16,114 13. Shay Good, Midland, Texas............................ 16,048 14. Brodie Poppino, Big Cabin, Okla..................... 15,281 15. J. Tom Fisher, Andrews, Texas....................... 14,623 16. Jim Locke, Miami, Texas................................ 14,498 17. Roger Branch, Wellston, Okla........................ 13,690 18. Troy Tillard, Douglas, Wyo............................. 12,373 19. Will McBride, Ogallala, Neb............................ 12,338 20. Bryce Davis, Ovalo, Texas.............................. 11,023 BULL RIDING 1. Sage Kimzey, Strong City, Okla.................. $129,304 2. Parker Breding, Edgar, Mont.......................... 87,083 3. Trey Benton III, Rock Island, Texas................ 67,278 4. Dustin Boquet, Bourg, La............................... 59,627 5. Trevor Kastner, Roff, Okla.............................. 59,594 6. Clayton Sellars, Fruitland Park, Fla................. 55,212 7. Garrett Tribble, Bristow, Okla......................... 52,022 8. Tristan Mize, Bryan, Texas.............................. 47,922 9. Tyler Bingham, Honeyville, Utah..................... 46,698 10. Chase Dougherty, Canby, Ore......................... 42,876 11. Brady Portenier, Caldwell, Idaho.................... 37,254 12. Koby Radley, Montpelier, La........................... 35,148 13. Eli Vastbinder, Athens, Texas.......................... 34,104 14. Josh Frost, Randlett, Utah.............................. 33,597 15. Lane Nobles, Gatesville, Texas....................... 33,467 16. Boudreaux Campbell, Crockett, Texas............ 33,455 17. Lon Danley, Tularosa, N.M............................. 30,513 18. J.W. Harris, Goldthwaite, Texas...................... 30,112 19. Aaron Williams, Pismo Beach, Calif............... 30,091 20. Jeff Askey, Athens, Texas............................... 28,990 *2018 BARREL RACING (Through May 29, 2018) Barrel racing standings, provided by the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association (WPRA), are unofficial, subject to audit and may change. Unofficial WPRA Standings are published by the PRCA as a courtesy. The PRCA is not responsible for the verification or updating of WPRA standings. 1. Hailey Kinsel, Cotulla, Texas............................$94,143 2. Nellie Miller, Cottonwood, Calif.........................74,331 3. Amberleigh Moore, Salem, Ore.........................71,186 4. Taci Bettis, Round Top, Texas...........................69,653 5. Lisa Lockhart, Oelrichs, S.D..............................55,834 6. Kylie Weast, Comanche, Okla............................49,070 7. Tiany Schuster, Krum, Texas.............................48,936 8. Kellie Collier, Hereford, Texas............................47,643 9. Carley Richardson, Pampa, Texas.....................43,120 10. Brittany Pozzi Tonozzi, Victoria, Texas.............41,730 11. Christine Laughlin, Pueblo, Colo.....................35,231 12. Jessica Telford, Caldwell, Idaho......................34,137 13. Kelly Bruner, Millsap, Texas............................33,899 14. Ericka Nelson, Century, Fla.............................32,408 15. Jessi Fish, Franklin, Tenn................................32,392 16. Emily Miller, Weatherford, Texas.....................30,005 17. Tillar Murray, Fort Worth, Texas......................28,546 18. Shelly Anzick, Shepard, Mont.........................28,372 19. Carman Pozzobon, Aldergrove, B.C................27,402 20. Jessica Routier, Buffalo, S.D...........................27,248
9. Cory Kidd V, Statesville, N.C........................... 25,933 10. Kaleb Driggers, Hoboken, Ga......................... 25,532 11. Nelson Wyatt, Clanton, Ala............................. 24,214 12. Joshua Torres, Ocala, Fla............................... 24,043 13. Spencer Mitchell, Orange Cove, Calif............. 24,023 14. Travis Dorman, Dade City, Fla......................... 22,016 15. Tyler Wade, Terrell, Texas............................... 21,667 16. Riley Minor, Ellensburg, Wash....................... 20,680 17. Blake Teixeira, Tres Pinos, Calif...................... 20,657 18. John Alley, Adams, Tenn................................ 20,189 19. Keven Daniel, Franklin, Tenn.......................... 19,908 20. Charly Crawford, Prineville, Ore..................... 19,838 TEAM ROPING (HEELER) 1. Paul Eaves, Lonedell, Mo............................. $53,072 2. Jake Long, Coffeyville, Kan............................ 41,495 3. Wesley Thorp, Throckmorton, Texas.............. 40,350 4. Matt Kasner, Cody, Neb.................................. 37,534 5. Joseph Harrison, Overbrook, Okla.................. 37,483 6. Reagan Ward, Edmond, Okla.......................... 37,426 7. Trace Porter, Leesville, La.............................. 29,771 8. Billie Jack Saebens, Nowata, Okla.................. 29,176 9. Kory Koontz, Stephenville, Texas.................... 27,525 10. Clint Summers, Lake City, Fla......................... 25,954 11. Logan Medlin, Tatum, N.M............................. 25,749 12. Junior Nogueira, Presidente Prudente, Brazil. 25,532 13. Trey Yates, Pueblo, Colo................................. 23,487 14. Jonathan Torres, Ocala, Fla............................ 23,330 15. Bradley Massey, Perry, Fla............................. 22,016 16. Jason Duby, Klamath Falls, Ore...................... 22,004 17. Cole Davison, Stephenville, Texas.................. 21,638 18. Buddy Hawkins II, Columbus, Kan................. 21,610 19. Kyle Lockett, Visalia, Calif.............................. 20,591 20. Clark Adcock, Smithville, Tenn....................... 20,189 SADDLE BRONC RIDING 1. Jacobs Crawley, Boerne, Texas.................... $95,709 2. Brody Cress, Hillsdale, Wyo........................... 62,425 3. Wade Sundell, Boxholm, Iowa........................ 56,035 4. Isaac Diaz, Desdemona, Texas....................... 55,123 5. Rusty Wright, Milford, Utah........................... 43,085 6. CoBurn Bradshaw, Beaver, Utah..................... 40,750 7. Zeke Thurston, Big Valley, Alberta.................. 36,414 8. Sterling Crawley, Stephenville, Texas............. 36,332 9. J.J. Elshere, Hereford, S.D............................. 35,873 10. Joey Sonnier III, New Iberia, La..................... 35,696 11. Clay Elliott, Nanton, Alberta............................ 33,128 12. Taos Muncy, Corona, N.M.............................. 27,509 13. Ryder Wright, Milford, Utah........................... 26,911 14. Colt Gordon, Comanche, Okla........................ 26,457 15. Cort Scheer, Elsmere, Neb.............................. 23,155 16. Bradley Harter, Loranger, La........................... 22,911 17. Jesse Wright, Milford, Utah........................... 22,251 18. Allen Boore, Axtell, Utah................................ 22,067 19. Heith DeMoss, Heflin, La................................ 20,898 20. Jake Wright, Milford, Utah............................. 20,390 TIE-DOWN ROPING 1. Tyson Durfey, Weatherford, Texas................ $58,861 2. Tuf Cooper, Decatur, Texas............................. 56,279 3. Jake Pratt, Ellensburg, Wash.......................... 48,350 4. Blane Cox, Cameron, Texas............................ 46,071 5. Shane Hanchey, Sulphur, La........................... 44,458 6. Marty Yates, Stephenville, Texas.................... 41,949 7. Marcos Costa, Childress, Texas...................... 41,795 8. Ryle Smith, Oakdale, Calif.............................. 39,748 9. Sterling Smith, Stephenville, Texas................ 38,315 10. Cory Solomon, Prairie View, Texas................. 32,259 11. Jordan Ketscher, Squaw Valley, Calif.............. 31,665 12. Scott Kormos, Teague, Texas......................... 30,870 13. Rhen Richard, Roosevelt, Utah...................... 27,684 14. Matt Shiozawa, Chubbuck, Idaho................... 27,321 15. Cody Quaney, Cheney, Kan............................. 26,594 16. Ryan Jarrett, Comanche, Okla........................ 26,029 17. Tyler Milligan, Pawhuska, Okla....................... 25,168
ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
TOUR STANDINGS Unofficial as of May 29, 2018 (4 of 22 Tour events complete). The Wrangler ProRodeo Tour standings will be totaled over the course of 22 Tour rodeos during the 2018 season. Top 24 competitors in each event qualify for the Justin Finale, Sept. 6-9, in Puyallup, Wash. Complete results, go to
BAREBACK RIDING 1..Tilden Hooper, Carthage, Texas....................245.00 2..Caleb Bennett, Tremonton, Utah..................205.00 3..Orin Larsen, Inglis, Manitoba.......................175.00 4..Zack Brown, Red Bluff, Calif........................130.00 5..Mason Clements, Springville, Utah..............116.00 6..Jake Brown, Cleveland, Texas......................105.00 7..Clint Laye, Cadogan, Alberta..........................95.00 8..Steven Dent, Mullen, Neb..............................90.00 . Kaycee Feild, Spanish Fork, Utah...................90.00 10. .J.R. Vezain, Cowley, Wyo.............................80.00 . Jamie Howlett, Weatherford, Texas.............80.00 12..Bill Tutor, Huntsville, Texas..........................75.00 13..R. Champion, The Woodlands, Texas..........70.00 . Wyatt Denny, Minden, Nev...........................70.00 15..Tanner Aus, Granite Falls, Minn...................60.00 16..Shane O’Connell, Rapid City, S.D.................56.00 17..Kyle Charley, Lukachukai, Ariz.....................51.00 18..Clayton Biglow, Clements, Calif...................45.00 19..Jessy Davis, Power, Mont............................35.00 . Wyatt Bloom, Bozeman, Mont.....................35.00 21..Seth Hardwick, Ranchester, Wyo.................30.00 22..Morgan Wilde, McCammon, Idaho..............20.00 . Cody Kiser, Carson City, Nev........................20.00 24..Tim O’Connell, Zwingle, Iowa......................16.00 25..Logan Corbett, Las Cruces, N.M..................10.00 STEERWRESTLING 1..Bridger Chambers, Stevensville, Mont.........335.00 2..Aaron Vosler, Cheyenne, Wyo......................295.00 3..Tyler Waguespack, Gonzales, La..................172.50 4..Ty Erickson, Helena, Mont...........................170.00 . Chase Black, Coalville, Utah.........................170.00 6..Tyler Pearson, Louisville, Miss....................160.00 . Kody Dollery, Caldwell, Texas......................160.00 8..Newt Novich, Twin Bridges, Mont................150.00 9..Jesse Brown, Baker City, Ore.......................145.00 10. .Nick Guy, Sparta, Wis................................140.00 11..Don Payne, Stephenville, Texas.................135.00 12..Cameron Morman, Glen Ullin, N.D............125.00 13..Trevor Knowles, Mount Vernon, Ore..........115.00 . Dirk Tavenner, Rigby, Idaho.......................115.00 15..Straws Milan, Cochrane, Alberta................110.00 16..Hunter Cure, Holliday, Texas......................100.00 . Cody Devers, Alva, Okla.............................100.00 18..Curtis Cassidy, Donalda, Alberta..................90.00 19..Stan Branco, Chowchilla, Calif.....................85.00 20..Riley Duvall, Checotah, Okla........................80.00 . J.D. Struxness, Milan, Minn.........................80.00 22..John Franzen, Riverton, Wyo.......................75.00 23..Billy Bugenig, Ferndale, Calif........................70.00 . Michael Bates Jr., Mexican Springs, N.M....70.00 25..John Green, La Grande, Ore........................60.00 . Austin Courmier, Oakwood, Texas...............60.00 . Tanner Brunner, Ramona, Kan.....................60.00 TEAM ROPING (HEADER) 1..Cody Snow, Los Olivos, Calif.......................330.00 2..J.B. James Jr., Bennett, Colo.......................310.00 3..Kaleb Driggers, Hoboken, Ga.......................235.00 . Joshua Torres, Ocala, Fla.............................235.00 5..Andrew Ward, Edmond, Okla.......................230.00 6..Luke Brown, Rock Hill, S.C..........................225.00 7..Jr. Dees, Aurora, S.D....................................205.00 8..Clay Tryan, Billings, Mont............................185.00
. Chant DeForest, Wheatland, Calif...............185.00 10. .Bubba Buckaloo, Kingston, Okla................175.00 11..Kolton Schmidt, Barrhead, Alberta............165.00 12..Rhett Anderson, Anabella, Utah.................160.00 13..Chad Masters, Cedar Hill, Tenn..................150.00 . Spencer Mitchell, Orange Cove, Calif.........150.00 15..Brandon Beers, Powell Butte, Ore..............120.00 16..Trevor Brazile, Decatur, Texas....................115.00 . Jeff Flenniken, Caldwell, Idaho...................115.00 18..Riley Minor, Ellensburg, Wash...................110.00 19..Cory Kidd V, Statesville, N.C......................105.00 . Aaron Macy, Post, Texas............................105.00 21..Shane Philipp, Washington, Texas.............100.00 22..Laramie Allen, Llano, Texas.........................95.00 23..Levi Simpson, Ponoka, Alberta....................85.00 24..Charly Crawford, Prineville, Ore...................80.00 . C.J. DeForest Jr., Wheatland, Calif...............80.00 TEAM ROPING (HEELER) 1..Wesley Thorp, Throckmorton, Texas...........330.00 2..Cesar de la Cruz, Tucson, Ariz......................310.00 3..Jonathan Torres, Ocala, Fla..........................235.00 . J. Nogueira, Presidente Prudente, Brazil......235.00 5..Reagan Ward, Edmond, Okla.......................230.00 6..Jake Long, Coffeyville, Kan..........................225.00 7..Cody Cowden, Atwater, Calif........................205.00 8..Travis Graves, Jay, Okla...............................185.00 . Bronc Boehnlein, Riverside, Calif.................185.00 10. .Clint Summers, Lake City, Fla....................175.00 11..Cole Davison, Stephenville, Texas..............165.00 12..Coleby Payne, Lipan, Texas........................160.00 13..Joseph Harrison, Overbrook, Okla.............150.00 14..Walt Woodard, Stephenville, Texas............135.00 15..Daniel Braman IV, Victoria, Texas..............120.00 16..Patrick Smith, Lipan, Texas........................115.00 . Jake Minor, Ellensburg, Wash....................115.00 18..Brady Minor, Ellensburg, Wash.................110.00 . Jason Duby, Klamath Falls, Ore.................110.00 20..Caleb Anderson, Mocksville, N.C...............105.00 . Wyatt Cox, Arroyo Grande, Calif................105.00 22..Joel Bach, Mount Vernon, Texas................100.00 23..Ross Ashford, Lott, Texas............................95.00 24..Jeremy Buhler, Arrowwood, Alberta............85.00 25..Andy Holcomb, San Juan Batista, Calif........80.00 . James Arnold, Midway, Texas......................80.00 SADDLE BRONC RIDING 1..Rusty Wright, Milford, Utah.........................210.00 2..Ryder Wright, Milford, Utah.........................205.00 3..Allen Boore, Axtell, Utah..............................190.00 4..Wyatt Casper, Pampa, Texas........................178.33 5..Zeke Thurston, Big Valley, Alberta...............128.33 6..Jesse Wright, Milford, Utah.........................120.00 7..Tyrel Larsen, Weatherford, Okla.....................90.00 8..CoBurn Bradshaw, Beaver, Utah....................83.33 9..Jacobs Crawley, Boerne, Texas......................80.00 . Jake Wright, Milford, Utah.............................80.00 11. .Brody Cress, Hillsdale, Wyo.........................70.00 12..Taos Muncy, Corona, N.M............................65.00 . Mitch Pollock, Winnemucca, Nev................65.00 14..Tyrell Smith, Sand Coulee, Mont.................60.00 15..Cody Wright, Milford, Utah..........................50.00 . Jade Blackwell, Rapid City, S.D....................50.00 . Colt Gordon, Comanche, Okla......................50.00 18..Wade Sundell, Boxholm, Iowa.....................45.00
19..Chuck Schmidt, Keldron, S.D......................40.00 20. .Alex Wright, Milford, Utah...........................25.00 . Sterling Crawley, Stephenville, Texas...........25.00 . Hardy Braden, Welch, Okla..........................25.00 . Joe Lufkin, Sallisaw, Okla............................25.00 24..Tim Ditrich, San Luis Obispo, Calif..............20.00 . Louie Brunson, New Underwood, S.D.........20.00 TIE-DOWN ROPING 1..Caleb Smidt, Bellville, Texas.........................225.00 2..Wesley Brunson, Terry, Miss.......................220.00 3..Marty Yates, Stephenville, Texas..................205.00 . Tyler Milligan, Pawhuska, Okla....................205.00 5..Trevor Brazile, Decatur, Texas......................180.00 . Cooper Martin, Alma, Kan............................180.00 7..Jordan Ketscher, Squaw Valley, Calif...........170.00 8..Scott Kormos, Teague, Texas.......................165.00 9..Jake Pratt, Ellensburg, Wash.......................150.00 10. .Justin Macha, Needville, Texas..................140.00 . Bart Brunson, Terry, Miss..........................140.00 12..Stetson Vest, Childress, Texas...................130.00 13..Jake Hannum, Plain City, Utah...................125.00 . Cade Swor, Winnie, Texas..........................125.00 . Reese Riemer, Stinnett, Texas....................125.00 . Taylor Santos, Creston, Calif......................125.00 17..Clint Robinson, Spanish Fork, Utah...........120.00 18..Rhen Richard, Roosevelt, Utah..................100.00 19..Tyson Durfey, Weatherford, Texas...............90.00 . Adam Gray, Seymour, Texas........................90.00 . Shane Hanchey, Sulphur, La........................90.00 22..Ace Slone, Cuero, Texas..............................85.00 . Ty Baker, Van Horn, Texas............................85.00 24..Trent Creager, Stillwater, Okla......................80.00 25..Tuf Cooper, Decatur, Texas...........................75.00 . Roy Branco, Chowchilla, Calif......................75.00 BULL RIDING 1..Tyler Bingham, Honeyville, Utah..................390.00 2..Brady Portenier, Caldwell, Idaho..................150.00 3..Chris Roundy, Panguitch, Utah....................130.00 4..Shad Heiner, Morgan, Utah..........................100.00 . Jesse Petri, Athens, Texas...........................100.00 6..Tyler McVay, Tucson, Ariz..............................80.00 . Koby Radley, Montpelier, La..........................80.00 8..Jordan Hansen, Ponoka, Alberta....................75.00 . Garrett Tribble, Bristow, Okla.........................75.00 10. .Dalan Duncan, Ballard, Utah........................70.00 . Braden Richardson, Jasper, Texas...............70.00 12..J.W. Harris, Goldthwaite, Texas...................60.00 . Joseph McConnel, Bloomfield, N.M............60.00 . Chase Dougherty, Canby, Ore......................60.00 15..Daylon Swearingen, Rochelle, Ga................50.00 . Steve Woolsey, Payson, Utah......................50.00 . Shane Proctor, Grand Coulee, Wash............50.00 . Jeff Askey, Athens, Texas.............................50.00 . Joe Frost, Randlett, Utah.............................50.00 . Dave Mason, Burnet, Texas..........................50.00 21..Garrett Jones, Devers, Texas.......................40.00 22..Parker McCown, Montgomery, Texas..........30.00 . Trey Benton III, Rock Island, Texas..............30.00 . Lane Nobles, Gatesville, Texas.....................30.00 25..Rylan Wright, Midway, Utah........................20.00 . Tate Smith, Litchville, N.D............................20.00 . Silvano Alves, Decatur, Texas.......................20.00
ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
HE SAID – SHE SAID Who knows Wrangler National Finals Rodeo steer wrestler Nick Guy better, his wife, Erin, or his traveling partner Kyle Whitaker?
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ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
FREE live music, Viewing parites, dancing, giveaways & more NIGHTLY!
SPOTLIGHT The PSN will be taking questions directly from the PRCA’s social media platforms to ask a cowboy your questions. Follow the PRCA on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for the chance to ask your favorite cowboys a question. SOCIAL MEDIA
How old were you when you started riding bulls?
Is there a bull you haven’t ridden yet that you look most forward to riding, and why? – Makayla Brady: Bruiser would be that bull for me right now, just because he’s still great and he won’t be around for much longer. He was the bull of the year and he’s just a great one to put your rope on. What are your career goals? – Laramie Brady: I want to be a couple- time world champion and multiple-time NFR qualifier. Outside of that, just try to make all the money I possibly can. Who is your all-time favorite bull rider and why? – Casey Brady: It would have to be Zeb Lanham. I was around him a little bit growing up and he would help a guy out, so he’s pretty cool. We got on plenty of his bulls and the fact that he’s been to the NFR so many times, he’s pretty awesome. What rodeo are you most looking forward to this year? – Carson Brady: Probably the Caldwell (Idaho) Night Rodeo. It’s one of my favorites I look forward to and
– Beatris
Brady: I grew up riding calves and steers. I started getting on bigger bulls by the time I was 12 years old. When did you know that you wanted to be a professional bull rider? Brady: Growing up, I always wanted to be a bull rider. All my friends wanted to be bull riders. My dad was a bull rider. It was something I just always kind of intended on doing. What is it about the sport that makes you want to be a bull rider? – Sean Brady: There’s just something about being a bull rider that I think is awesome. Obviously, there’s the danger factor, but I just like riding the best bulls and proving to myself over and over again that I can do it. There are a lot of ups and downs in bull riding. In bareback riding, you can count on guys staying on every time, they just need to spur as well as they can. In bull riding, you need to stay on. It can be humbling, but I guess that’s part of it. I love the chase of it. How did you “bridge the gap” from competing at the amateur level to the pro level? – Miranda
it’s my hometown rodeo.
– Jamie
It sounds like you have the coolest dog in rodeo, is that true? – Pistol Brady: I don’t know if she’s the coolest dog in rodeo, but she’s pretty fun to travel with. Merla is a border collie, and she goes with us quite a bit. She’s pretty cool, she likes to hang out behind the chutes.
Brady: One of the things I realized going from amateur to pro was just the people you’re around, they have a lot more positive attitudes and positive insight toward rodeo and everything that’s going on in ProRodeo. There’s a reason why those guys and gals choose to compete at the top level and it’s because they have a good attitude. Just being around those types of people, it changed the way I look at rodeo. Understanding that helped me bridge the gap.
ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
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DeVere Helfrich photo
B ull rider Larry Condon was the first Native American to compete at the National Finals Rodeo. He ranked 11th in the bull riding average and ended the season ninth in the world at the 1962 NFR in Los Angeles. Although he was often referred to by the nickname “Beaver,” he was born Lawrence Francis Condon, July 24, 1932, in Omak, Wash., to Smith and Margaret Condon, members of the Colville Confederated Tribes. The tribes consist of 12 bands (tribes) – the Arrow Lakes (Sinixt), Chelan, Colville, Entiat, Nespelem, Okanogan, Methow, Moses-Columbia, Joseph Band of Nez Perce, Palus, San Poll and Wenatchi. Condon kicked off his ProRodeo career in 1956 with a hometown- rodeo win with 192 points at the Omak (Wash.) Stampede. He went on to win many of the biggest competitions in ProRodeo during a time when bull riding’s points system transitioned from allowing for points above 100 to the current standard of 100 being a perfect ride. Condon won the Ellensburg (Wash.) Rodeo in 1959 with 326 points on two head. The next year, he won the Molalla (Ore.) Buckeroo Rodeo with 364 points on two head. Condon was taken out of competition for a year and a half due to a car wreck in 1959. He returned to rodeo full time in 1961, winning the Washington State Fair Rodeo at Puyallup with 509 points on three head. When he went to the 1962 NFR, he had placed 36 times in bull riding at 24 rodeos and five times in bareback riding, winning the average twice. He won the average in bull riding eight times and placed in the average four times that year. Making History Condon was first Native American at NFR
His biggest wins in 1962 were at El Paso, Texas, with $868 for average money, while he totaled $962 at Pendleton, Ore., where he won the first go-round for $734. Condon tied with Freckles Brown with 178 points at the Lewiston (Idaho) Roundup in 1962. Three years later in 1965, he nailed another major rodeo by tying with Rocky Rockabar at Walla Walla (Wash.) Frontier Days with 66 points. In 1966, Condon won the
Drummond (Mont.) PRCA Rodeo with 65 points. Condon’s most memorable rodeo was the 1967 Calgary Stampede. Although he only split sixth place in the second round, he “twisted Joe Kelsey’s J53 for a red-hot 81 marking in the short heat and nailed the average with a 205-point total, six more than Joe Green’s overall tally,” according to the Aug. 1, 1967, edition of Rodeo Sports News . Condon won $1,921 at Calgary, about $14,410 in 2018 dollars, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ inflation calculator. In 1968, Condon won the Old Fort Days in Fort Smith, Ark., with 128 points on two head. He also won the Big Sky Roundup Rodeo in Great Falls, Mont., in 1969 with 70 points. Condon was still riding bulls in 1988 at 56 years old. The Gold Card member died at age 81 on June 4, 2014, when his car collided with a tractor-trailer on state Highway 155 near the Colville Indian Agency campus in Nespelem, Wash.
ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
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ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
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ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
R OUND THE SHORT BY THE NUMBERS The PRCA record number of tie- down roping world championships won
Milestone Mark
in a row. The feat was accomplished by Dean Oliver (1960-64) and Roy Cooper (1980-84). Oliver won a total of eight tie-down roping world cham- pionships, a PRCA record. Cooper won six tie-down roping world titles total. The amount of prize money ($1,075,855) paid out to PRCA competitors at the four Wrangler ProRodeo Tour stops that have been completed in 2018 – the Clark County Fair & Rodeo (Logandale, Nev.), the Red Bluff (Calif.) Round-Up, Rodeo Corpus Christi (Texas) and the Clovis (Calif.) Rodeo. The next Wrangler Tour rodeo will be the Reno (Nev.) Rodeo (June 15-23). It will be livestreamed by Wrangler Network. The amount of prize money ($13,863,065) accu- mulated through May 28 at 211 PRCA rodeos in the 2018 season so far.
In the sport’s infancy, rodeos were informal events – exhibition matches of skill with nothing but pride and perhaps a few wagers at stake. That is certainly not the case anymore. The PRCA is the premier rodeo organization in the world – especially when it comes to paying contestants. The PRCA recently passed more than $1 billion in payouts since 1986. Trevor Brazile, the PRCA career earnings leader at $6,485,426, praised the PRCA for surpassing the $1 billion mark. “That’s awesome,” Brazile said. “I know the last part of that has sped up from the first part. I think we are on that trend, and I think we will see it continue in that direction. It’s just forward thinking. Rodeo’s going to improve in leaps and bounds even from that.” PRCA CEO George Taylor wants to continue to build upon the billion-dollar mark, and with the inclusion of The American, a $2.3 million rodeo, the PRCA is poised to do just that. “We couldn’t do this without the unwavering support of our great sponsors and rodeo committees,” Taylor said. “Our goal is to escalate the sport of rodeo to heights it’s never seen before, and we want the next billion dollars to be paid out much more quickly than the last billion. We’re taking steps to ensure that happens; the PRCA strives to put more money into the pockets of its competitors.” Since 2015, the committee purse at the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo has been $10 million. In the last three years, each of the 120 qualifiers for the NFR has received a check for $10,000 from the total purse of $10 million. That $10,000 counts toward their NFR and world championship earnings totals, and they compete for $8.8 million over the next 10 nights. Brazile acknowledged the sharp increase in PRCA payouts in recent years. “That’s obviously something special, and it’s easier to win the dollars today than it was before and hopefully the trend continues for the guys that come after me,” Brazile said. “With the rodeos that have improved, it’s awesome because you can see the potential with the way they run their rodeos. My hat’s off to the rodeos that have improved that much over time because it shows the potential out there for other committees.” PRCA passes more than $1 billion in payouts since 1986
ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
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